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When they reach the locker room, Corey stops his boyfriend with a hand movement. They can hear Liam yelling and throwing things on the walls. It's a full-on breakdown, not the first, but one of the most violent. Mason has seen this film before, and he didn't like the ending.

- Let me go first. - Corey says, trying his best to sound confident.

- Why? He's my best friend, he needs me. - Mason argues, the sounds coming from inside the room making him flinch. - I've done this before. I can help him.

- If he's out of control and attacks me I'll heal. - It's Corey's final argument. - You won't.

Mason opens his mouth to argue, but stops mid gesture, feeling defeated. That logic is crazy, and the fact that injuries are a possible outcome for this situation even more, but it makes sense. The chameleon has a much better chance of surviving an attack than the former beast. Mason is only human now, he doesn't heal that easily.

Corey walks in slowly and after a while he steps back out, signaling for Mason to follow. Liam is standing in the middle of the mess, eyes and fists closed. He's repeating the same words over and over again, making his rage gradually subside.

- The sun, the moon and the truth. - Liam recites the mantra that was taught to him by the Buddhist pack. - The sun, the moon and the truth.

"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth"

The sun sets, but it'll rise again in the morning. The moon rises when the sun sets and sets when the sun comes back. Things can be hidden for a little while, but they'll always reappear, just like the truth. You can manipulate, distort, and hide it, but at some point, the truth will be known.

- Hey, man. - Mason approaches carefully. - Are you alright?

- I'm fine. - Liam sits on the bench and buries his head in his hands. The shame for losing control like that is overwhelming.

Mason sits next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner. He looks at his boyfriend like Corey might know what to say. He doesn't. The silence is periodically interrupted by the other team players yelling at each other outside. After a beat too long, Corey decides to speak up.

- Dude, you almost lost it there. - He tries to be gentle, but there's only so much sugar-coating one can do. What happened in the field was dangerous and not just to Liam. There's a reason the supernatural world is a secret. - That's not fine.

- I said I'm fine! - Liam argues, standing up so they're face to face. They stare at each other, and for a terrifying second it looks like Liam might attack his friend. The room is so quiet you can hear a pin drop, but Liam hears more. The wolf senses allow him to notice just how terrified Corey is. And Mason as well.

- Then why are your eyes glowing? - The chameleon's voice is low. Liam is flashing his yellow irises even though he doesn't mean to.

He didn't notice, but Corey moved a little to the left, shielding Mason in case there's a violent outcome. Liam takes a deeper breath and steps back, repeating the Buddhist mantra a couple more times until he's fully back in control.

The boys return to the lacrosse field without a word. Mason saw what Corey did with that step to the left and he didn't like it one bit. The idea his boyfriend, one of the most important people in his life, is willing to get hurt to protect him from his best friend is scary. And, in all honesty, it makes him feel completely useless.

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