Sire Bond

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- So, this is a complex situation. - Deaton starts, taking a sip of the tea Melissa made for him minutes ago. He insisted on having her here for the conversation, as well as Derek.

- It's what I'm thinking about? - Hale asks and the druig nods solemnly, a dark look on his face. - Well, shit.

- Can you two stop speaking in code and explain what's going on? - Stiles snaps, banging his hands against the table.

Everyone is startled by this, Stiles isn't a violent boy. But Deaton decides to finally share what he knows.

- It's called a siphon sire. A connection between two siphoners, also known as the most dangerous bond on the planet.

- Siphoner? - Theo glances at Daisy who's watching the whole thing with wide eyes. - But she's not ... she's a witch!

- I don't think she is. - Derek replies, rubbing a hand over his face. He looks tired. - The whole time we've known her she made what, four spells? The invisibility one at the station, crossing barriers of mountain ash, waking up Lori and mind manipulation.

- She also knocked down the sheriff. - Scott adds. - And threw Stiles across the room. 

- It's not many spells, especially for a witch. - Deaton explains with a sorrowful look. - Magic comes from nature, it's fire, air, earth and water.

- But none of your spells had anything to do with that. - Derek offers her a sad smile. - And that makes me think they were never yours to begin with.

- What does that mean? - Daisy's voice trembles a bit. - I don't understand. What even is a siphoner?

- A witch born without the ability to generate magic but with the power to siphon it from others through touch. - The vet explains. Daisy's face turns white. - Have you ever done something like that?

- The old lady. - Theo realizes and she nods, tears pricking her eyes at the memory. - In her first days with the doctors they took her to see this woman, she was dead.

- I held her hand, they told me to do it... - Her voice breaks, tears falling. - I wasn't trying to take anything.

- None of this was your fault, Daisy. - Deaton assures her. - This was probably the best they could do without bringing a living witch from you to siphon.

- And Isaac is also a siphoner? - Melissa asks, looking over at the boy who hadn't said a word since waking up.

- It makes sense. - Derek places a hand on Isaacs's shoulder in a comforting manner. - There was always something ... not normal about you as a werewolf.

- So I'm a siphoner... and a werewolf? That's a thing?

- It's not that common but I've seen it before. - Deaton sighs, leaning against the couch. - My guess is the contact with Daisy made that side of you come to light.

- And in a way that makes her your sire. - Derek completes.

- My sire?

- She made you a siphoner. - Deaton opens his book and checks something before turning back to his audience. - It's rare among witches to get a sire bond because most of them are born 'ready'. But your magic was suppressed, which can happen for many reasons, and therefore, she created you.

- But I wasn't... - Daisy stamers. - I didn't mean to.

Scott and Stiles look at each other as more tears roll down her face, terrified as this is the first time she truly cried since coming back. Rose was a sensitive girl but Daisy only shed a few silent tears after hurting Stiles. The witch isn't one to cry and she's currently bawling.

Theo steps in, giving her a side hug. It's understandable why this is overwhelming for her, from finding out she isn't an "actual witch" to the bond with Isaac. In a weird way, both of them are relieved by this information, it explains the pull they felt towards each other since they first met.

- And how does this bond works? - Melissa breaks the silence, trying to distract herself from how her daughter is in pain and there's nothing she can do to help.  

- Most sire bonds in the supernatural world mean that the Sired, in this case Isaac, would comply with direct and indirect orders from the Sire, or Daisy. - Deaton checks the book in front of him again before continuing. - That's how it works with both vampires and werewolves, but siphoners are different. The connection's much more dangerous.

- How so? - Scott asks, fear lacing his voice.

- The siphoner bond doesn't form the same way as the others, it's nothing but connection. - Deaton narrates. - For werewolves it's gratitude and vampires must love their sires before being turned. Siphoners don't even need to know each other. And if one of you gets hurt or dies...

- The other dies too. - Melissa completes, wiping the tears from her face.

- Almost surely. - Deaton confirms her suspicions. - We got a glimpse of that today. Isaac got most of the injuries Daisy was meant to sustain from entering Lori's mind. The nosebleed is a particular consequence of this kind of spell, yet she got none of it. He did.

Isaac looks down at his stained shirt, a long line of dry blood on the white fabric, almost reaching his waist.

- On the upside, a bond like this means that your powers, even though they are siphoned, will be stronger when you're close to each other. Isaac's strength as a werewolf might be affected as well, in some way. - Deaton tries to speak in a way to calm the people around him.

Lori and Brett left a while ago, so aside from himself and Derek, everyone in this room cares deeply about Daisy and most of them care a lot for Isaac. He isn't Scott's beta, or part of the pack if you wanna get technical, but they worry about him.

- Is there a way to break it? - Scott asks, grinding his teeth.

- No, there isn't. - Derek sighs, the weight of everything that's happening finally getting to him. - Vampires and werewolves can break the connection with some effort but for siphoners it's impossible.

- Sorry, I need a minute. - Daisy exclaims, walking out of the room before anyone has the chance to protest.

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