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- Hey. - Daisy walks up to Isaac on the porch, leaning her elbows on the fence surrounding the area.

It's been an hour since everyone freaked out thinking he lost control and gone on a killing spree. Derek managed to negotiate with the Argents and the boy was released back to his alpha, who apologized profusely for 'letting him escape before the right time', whatever that means.

- Hi. - Isaac offers her a small smile. - Has Scott explained everything to you?

- Well, he said there was someone losing control and attacking people downtown. That he thought it might be you. - She shrugs, unbothered. - But it wasn't. Then he said I should talk to you about your anchor, although I don't understand why that concerns me.

- Do you know what an anchor is?

- Of course. - She replies like it's the most obvious thing in the world. - Theo explained to me years ago. I'm almost sure I was his anchor for a while.

- Right, Theo. - Isaac looks down so Daisy doesn't see the jealousy visible on every inch of his face. - Are you sure the two of you don't have anything ... romantic?

- One day you'll know the whole story and you'll laugh.

- Really?

- Well, not laugh.. - She chuckles, shaking her head. - But you'll understand that there is nothing to tell. It never has and it never will be.

- Ok, I believe you. - Isaac doesn't sound very convinced, but he's trying to be, she has no reason to lie.

- So, what's the situation with your anchor?

For a minute Isaac doesn't say anything, remembering the talk he had with Derek not long ago. No one ever bothered to inform him that having his father as an anchor was potentially dangerous until today. The idea he could've hurt Daisy if she hadn't turned into his new anchor was not nice, especially considering he didn't realize it had changed. According to Derek, it's because of the sire bond and they've been hanging out a lot lately.

- Have I ever told you about my father? - Isaac's voice comes out in a shy whisper. - And what happened to him?

- Stiles told me he was murdered by Jackson when he was the kanima. But I don't remember why. - Daisy frowns, recollecting the many stories Scott and his pack told her in the past few months. - It wasn't his call but he was the hand behind the trigger.

- The person who ordered it was a guy called Matt. My father used to be his swim coach and one day, at a party for the team, Matt almost drowned. He wanted revenge from everyone who just stood there and watched. - Isaac explains everything calmly but he's not happy to talk about it. - There was alcohol involved and my father let it happen.

- That's horrible. - She looks down, agonizing at the idea of drowning as a bunch of drunk teenagers watch. - But why would that make him a bad anchor?

- He was not a good father.

- He hit you. - She realizes and the boy nods.

- Scott already knows this, but there was a period he'd lock me in a freezer as a punishment. - His mouth trembles. - So I really don't like tight spaces or being stuck in general.

- Son of a bitch. - Daisy mumbles the words under her breath, but he hears them regardless. - I'm so sorry.

- Sometimes I can still hear him. - Isaac's voice cracks. - In my head. Telling me I'm useless and a failure.

Daisy analizes him for a minute, wondering. Ever since she and Isaac first crossed paths he piqued her interest, although she isn't sure if this isn't because of the sire bond situation. There's just something about him, the way he's so gentle with everyone but himself. Brutally broken yet resilient. Unreadable in more ways than one.

- Can I try something? - Daisy speaks carefully. - It's an extension of mind control. I promise it won't hurt you. I've never done it before, but it's safe.

Isaac hesitates for a long moment but eventually he nods, emotions running high. Slowly, Daisy turns to him, puts her hands on each side of his head, and closes her eyes. A soft glow emerges from her palms as she mumbles words he can't understand.

Isaac stares intensely as a wave of peace flows through his mind, a quietness and warmth he never experienced overcomes him. A single tear slides down his face.

After a moment Daisy stops and opens her eyes. Isaac is looking at her with a completely blank face.

- What? What's wrong?

He replies by grabbing her waist and closing the gap between them. It takes a second for Daisy to reciprocate, eyes fluttering shut and hands wrapping on his neck. Everything about this is as overwhelming for her as it is for Isaac, but neither of them want to stop.

Every moment they spent together since they met was leading up to this kiss. A break for the mind of two people who never seem to stop thinking.

A noise inside the house causes Isaac to pull away, crimson red blossoming on his cheeks. Daisy opens her eyes and their gazes collide, she's just as flustered as him.

- There was a noise inside. - Isaac explains, unsure if her human hearing captured whatever that sound was. It's important for him that she knows he didn't want to stop.

- Ok. - Daisy says, lowering her hands to his chest and expecting him to let her go. But instead he pulls her closer, leaning his forehead onto hers. - What are you doing?

It's a fair question that he doesn't have a proper answer for, but it doesn't make his grip on her any weaker. Daisy isn't complaining, just a little confused.

- I was just... Don't go. - Isaac closes his eyes, the sound of her fastened heartbeat is music to his ears.

- I won't. - Daisy smiles, softly caressing his cheek.

The gesture is so soothing it almost makes him cry. How unbelievably sad that he lived a whole life not knowing what a loving touch feels like.

For another hour they stay on the porch, eventually sitting on the sofa, not uttering a word. Just enjoying being in each other's arms. And for the first time in their lives, understanding what peace is supposed to feel like.

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