Final Battle

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As soon as the plan is made, the pack members start moving around. Malia, Lydia, Kira and Derek drive to Satomi's old house in the hopes she'll have what's needed for plan B. In the meantime, Liam, Scott, Allison, Stiles, Daisy and Isaac put plan A in motion.

Mason is outside. The discovery of the fire powers made Daisy and Liam blood thirsty, but not him. Right now, the only things he feels are pain and a lot of guilt. Once again, his lack of supernatural abilities made him unable to help. Corey was murdered and there was nothing he could do.

The vet leaves the teens in the main room, deciding to go talk to Mason. He's close by, careful not to exit the mountain ash barrier.

- How are you holding up? - He approaches carefully, trying not to spook the boy.

- I feel completely useless. - The words are filled with pain and anger, tears pricking his eyes. - I couldn't save...I failed him.

The words hit a little too close to home, hundreds of memories of Talia Hale flooding the Druid's mind. The last time he felt like this was when he watched Multiverse of Madness, the scene where Stephen asks Christine from Earth-838 what they were in this universe and she replies "We never quite figured that out". That's a very simple way of explaining the complicated relationship between him and his former Alpha.

- Trust me, I know what you're feeling.

- No offense, but you don't. - Mason wipes a lone tear. - I had to watch the guy I love be gutted from the inside out right in front of me and there was nothing I could do. You don't know what that's like.

- You're right. But the woman I loved burned to death and there was nothing I could do, so I have a pretty good idea. - He sighs, the night of the fire playing on his mind. - Being human among all those guys can be a lot, we have limitations. Even they can't save everyone. Liam is a werewolf and if he was with Theo he would've died too.

- I'm sorry. - Mason says after a moment of silence. - I shouldn't have assumed...

- Don't worry about it. - Deaton gives him a tight lip smile, the facade he spent years building rising back. - Let's go, we have work to do.

Stiles idea is simple enough: lure the bastard in, trap him in a circle of mountain ash and let Daisy burn him to the ground - a part she was particularly looking forward to. The cold look in her eyes is terrifying but no one dared to try talking her out of it, the deaths still lingering in the air. Scott gave Melissa and the sheriff an eased-up version of what's going down while the rest of the pack told their parents they're having a 'prom after party'. Well, everyone but Allison, her father is working on plan C. Spoiler alert: it involves a hand grenade.

Everything is set, all they can do is wait for Kyle to appear. His methodical nature makes them know it'll be before midnight. It's currently 10pm and stress is high in the air. Daisy casually plays with a flame as if she didn't discover the powers just an hour ago.

- Hey. - Isaac sits next to her on the metal gurney, the smell of dogs and cats has been replaced by fear.

- Hi. - She doesn't take her eyes from her hands, the warmth that was once excruciatingly painful is now comforting.

- Is there anything I can do? - His question catches her off guard, fully expecting something along the lines of "Are you okay?", which she obviously isn't.

- Not really. - Her lips tremble a bit. - ... Maybe when all of this is over we can make him a funeral. Both of them.

- We can arrange it.

Slowly and carefully, he takes her wrist, the flame extinguishing the second his skin makes contact. He lifts her hand, kissing her knuckles softly. This is his way of saying the new powers don't change anything and somehow, in the middle of what feels like the end of the world, a small smile crosses her lips at the gesture.

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