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- I'm sorry, what? - Allison looks back and forth between her boyfriend and the sheriff. - Since when do you have a sister?

- Since he was born, they're twins. - Stiles explains, pulling his phone and finding photos of the three of them. There are child photos, one of them running in the school hallway and a selfie on New Year's Eve, the last one Rose ever attended.

The atmosphere in the room is extremely heavy, even worse as each of the pack members sees the photographs. Most of them are too taken aback to react. Scott has a twin? How come none of them knew? Not even his girlfriend, that's weird. And why does "Rose" not remember who she is? How come she's Theo's friend? Did he do this to her?

- What happened? - Theo asks, carefully holding Daisy's hand. She was ready to bolt out of the room and this was his way to signal for her to wait. The gesture doesn't go unnoticed by Derek.

- Rose disappeared. - Noah looks down as memories of that day flood his head. - She went to bed and in the morning she was gone. No traces, ransom requests or... bodies. It was like she disappeared out of thin air.

Daisy swallows tickly, trying to calm down. There are reasons why she decided to look for Theo instead of trying to remember her family, and the memory loss itself is only one of them. Throughout the past 4 years, she was forced to do several things the pack would condemn, although she had no choice. The idea she might be rejected because of her past isn't absurd.

It may sound suspicious that Theo's best friend is Scott's long lost sister, but he really didn't know. How could he? When he and Scott were classmates in fourth grade, Rose was in a different class, so they barely saw each other. When he was 14 years old and met a girl who didn't know her name, he had no reason to think it was her.

- How old was she? - Theo insists, his mind connecting the dots. - When she disappeared?

- Fourteen. - Stiles replies. - Not long after their birthday.

- It adds up. - He shakes his head, looking at Daisy. - And it makes perfect sense, no trails, no bodies. Humans are usually not that skilled.

- No! - She snaps. - That's... no! It's a coincidence.

- What do you mean it adds up? - Malia stands in front of Theo in a threatening manner. Daisy glares at her and stands up as well.

- Back off!

- Why are you defending him? - Lydia intervenes, pulling Malia away by the arm. - He's a killer for God's sake. He tried to kill your brother.

Daisy looks over at Theo who simply lowers his head. He already told her that the reason he was gone for so long was because of a mission, which for them is often synonymous with murder. She knows so many parts of the story the pack doesn't. But she also doesn't have the kind of patience required to tell them.

- I don't have a brother. - Daisy's voice is sharp, the words making Scott's heart shatter. - Theo's my friend, we look out for each other. Besides, if attempted murder means this treatment from your pack, just put me in exile. I went further.

- You killed people? - Allison gasps, horrified, which is a bit hypocritical. The only reason she didn't kill Erica Reyes a few years ago was that her dad stopped her.

- Multiple people.

- Not by choice, an important distinction. - Theo adds while she sits back on the couch. - When I met Daisy she was around the same age as me, but we didn't know for sure. She had no memories whatsoever. Just... a daisy in her pocket.

- Why is she upset? Isn't this a good thing? - Mason thinks out loud and Corey smacks the back of his head. - Ouch!

Theo looks at her, asking for permission to continue and she nods.

- The doctors told us her family had sold her to pay debt.

- That's not true! - Scott argues, getting irritated at the proximity between Daisy and Theo. - We would never do that! I would never let anyone hurt you!

- You kind of already did, buddy. - Daisy replies.

The situation is getting more tense and she's scared. Lashing out is common for her when she feels threatened. But before anyone can react to what was said, the window is smashed by an object that quickly engulfs the entire precinct in smoke.

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