The plan was not dying

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It's been a week since Scott called his friends for backup, and the end result of most of the supernatural creatures he knows coming together to investigate is a big pile of nothing. Aside from Isaac, who decided to finish his studies in Beacon Hills, everyone else returned to their homes.

The frustration is palpable, they're nowhere closer to the fear inducing creature then they were last week, and the clock's ticking. In 4 months many of them are supposed to leave for college, a dream that sounds more distant by the minute.

- Hey. - Stiles gives Scott a pat on the shoulder and sits next to him in the cafeteria, snapping the alpha out of his thoughts.

- Hey, man. - He forces a smile.

The first day of classes after the break is uncharacteristically quiet, the expectation something bad is about to happen might drive the pack insane. No one else seems to realize there's something sinister in the air, a faint buzz telling them to be careful.

- Have you done the homework? - Stiles asks, trying to help his friend to focus on anything other than the dreading.

- What homework?

- The literature one. We were supposed to do over the break.

- Fuck. - Scott reads the scribbles of his friends notes. - I forgot.

- Relax, Mr. Thompson is chill.

- How am I supposed to graduate like that?

Stiles doesn't respond, unable to think of something to say. It's not the first time they're forced to put school aside, but the consequences are more real now.

At the same time, in the McCall residence, Melissa and Daisy are having a very awkward chat. 

- Do you have any plans? 

Mellisa is not looking at her, it hurts to look at her daughter, or whatever knock off version of her the girl in front of her is. She has to ask such simple questions because she doesn't know what Daisy is thinking most of the time. A mother should know about the plans her kids have for the future.

- I don't know. - Daisy tries to sound amicable, feeling the sadness coming out of this woman she's supposed to love. - The plan was not dying.

- That was supposed to be your life forever? - The nurse looks up, once again overwhelmed with the pieces of information about her daughter's whereabouts for the past 4 years.

- We wanted to escape and move to Boston. Theo lived there for a few years. - Her voice is almost a whisper, as if saying the plans out loud would jinx them.

- Right, Theo.

Months have passed and although most of the pack members are now conformed to his presence, Mellisa isn't willing to just forgive and forget.

- He's not my boyfriend, you know. - Daisy says. - I know you guys think so but it's not true, he's my best friend. And that's it.

- I wanna believe that, but you already said you would die for him.

- Yes, because I would. - She frowns. - And he would do the same for me.

The nurse only nods, not wanting to get into this discussion yet again. Daisy's words are somewhat comforting, at least she's trying to hide what everyone assumes to be obvious. It's funny for them, to see how everyone is absolutely sure they're secretly in love and hiding it for no reason.

In reality, Theo has feelings for someone entirely different who just so happens to feel the same. Of course they don't admit it, both boys stubborn as hell. Daisy knows and Theo knows she knows. And in a way, it makes things seem almost ok.

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