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The 2 months following Daisy and Theo coming back to Beacon Hills were incredibly hectic, but weirdly, the pack has fallen into a routine. Daisy and Theo are living in the McCall house and sharing her room, much to Melissa's discontent. Because of the lack of memories, Melissa and Scott decided not to tell the police that Daisy was "found". She refused to talk about the Doctors or her powers after the first night, and since they have other issues, that problem has been put on the back burner. For now.

Stiles and Scott tried several things to make Daisy remember their past: photo albums, old homemade videos from their childhood, getting Lydia to enter her mind to try bringing the memories to the surface, and even experiments related to senses - her favorite candle, the McCall family recipes, going to Stiles house or their old treehouse. Nothing worked.

Her relationship with Theo remains incognito, no one is sure if he's a brother figure or her boyfriend.

The fear inducing monster seems to have calmed down, although there were disappearances of other supernaturals in the area, not to mention other fear related events. According to Deaton, whatever this creature is, it's gaining strength to do something big and deadly.

It's Saturday, not long past 10 p.m. so Theo, Daisy, Scott, Allison and Stiles are reunited in the McCall house, trying to figure out more about the monster, which they now refer to as a boogieman.

- And that concludes we still don't know anything about this bitch. - Stiles exclaims, tossing his notes on the living room floor.

It's still bothering him that he wasn't the one to figure out the fear pattern in the most recent supernatural events. Stiles used to be the guy who figured this type of stuff out, but this time he missed something that was right in front of his face. The others can see very clearly how affected he is by having to see Daisy every day, so no one blames him. Well, no one but himself.

- Have you called them? - Theo looks over at Scott, who simply nods.

About a week ago, Raeken suggested they call the other pack members and known supernaturals to ask for help. Scott was resistant at first, he still hates that Theo managed to worm himself back into his life, but eventually, he admits it's a good idea. Different people looking at the situation might see something they missed. And it's not like anyone has a better plan. Scott contacted Kira, Ethan, Jackson and Isaac. Everyone is coming to Beacon Hills to try to help, taking advantage of the spring break.

- They should be here tonight. It's gonna be good to see them. Well, most of them. - Allison rolls her eyes.

She never forgave Jackson for everything he did to Lydia back when they dated, and like any good friend, she's ready to dagger him. Stiles and Lydia are happy together, but Allison still resents the guy who hurt her best friend for such a long time.

- Yay, more people. - Daisy's voice is carried with mockery.

She's already having a hard time with having to coexist with the pack members and the many associates, like Derek, Noah, Deaton and Chris Argent. The last thing she needs is more people. Rose was a massive extrovert, she loved making new friends. Daisy is more of a lone wolf, ironically. Theo managed to break her walls down, and albeit slowly, she and Scott have been making progress. Daisy believes what he says about being her brother, but she also feels the hatred towards Theo, and the instinct to protect him is strong.

Kira is the first to arrive, followed shortly by Ethan and Jackson, who come together. In one car. Because they're a couple now. That's something no one other than Lydia expected, but it's nice to see them like this. Jackson seems genuinely happy for the first time in his life.

Malia speeds to the house when she learns Kira arrived. She also stays a couple of minutes in her car so it wouldn't be obvious. Kira didn't notice, all the werewolves did. Daisy too, since she can feel strong emotions and Malia is very much nervous.

Theo and Daisy sit awkwardly in the kitchen as the rest of them catch up. Scott tried to introduce her to everyone and Kira was really sweet, but it's obvious Daisy is uncomfortable.

It's past 11 p.m. when, out of nowhere, the witch starts to feel a warmth on her hands, as if she's holding a cup of really hot coffee. But Daisy isn't doing anything, she's just lying between Theo and Kira on the couch watching Saturday Night Live.

- What's wrong? - Theo asks, knowing her all too well.

- I... I'm not sure. - Daisy rubs her hands on the couch, hoping it diminishes the feeling, but it doesn't. - My hands are hot.

On the surface level, her hands look normal, but the more she rubs them on the couch, the redder they get. The weird feeling is quickly making her panic.

- Has that ever happened before? - Kira frowns, exchanging a look with Malia, who's sitting on her other side.

Daisy shakes her head and at the same second, there's a knock on the door. Before any of them have the chance to protest, Scott opens it.

Even though she only has 4 years of memories, Daisy is not a fan of the unknown. Not being in control is the same as being powerless to her. She has to know, or at least have an idea, of what's going on. Otherwise, she spirals into fear.

So it's understandable that, as everyone is saying hello to Isaac Lahey, her breathing becoming a little labored. Daisy is good at hiding her panic, but it's no good when half of the room can listen when her heart is beating too fast.

This isn't because of anything Isaac said. Or anything he did. What is frightening to Daisy is that for the very first time in her short life, she found someone she can't read.

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