Did I Do That?

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The old clock in the corner of the loft striking 8 pm sounds almost like mockery. Allison and Lydia decided to go home a couple of hours ago, but Malia joined the boys soon after. Just like Theo said, Daisy hasn't moved at all in the past 12 hours. She's breathing and her eyes occasionally blink, but that's it. They tried every loud noise they could think of to wake her up, Scott even tried to touch her shoulder with a broomstick, but it was useless.

They take shifts watching Daisy and talking to the other pack members on the phone, trying to find someone who knows something. Ethan and Jackson had some ideas, and Kira even offered to try some kitsune thing, but Deaton told her not to. The risk was too big.

All this time, Theo has refused to leave Daisy's side except for bathroom breaks. Deaton goes to the animal clinic to find a book, the one he thought was on his backpack and was reaching for when Daisy threw Stiles across the room.

He came back over an hour ago and hasn't said anything. Alan just keeps reading, as usual very collected, until he suddenly shuts the old thing and turns at the boys.

- There's something we can try. - He does a terrible job of hiding the hope in his tone. - I don't know why it didn't occur to me earlier. It may sound strange, but it's worth the shot.

- What is it? - Scott stands up from the floor and approaches her, Isaac and Stiles not far behind.

- Isaac, you need to talk to her.

- Me? - His eyebrows raise. - Why me?

- Considering what happened yesterday, I think you and Daisy might have created a connection somehow. Maybe she did it by accident since she doesn't have formal magic training. - Deaton rushes through the explanation. This isn't important now. - Just try it. Say her name as if you're looking for her in a crowd or something like that.

The boy sighs, hanging his head down. Isaac doesn't think this is gonna work, but he steps closer to Daisy anyway, not daring to touch her. Everyone watches in dead silence.

- Daisy? - His voice is low, carried with fear. - Daisy, can you hear me?

Nothing seems to change, and just when Scott is about to tell Isaac to give up, Daisy raises her head. She looks around confused, as if she just woke up from a long nap.

- Fuck! - Daisy curses, stretching her arms and looking at Theo. - Did it happen again?

- Yeah, looks like it. - He smiles faintly. - I'm glad you're ok.

- How long was I out?

- A couple of hours. - Scott replies.

Daisy looks around and sees Derek, Isaac, Deaton, Malia, and Stiles around her. Everyone looks concerned and exhausted. It doesn't take long for her gaze to fall on Stiles' wound.

- Did I... - Her voice cracks. - Did I do that?

The silence is enough to answer that one. Daisy tears up a bit, which surprises the other. They haven't seen her cry at all since she came back. Not when she almost died. Not when she met her mother. Daisy isn't big on expressing emotions, yet there's so much guilt overcoming her the wolves can smell it.

As stated before, panic has a dant smell, but this is different. The pungent aroma that fills the air around them is so strong Scott almost throws up. Daisy looks in between him and Isaac, crying silently.

- Are you ok? - Malia takes a step closer. - You must be starving.

She is. After sitting still for this long Daisy's whole body is sore, her throat is dry and she is very hungry. Still, she doesn't continue stretching or ask for food, because a fucked up part of her brain thinks she doesn't deserve it after what she "did" to Stiles.

- I'm fine. - Her lie doesn't fool anyone. - Just tell me what happened.

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