That's what friends are for

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Aside from studying for finals and getting everything ready for prom, Malia hasn't been doing much. The girl can't even believe high school is almost over and she'll be able to move to Long Island with Kira. None of the pack members know they're still in touch or planning to live together, but things just sort of happened.

Malia has been studying Lydia's math notes for over an hour when there's a knock on the house door, nearly missed due to how concentrated she is. She doesn't need to open the door to know who's behind it, the scent of the people she talks to on a daily basis is well ingrained in her memory.

- It's open. - She shouts, closing the notebook and gathering all her books while Daisy walks in. - Hey.

- Hi.

- Everything ok? - Malia asks, noticing the fastened heartbeat in her friend's chest.

Scott and all the wolves in the pack were turned in their teens but Malia was a child, not to mention the years in coyote form. That basically means she's the most susceptible to rely on that skill set.

- Yes. - Daisy nods, not convincing at all. - I just wanted to talk to you about something.

Malia looks around, knowing fully well her father might enter at any minute and interrupt their conversation. She moves to the steps and guides Daisy to her room, waiting as the girl looks at the pink walls with a frown.

- It's from when I was a kid. - She explains. - And since I came back my dad has been struggling, so why not keep it?

- Cute, just not really your style.

- Honestly, I couldn't explain it better. - Malia chuckles, patting the spot next to her on the window bench. - Come on, tell me what's bothering you.

- Isaac. - She admits, plopping down next to her. - Something happened yesterday and I'm not really sure what to think of it.

- Ok, what happened?

Malia and Theo are the only people Daisy told anything about her relationship with Isaac. Of course, that means Kira and Liam also know, but it's a small price to pay.

- We were kissing in my room. - These words alone make her neck and face burn. - I invited him over and we started kissing. It was really nice.

- Sweetie, take a breath. I won't tell your brother. - Malia giggles at her friend's embarrassment. - No judgment here, pinky promise.

- Well, things...heated up a bit and...

- You slept together?

- No! - She almost shouts. - It wasn't like that.

- Ok, that's fine too. - The coyote frowns at her friend. - And?

- I jumped away from him. - She says, hiding her face in a giant pillow nearby. - I fell, banged my knee really hard.

- Why? Did he try to do something you didn't like?

- No! I was liking it. But then suddenly I wasn't.

- Then what is the problem? - Malia tries to think what Kira would say, the fox being the one good with advice in their relationship. - You've never done it before?

- I have but...

Horrible images flash through Daisy's mind, including the one that made her jump away from Isaac last night.

I didn't wanna do it.

Now, years later, she's able to see that what happened that day was horrible and what she did to protect herself was understandable.

Daisy was 14 years old the first time she took a life. It happened seconds after something was taken from her.

The Doctors never asked or cared about what happened to her when she left for her missions, as long as she got what they wanted. Turns out Deaton was wrong about Diego Velasquez, he wasn't a good man, he was a predator that took advantage of kids and used dark magic for his own benefit.

- It's different with him. - Daisy manages to say, wishing she could just erase that disgusting man from her memories. - With Isaac everything is different.

- Is that a good thing?

- Maybe.

- Let me ask something. - Malia gives her friend a sympathetic look, holding both of her hands. - Do you want to? Have sex with Isaac?

- I think so but I'm not sure.

- That's ok. - Malia assures her. - Maybe you can talk to him about it, let him know your doubts.

Could she tell Isaac about Diego? No one knew, not Theo or anyone else. 

- What if that makes him run away? - Daisy looks at her friend, for the first time letting the tears escape her eyes.

- Then he never deserved you to begin with. - Malia speaks with 100% of certainty. - For the record, he doesn't strike me as that type of guy but if I'm wrong, we find a way to break the sire bond and then we kill him.

- I don't think it's getting to that. - She chuckles, wiping her face. - Thank you, Malia.

- That's what friends are for. - She smiles, pulling Daisy into a hug. - And as a friend, you now have the duty to help with my shoes for the prom.

- Lead the way.

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