Bus Ride

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Less than 10 minutes after leaving Braeden's car, Daisy gets to a bus station. The place is mostly empty and clearly on the verge of shutting down, every inch of it is falling apart. Moldy benches, walls with no paint and bathrooms that smell like a nuclear dump.

Daisy approaches the ticket vendor, twitching her nose at the smell, and knocks on the plastic divisor to call his attention.

- Any buses to Beacon Hills?

- The next one is an hour. - The man replies, not looking up from his magazine. - $15.

She searches her backpack until she finds enough crumpled bills to pay for the ticket. The attendant frowns at the state of the money but accepts it.

There's a delicious scent coming from the popcorn cart, tempting considering she hasn't eaten anything in days, but the money has to be well spent. Beacon Hills is a solid lead, everyone knows Braeden is good at her job, but the search might not be over yet. Daisy makes herself comfortable on the floor, as far from the bathroom as possible, and starts writing in her notebook.

Braeden finally found him after all this time. I'm glad I found her because I searched for months on my own and didn't get anywhere. I'm not sure why I keep writing. I miss him. Whatever life he's having in Beacon Hills, I hope there's space for me. I don't think I can do this without him.

I'm almost sure they're gone for good, I've been alone this whole time and they never came for me. It's hard to believe, but maybe it's true. I'm so fucking terrified, and I need my best friend, so I'd like to find him.

The speakers announcing the departure of the bus cause her to stop writing, stand up, and enter the vehicle, taking an empty seat in the back. The ride shouldn't be long, 2 hours tops and most of the chairs are empty.

- Excuse me, miss. - The driver approaches her with a sympathetic smile. - I need to see some ID.

- No, you don't. Everything is fine. - Daisy replies, her eyes flashing in soft blue tones. - Let's go.

The man nods, walks away, and starts the engine, not asking anyone else for their ID. Even an hour later, the driver still has the glazed look humans get when compelled. It's gonna wear off overnight, but for now, it's easier for Daisy to keep him under her control.

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