Hit List

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The party is in full swing, semi drunk graduates dancing and shouting all of their worries, knowing they can't be punished for anything tonight. The coach received so many drunken thank yous and confessions, he's seriously considering calling the cops on a party he's supposed to be watching.

Daisy sits on one of the tables, watching Isaac and the rest of the lacrosse team perform something that strongly resembles a ceremonial dance, straight out of "Midsomer".

- Is this seat taken? - Stiles points to the empty chair right next to hers, covered in glitter from Kira's dress.

- Be my guest. - She nods, turning slightly towards him but her gaze stays on Isaac. - Shouldn't you be there?

Liam has been lifted into a chair by the rest of the teammates as they chant something about him being the new captain. Theo laughs harder than Daisy's ever seen.

- I'll be there in a minute. - Stiles plops down on the seat, following her eyes to where Isaac is. - I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday.

Daisy turns to him, the peaceful look in her face being almost as scary as the usual anger. She's happy, although admittedly having a hard time coping with that. Rose had many moments of happiness in her 14 years of life, but Daisy didn't know it was possible to feel this way. Her whole life had an underlying fear.

- Why didn't you tell Scott? - She asks, referring to the romance between him and Rose.

- I was going to but then she disappeared. - Daisy doesn't miss the fact he refers to Rose as 'she' instead of 'you'. - It didn't feel like the right moment, I guess.

- That's understandable. But then you were forced to grieve her alone. - She sighs, looking at the shoes she borrowed from Lydia. - That doesn't sound right either. I imagine me coming here was a lot for you.

- It was definitely hard. - He nods, taking a sip of the extremely cheap ponch. - But in a way it wasn't. From day one I could see what Scott couldn't.

- And what would that be?

- That you're not Rose. - He states matter of factly. - It's not fair, I'm painfully aware, but it's true. I don't mean to sound resentful, none of this is your fault, we all know that. It's just...

- You miss her, Stiles. - Daisy nods, a giant weight being lifted from her shoulders. - Having another girl with her face around is a lot to deal with, especially considering I'm not like her. Well, at least from what I've read and heard.

- Did she write about me? - He asks, a glistening of tears in his eyes.

- When we go back to the house I can give you the journal, I'm sure you'll like to read it. - She offers, giving him a small smile.

- Can I ask you something? - He looks down, blushing a lot as she nods. - Would you mind dancing with me? Just.. for her?

- I can do that.

They move to the dance floor. Scott, Allison and Isaac watch from the edge of the saloon with a lot of questions in mind. Unlike the dance with Isaac, this feels all kinds of wrong, but it also has a huge emotional baggage to it. Daisy knows this is the way Stiles found to say goodbye to Rose, and in a way it hurts her. Sure, she didn't remember him or anything they did together, but the feelings are still buried inside her, the pain drumming in her chest.

- I'm sorry. - Daisy whispers against his chest, not daring to lift up her eyes.

- I know. - He replies, tears streaming down his face. - And for the record, even though you can't remember us...I'm really glad you're back in my life.

- Really? - She chokes on her own voice.

- Of course. - He smiles, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head. - You deserve to be happy. If Isaac makes you happy then I'll support you both, for whatever's worth.

- Thank you. - That one tear finally escapes her eye, landing on his tuxedo.

As this goodbye was happening on the prom of Beacon Hills High School, all the way across the town in the Hale manor in the middle of the woods, Deaton, Derek and Peter reunite.

- What's this about? - Derek asks impatiently, staring at his uncle with nothing but anger in his eyes.

- You two wanted answers. - He points between his nephew and the veterinarian. - I got them.

- And what conclusion did you come to? - Deaton tries to keep an impartial tone, the stress these two generate is already too much.

- I think she's a pyromancer. - Peter states, making Deaton lose balance for a second. - Warm tingle in her hands? The trouble the Doctors had to go through to take her?

- But she's a siphoner. - Derek crosses his arms, the fear in Deaton's face makes him uneasy. - How's that possible?

- It's not. - Peter shrugs, unbothered. - Just like Theo, Tracy and all the others weren't possible either.

- Peter, that's insane! - Derek argues. - If the doctors found a way to create a hybrid between a siphoner and a pyromancer that would make Daisy....

- One of the most dangerous and strong, not to mention volatile creatures in the story of the supernatural. - Deaton completes, shaking his head frantically. - Remember what she said when she first met Isaac? According to Scott, her words were "I can't read him" but that never happened before. So the tingle in her hands was that side of her trying to break out due to an unusual situation.

- But since they got the sire bond that was overlooked. - Peter adds, a smug smile on his lips. - The Doctors wanted blood with optimal healing properties. No creature in the world heals faster than a pyromancer.

- But why make her a siphoner? - Derek ponders.

- Siphoners are the strongest witches. - Peter replies. - So they grabbed the one who heals best and the one who attacks best, and put it all in one girl.

- They couldn't make an artificial pyromancer, Derek. - Deaton realizes. - Siphoners are hard to find but fire witches are nearly extinct. They wanted a hybrid, so they needed to find one that was born a pyromancer.

- And it worked. - Peter concludes, stopping the pacing and sitting in a pile of bricks. - That's why they were able to bring the beast back, it all circles back to Rose. I'm guessing that's why Sebastian released her. He was planning on going after her eventually but Scott beat him to it.

- What do we do now? - Derek gives Deaton a pleading look.

- Nothing. - The veterinarian sighs, his shoulders slumping.

- Nothing? Are you crazy?

- There's a boogie man in town, Derek. - He reminds them with a fearful look. - We have more urgent things to worry about.

There's some more back and forth before they all agree telling Daisy the truth about her powers can be a secondary agenda for now. Deaton has a good point, the boogie man or whatever that thing is, needs to be stopped. Animal suicides, the visions many of them had, and the weird accidents were starting to get out of hand. The teens are unaware of that due to graduation.

All Derek and Deaton wanted was for them to have a normal prom week, worry about dresses, corsages and drinking. But of course, in Beacon Hills, that was too much to ask. About 10 km away from the burned down manor, the creature watches the woods with a thoughtful look. No one that walked over would see anything weird, only 45 year old high school teacher Kyle Thompson taking a night walk. No one would wonder what he's thinking of, and if anyone did, they wouldn't see the list playing on repeat in his mind.

Hayden Romero x

Corey Bryant

Theo Raeken


Mason Hewitt

Kyle Thompson

Hayden's name is the only one with an x next to it, meaning the job has been completed. Kyle has one goal tonight: kill every single one of the remaining experiments. Himself included.

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