In love

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The night of the full moon is always a cause for caution in Beacon Hills, even though theoretically all of the wolves are well set on their anchors. Scott is reunited with Allison, Lydia and Stiles watching a movie, the tradicional double date, when he gets a call from Melissa.

- Mom, calm down. - He says to the phone, trying to understand what she's saying in between panicked sounds. - A what? Where? Ok.. Ok... Mom, I'm on my way.

- What's wrong? - Allison is already standing up.

- There's a wolf out of control downtown. My mom said someone came to the hospital shouting about a wolf boy. - He exclaims, typing Liam's number. - Hey, where are you?

- At Mason's. - The boy replies calmly, not noticing the fear in his alpha's voice. - Don't worry about me, I'm ok.

- Alright, just checking. - Scott lies, saying a quick goodbye and hanging up the phone. - It's not Liam.

- Then who is it? - Lydia barely finishes her sentence when her boyfriend's phone rings. - Who's calling?

- Holy shit, it's Derek. - Stiles frown, picking up and putting it on speaker. - You're on speaker. Scott, Allison and Lydia are here.

- It's not Liam, right? Downtown? - Derek's voice is muffled and it's possible to hear a commotion around him.

- No, I just spoke to him. - Scott says. - Why?

- I'm nearby. There are some members of your girlfriend's family as well. - He explains bitterly. - They'll shoot soon and I think it's Isaac.

- But he had an anchor. - Allison recalls, upset that he was suggesting bad stuff about her family, even though it's true. - He only lost control when he was stuck in the closet with me at school. Isaac has no reason to freak out now.

- His anchor is his father, despite everything he did. - Derek mentions, and the teens exchange a look. That's so sad. - I've always known this wouldn't last forever, it's not solid. Where is he?

- Daisy. - Stiles realizes. - They were going somewhere.

- Oh, no. - Scott grabs his phone, dialing the number of the burner cell he gave his sister the week before. - Come on, pick up. Please, Rose.

The others watch intently, and Derek waits for an answer before deciding whether or not to intervene in the struggle near him.

- Hello? - Daisy's voice sounds from across the line. - Scott?

- Thank God. - He exhales loudly. - Are you ok?

- Yes, why wouldn't I be?

- Something is happening and I need you to come home right now. - The panic in his voice sends the message. - Please.

- Ok, I'll just wait for Isaac.

- He's with you?

- Yeah, he just went to get some ketchup. - She replies, biting her burger. - I don't know why, it tastes like shit, but he likes it.

- Daisy, can you see Isaac right now? Is he there? - Scott speaks carefully.

- Yes, he is. - The line gets muted for a second.

- Daisy?

- Hey, man. - Isaac speaks in his ear. - What's wrong?

- It's not you. - Scott realizes and at the same time Derek hangs up, deciding to help whoever that wolf is. - Look, the two of you come home. Straight here, ok?

- We're on our way. - The boy replies, confused. - Is something wrong? Should we run?

- No, just come here. - The alpha decides, hanging up. - It's not him, Daisy is ok.

- Looks like Isaac got a new anchor. - Lydia thinks out loud and everyone looks at her. - Maybe it's part of the bond, they've been hanging out all week. Literally every day.

- Do we think there's something else there? - Allison looks between her boyfriend and Stiles. - Like, romantic?

- No. - Stiles says a bit too quickly. - I mean, she's with Theo.

- Not according to any of them. - Lydia points out. - And now that I think about it, why would they lie?

- Does it matter? - Allison questions. - If it keeps him under control it's a good thing, right? Besides, she has been a lot less cranky this past week. Maybe he's good for her.

- Yeah, maybe. - Scott mumbles.

A few minutes later, the front door opens and the sight is as clear as day. Daisy and Isaac walk in laughing at something. Both of their faces filled with pure joy and peace, not usual for either. She's his anchor, and in a way, he's her anchor too. When that happened no one knows, but it's right there. In addition, Lydia is able to see something else: maybe it's the way Isaac is looking at her, or how Daisy is smiling.

They're in love. And so far, they have no fucking idea.

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