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- They're coming. - Scott drops down next to Allison on the couch after hanging up the phone, rubbing his eyes to shake off the frustration.

- How are they getting in? - Stiles questions, pacing around the office while occasionally looking at his dad through the window.

The sheriff is outside again, trying to reason with Monroe and her man, but it doesn't seem like he's getting anywhere. The negotiations have been going on for hours and no one is willing to back off.

- No idea but he said he had a way.

- And the girl? - Derek asks, his voice carried with anxiety.

- She's coming too. - Scott rests his head on the back of the couch, the exhaustion of the past week catching up to him.

It's been a long one considering the dead wolves they found and the vision Lydia had, but it got worse when a group of hunters decided to kill Jiang and Tierney. The pack can't allow that, it's not how they deal with things, even though it isn't their shit to fix.

Several minutes later Theo walks into the second floor of the precinct and goes straight to the sheriff's office. He's alone.

- Where's the girl? - Derek demands. He has experience with witches and it's not good.

- Bathroom. - He shrugs, not fazed by the anger. - Anyone care to fill me in?

- The hunters want Tierney and Jiang. - Stiles grunts. - Dead. For what y'all did to that other hunter.

- I didn't do anything.

- Is that the truth or is that what your friend told them to say? - Derek is on the verge of losing his temper.

- Don't get me wrong, she'd do that for me, but it wasn't necessary. I'm innocent for a change. We escaped and parted ways. Then we met in that parking lot and they told me they killed him the guy. - Theo explains, sitting on an empty chair near the door. His story matches perfectly the one Tierney and Jiang told Scott earlier. - I didn't do anything wrong.

- So she knocked my dad over for nothing? - Stiles scoffs, the rage making his blood boil. - Where is she? Let's have a conversation.

- Stiles, she can kill you without even lifting a finger. - Everyone in the room thinks Theo is exaggerating when he says this, but he really isn't. - Look, she didn't know what was happening. She saw a man pointing a gun at me so she made sure he wouldn't shoot. It was her way of solving this nicely. And it's not like your dad's hurt.

- All that for a friend? - Lydia mocks and Scott gives her a look. - Come on, I can't be the only one thinking about it.

- Well, you're wrong. She's just a friend. - Once again, no one believes him. - Besides, if she wanted the sheriff dead, he would be.

Scott's phone rings and he steps out to answer it, trying to calm down Mellisa while watching the sheriff outside. The pack, except for Liam, glares at Theo, not happy at all that the guy who tried to kill their alpha is here.

A moment later there's a strong knock on the door, interrupting the awkward silence. All heads turn at once. Stiles walks up and opens it, nearly fainting when he sees Daisy on the other side.

- Is this the sheriff's office? - She asks, eyeing him up and down.

It takes a second for Stiles to realize she has no idea who he is, so he moves out of the way, telling himself not to panic. Daisy enters the room and takes a seat next to Theo, not bothering to introduce herself or ask anyone for their names. Stiles looks like he's seen a ghost.

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