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On the same night the injured wolf invaded the lacrosse field, 20 km to the north of those same woods, Theo Raeken, Jiang Thomas and Tierney Smith were dodging bullets while running for their lives. The werewolves barely escaped a hunter that had them locked in a warehouse, but the guy chased them for a long time even after they ran away.

It took them several miles of sprinting into the unknown parts of the forest until they finally lost their tormentor and decided to split off. Theo wants to make amends and be a part of Scott's pack, that's not a secret, but staying in Beacon Hills is proving itself a mistake. Too many hunters and there's always a new threat to fight. He helped defeat the Wild Hunt the year before, but it wasn't enough to be forgiven.

Unintentionally, they reunite again in a parking lot close to the edge of the city just hours after parting ways.

- Look who's here. - Jiang taunts, elbowing his friend and pointing at Theo. - You owe us a thank you.

- What for? - The boy scoffs, maintaining his eyes on the tire he's changing. - I was the one who took God knows how many volts to free us all.

- Well, we made sure he's not a problem anymore. - Tierney smiles wickedly. - Ever.

- Unbelievable. - Theo shakes his head. - You killed him? I'm not saying he didn't deserve it, but it was a stupid thing to do.

- And why is that? - The girl pouts mockingly.

Before he has the chance to reply, a police car parks next to them, none other than Noah Stilinski behind the wheel. He's alone, but armed and ready to shoot if necessary.

- Hands in the air. - The sheriff instructs, his voice hard as stone. - All of you.

Jiang pulls his claws out, but Tierney hides his arm.

- Sheriff, what's the problem? - Theo tries to control the situation, hearing the rise of the heartbeat of the other wolves when the officer steps closer.

- Hands in the air. - Noah repeats, pointing a gun at them. - Don't make any sudden moves.

- Wait, are we being arrested? - Jiang protests, a hint of fear in his voice. - For what?

- Murder.

Being Stiles father means he's used to the supernatural and knows what Theo is capable of, but he has no idea the two others have the same assets. The gun he's holding has wolfsbane bullets and that's the only reason the teens are willing to talk rather than fight. They can smell it.

- We didn't kill anyone. - Tierney lies, and her voice cracks. She's not good at it.

Much to their surprise, the sheriff doesn't reply or even try to argue, he just stands there motionless. Tierney and Jiang look at each other, confused at this sudden lack of movement, until Theo notices Noah's glassy eyes.

- This is gonna be good. - He mumbles and in the same instant, Stilinski falls on the ground, as if he has been knocked out by a ghost. Theo's smile gets bigger while the others get even more scared.

- What the hell? - Jiang steps closer and puts his ear closer to the deputy's chest. As if there was a need for that, he could probably hear Noah's heartbeat all the way across the forest. - He's alive. His heart is beating, but it's slower than it should be.

- He's asleep. - Theo quickly packs his supplies and shoves them in the trunk. - A normal heart beats between 60 and 100 times per minute, but when you're asleep, it can drop to 40 beats in a minute.

- How'd you know? - Tierney whispers, afraid a louder noise might wake up the man.

- I'm a friend. - Daisy materializes behind her, nearly giving the wolf a heart attack. - And it's kind of my M.O.

- Fuck! - Tierney pulls out her claws but doesn't attack.

- Good girl. - The stranger smirks and turns to Theo. - I leave you unsupervised for less than a year and you manage to get arrested for murder.

- Well, I have a talent for getting in trouble. - Raeken replies, approaching and pulling the girl into a long hug. - I can't believe you're here. How?

- A guy came by, killed them and set me free. Said his name was Sebastian. - The girl shrugs and points at the others. - Your friends?

- Not really. - Theo shakes his head. - Kind of a long story, but I'm innocent here.

- Really? - Daisy taunts, poking his arm. She then turns to the kids, her eyes shining in the same blue color. - Tell me, is Theo involved in this murder?

- No. - Jiang blurts out. - We killed him, just the two of us.

- Dude! - Tierney slaps his arm. - Shut up!

- What the fuck? - He looks at Daisy with horror. - Why did I say that? What have you done to me?

- Why can't I attack you? - Tierney tries again to move against the weird girl, but it's useless. Her body simply refuses to attack Daisy.

- A little magic trick. - She smiles mischievously and her eyes turn again. This time the light captures her entire orbit and a blue fog leaks from her fingertips. - When you have a chance to tell the truth, that's what you'll do. Make sure my dear friend Theo doesn't get arrested for a murder he didn't commit.

They nod, unable to fight the compulsion. Theo and Daisy enter his car and when they're about to take off, Jiang shouts at them.

- Wait, what do we do with him? - He points at the unconscious man by his feet. - Is he gonna wake up?

- Sorry, I almost forgot. - Daisy snaps her fingers at the same moment Theo starts the car, resulting in the sheriff waking up extremely confused when they are too far away to be shot at.

- What the hell... - Noah slowly stands up and looks around, seeing the car take off in the distance. - Goddammit! You two, in the car. Now! You're under arrest.

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