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- What's this about? - Theo asks as the group reunites.

Stiles asked them to gather so Scott, Theo, Daisy, Isaac and Malia are standing in the living room, extremely confused. The boy seems to be in some sort of panicked daze, trying to call someone multiple times and getting angrier every time he gets no response.

- She's not picking up. - Stiles mumbles, aggressively throwing his phone on the couch. - And Allison hasn't seen her all day.

- Lydia? - Isaac asks and Scott nods in confirmation. - Are we sure something happened? Maybe she left her phone on "do not disturb" or something.

- Something's wrong! - Stiles argues, almost screaming at his friend's face.

It was obviously not his intention, but Isaac flinches at what his louder tone. A million bad memories play in the back of his mind.

- Calm the fuck down! - Daisy orders, enraged at the way Stiles is making Isaac feel. Sire bonds can be a bitch sometimes, she can tell he's scared, and the fact she knows Stiles doesn't mean it is on the back burner.

- Don't tell me what to do!

It's obvious Stiles isn't in control of his emotions, he's not one to lash out at anyone, especially not on Daisy. But Lydia's also not the type of person to forget her phone off, and the last time she was "missing" for this long, she almost died at Deaton's table.

- Dude, seriously. Take a breath. - Scott is trying to be understanding, but the minute anyone goes off at his sister, they lose that right.

- I get that you're worried....

- Do you?!? - Stiles interrupts her, screaming once again.

Malia, Isaac and Theo are all too shocked at his outburst to say anything in Daisy's defense, but they're all hoping he won't take a step too close. If he tries anything, he'll be dead before hitting the ground.

- You have no fucking idea of anything, Daisy. - His voice is full of mockery as he says her name. - How would you? All you've done since getting here is lie to us.

- Stiles, what are you talking about? - Scott steps in front of his sister, brother's protective mode fully activated. - Please, just calm down..

- She's fucking Isaac!

Aside from Scott, this isn't new for quite literally anyone. Daisy told Theo and Malia, seeing as they are her closest friends. Isaac was planning on telling Scott and Melissa, in wildly different circumstances, but that plan has been ruined.

- Why does that upset you exactly? - Daisy steps in front of Scott, eyeing Stiles up and down as if he wasn't 3 inches taller than her. If looks could kill, Stilinski would've dropped dead at this minute. - Because I'm with him or maybe because I'm with someone that isn't you?

Stiles feels his anger subside at this revelation. She knows, of course she does. Accepting Daisy has been hard for him because it means dealing with the fact that Rose, his first love, is gone. The girl in front of him is not her, if anything she's a painful reminder of the one he lost. Watching her fall in love with Isaac was way more painful than he anticipated.

- Daisy...

- You have the nerve to accuse me of keeping secrets, but you're the one who has been lying to his best friend for almost half a decade. - She laughs bitterly. - What a fucking hypocrite.

- What are you talking about? - Scott turns to her, his face filled with anger but mostly confusion.

Isaac, Theo and Malia have similar expressions. Daisy never told anyone that Stiles was the boy Rose was describing in her journals, even Theo only knew half of the story.

- I found Rose's journal under a floorboard. - Daisy shrugs as if she's saying something completely mundane. - She went on and on about her secret boyfriend Mischief and how you wouldn't approve of it. I had no idea she called Stiles that until recently.

- Shit, that's Mischief. - Theo thinks out loud.

- You knew about this? - Malia turns to him with an inquisitive look.

- Of course, she showed me the journal. But I didn't know it was Stiles.

- In my defense, I didn't know that part either when I showed it to you. - Daisy looks around the room and takes a very deep breath, trying to figure out what to say next. - Isaac and I aren't  just... fucking. We're together, have been for a while now.

- Is this the part we pretend to be shocked? - Malia approaches her friend and wraps an arm around her shoulders.

- Wait, everyone knew about this but me? - Scott looks at his friends, the smile dying in Malia's face.

- I was gonna tell you, man. - Isaac looks down, a slight hint of panic in his voice. - That's why I asked Melissa to talk the other day.

- So my mom knows too?

- Not really. - He rubs the back of his neck, obviously very nervous at the conversation. - I panicked and didn't tell her anything.

Daisy smiles a bit, thinking about how fucking adorable this boy is, and how happy she is to be his girlfriend. It's only been a week? Yes, but it's been a really good week.

- We're not just messing around. - Isaac states firmly, glancing over at Daisy for a second. - I love her so much. More than she knows.

- And she loves him. - Malia adds before Daisy has the chance to say anything. - A lot, it's easy to see.

Isaac's cheeks turn deep red. Any scrap of anger that Scott might've been feeling melts away, accepting what he actually has known for some time now: they love each other. For real, not just some teenage crush or fucking around, but the type of love that lasts forever.

- Are you happy? - He turns to Daisy and she nods eagerly, chuckling a little. - In that case...

He takes slow steps towards Isaac and offers him a hand to shake.

- Welcome to the family.

They shake hands. Daisy is almost bursting out of happiness, relief washing over her. Stiles has been able to calm down and is about to calmly suggest a search by car when his cell phone rings, Lydia's name on the caller id.

- Lydia! - He answers loudly, making everyone in the room turn to look at him. - I'm sorry. You didn't pick up so I thought... You forgot it on "do not disturb"... Don't worry, everything is fine.... Ok, see you soon. Bye.

Theo has a laugh ready to come out but he holds it at the last second, looking down and pretending it was a coff.

- Come on guys, let's give these two a minute. - She holds Isaac's hands, guiding him and their friends to the porch to give Stiles and Scott some privacy.

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