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Scott and Allison hop into her car and it only takes them a few minutes to reach their final destination - The lacrosse field of Beacon Hills High School. All sorts of things happened in this place: Lydia was attacked and bitten by the alpha Peter Hale, which later on triggered her banshee powers. Allison's grandfather, Gerard, threatened to kill Mellisa. And the former lizard current werewolf Jackson Whittemore clawed his own chest during a game that same season. It was a lot, but today the only event is the first practice with Scott as an assistant coach.

The boy has one goal for the night: to put his beta, Liam, on the path to become team captain. That's part of Scott's plan to ensure the safety of Beacon Hills, as weird as it sounds.

- McCall! - Bobby Finstock calls out in the middle of a pep talk Scott was giving another player. - Where's your little protégé?

- Well... - They look around. Liam is nowhere in sight. - He'll be here, coach. Liam's a natural leader and he can take anything we throw at him.

- Then where is he? - The coach smiles maliciously.

- He's right here. - Mason's voice appears behind them and Scott can't hide the relief on his face.

- Sorry for the delay. - Liam's voice is carried with melancholy.

Since Hayden moved away, ending the extremely unstable relationship they had, the junior turned into a walking advertisement for the dangers of heartbreak. Sad expression, dark bags under his eyes, and the characteristical apathy of a teenager who just doesn't care about anything anymore. What a sad sight.

- Get your ass in the field. - Bobby points to where the rest of the players are warming up and Liam bolts toward them. - I hope you're right about this, McCall.

- Me too, coach.

- Liam will be a great captain. - Mason affirms confidently. - He has been training a lot and controlling himself.

- I'll believe it when I see it. Go to the bleachers. - The coach orders and Mason runs away. - And you, go get...

Before he can finish the order, he's interrupted by a fight breaking out in the lacrosse field. Liam and another player are being held back by others while yelling obscenities. The grunts coming from under Liam's helmet are clear indicators he's losing control.

- I'll fucking kill you! - The beta shouts at the top of his lungs. The fight started after Liam was knocked down during a play. - You hear me? I'll kill you!

If this boy was reported missing anytime soon, Liam would be in a lot of trouble. Good thing he won't be.

- Get a clue, Dunbar! - The other player is barely holding his anger. - It's fucking practice.

- I'll show you how to practice! - Liam tries to hit the guy again, but he's held back by their teammates.

- Liam! - Scott drags the beta away before anyone can see the glowing yellow eyes and fangs. - Stop!

- What? - Liam yells, unaware of the danger he's putting himself in. - Repeat that you little shit and I'll rip your fucking arm off!

- Dude, your eyes. - Scott whispers, using a lot of strength to hold him in place. Liam might be just a beta, but his anger makes him stronger. - Control yourself!

- I can't. - Liam realizes what's happening and the guilt is like a punch in the stomach. - I'm sorry.

Before Scott has a chance to say anything, Liam rushes to the locker room. Mason and Corey follow right behind him.

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