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10 years later....

Dear Theo,

I'm writing this while on my way to Scott and Alisson's baby shower in their new house. My apartment is over an hour away from it, only in a city like Boston for me to take so long just to visit my brother. Isaac is driving, hearing those jazz playlists he likes so much.

I've been thinking a lot about what I should write for you but he told me to let go and just tell you everything. I'm not sure I can do it but I'll try.

Scott now has his own clinic, mostly for animals although it has become our heavily protected building in the city. Alisson is following her father's footsteps, protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Stiles is climbing up the FBI ladder and Lydia is a brilliant neuroscientist. Malia and Kira backpacked through Europe for a while, lived in England for over a year and when they came back they brought baby Luis with them. Me and Isaac are the godparents which is kind of crazy. Isaac graduated law school and works in a firm specialized in helping kids in abuse situations. It's heavy work but I'm so proud of him.

Liam is happy, although I know for a fact he never stopped loving you. He found a girl called Alycia and they are moving in together in the fall. He has been protecting Beacon Hills, making sure no one tries any funny supernatural businesses. Mason is there with him, working with Deaton to enhance his druid knowledge.

I'm about to become an aunt to two little babies: Christine after Alisson's dad and Michael after mine and Scott's mom. It just baffles me how well Alisson is handling the pregnancy, God knows Lydia almost lost it before Claudia was born.

As for me I never went to college, since that would require me to finish high school to begin with. But I am the sole owner of a flower shop downtown, it's called Cassiopeia, my baby. Never in a million years I'd think spending my days around plants and fertilizer would make me so happy but it does.

It's been wild trying to find my place in the world, having my memories back made it somehow easier and harder at the same time. But I love my life.

There's still nightmares, everything the Doctors did doesn't just go away, although therapy helps. But now, when I wake up in the middle of the night, I roll over, see his face and know that I'm right where I'm supposed to be. My husband. It's been 9 years since we got married and I still love him just as much.

I made it. I'm happy. And it's all thanks to you, the best friend I could ever hope to have. Thank you for everything.

Until we meet again,

Daisy McCall-Lahey

The end.


Thank you so much for reading this, it was certainly a journey for me to write it all and I hope you've liked it.


Thalia Beckett

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