She's in pain

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The Eichen House might've looked nice when it was first built decades ago, but now it's basically the setting for a horror movie. The crows roaming, the thick fog surrounding the area and the rain falling against the brick walls. It almost seems like the old building is crying.

As soon as Daisy and Theo exit the car they see Scott giving Allison a long kiss. Lydia and Malia stand next to them with a look of "Seriously? Again?" while Stiles pretends to search for something in his pocket. Some couples never grow out of the honeymoon phase and end up becoming a great inconvenience to the rest of the friend group.

- Who is this guy again? - Daisy asks, rubbing her hands on her arms in an attempt to generate heat. They're protected from the rain under a small marquee, but it's still cold.

- Parrish works with my dad. He's a good guy. And a hellhound. - Stiles explains. - Lydia had a vision that he was taken and brought here.

Daisy is confused as to why they would enter a place like this, scary enough even people who don't believe in ghosts stay away, for a guy they described as 'someone who works with my father'. Not a friend. Not a sibling. The McCall pack does the right thing, even if it has nothing to do with them. It's a new concept for Daisy. Her idea of kindness and generosity is completely fucked up thanks to the Doctors.

The first moment after they enter and look around the lobby of the facility are disturbingly quiet. No one says a word or even breathes too loud. Theo keeps a firm grip on Daisy's hand, knowing how overwhelming this place must be for her, and feeling it himself too. The Eichen House looks a lot like the building they lived in during their years in captivity. There are scratches and bloodstains on the walls, which gives a clue to what happened here. It's triggering.

- Let's split up. - Allison suggests. - We can cover more ground.

- No fucking way. Have you never watched a horror movie? That's how you die in a place like this. - Malia says, looking at Lydia for support.

- It's the best way to find him. - Lydia shakes her head. - We don't have much time.

- Theo, Malia, and Daisy take the first floor. Me and Allison take the second. Stiles and Lydia search the basement. - Scott's tone makes it seem like he knows exactly what he's doing, even though he really doesn't.

- I hate that plan. - Stiles replies, searching through his backpack until he finds the flashlights he "borrowed" from the police station. Each of them has one. - Be careful. One thing I learned from my time here is that every wall has ears. And eyes.

- What do you mean by your time here? - Daisy frowns.

- That's a story for another time. - Scott sighs, checking the flashlights once more. - Protect each other and don't get killed.

And like every stupid character in a horror movie, the group splits in possibly the most haunted hospital in history. After a couple of meters in silence, Malia reluctantly turns to Theo.

- Is she ok? - She points at Daisy. - Her heart rate is on the roof.

- It's complicated.

They enter an old patient room, with bars on the window, a bed that has restraints for the wrists and feet, and stained walls. All the windows are broken. Daisy stops walking and leans against the white wall, the light paleness from before turning into a sickening appearance.

- Woah, are you ok? - Malia approaches carefully.

- Daisy? - Theo crouches down next to her. - Is it happening again?

Malia stretches her arm and as soon as she touches Daisy's skin, her veins turn black and a roaring pain pulls through.

- You're in pain. - Malia realizes, trying to take away more.

- Stop. - Theo orders, pulling Malia's arm away. - You can't do that.

- What? Why not? - Malia yells, trying again to touch Daisy, who in the meantime has fallen to the floor. - She's in pain!

- You think I don't fucking know that? - Theo shouts, his expression crazed. - I'm aware, but you can't take it away. You'll just feel pain while her pain stays the same.

Malia stays in the same place, not entirely convinced, but doesn't try to touch the witch again. Many years ago,Daisy became the first and last person Theo ever tried to take pain from. It's a skill werewolves have, but in her case it's useless. The magic inside her doesn't allow others to interfere.

- What do we do then? - Malia asks, looking at the halfway passed out girl on the floor.

- We wait. - Theo looks at the bed and decides to sit on the floor. - It won't take long.

- What exactly is happening? - Malia sits next to him, twitching her nose at the blood smell. This room was never cleaned properly.

- There are supernatural creatures here, she can feel their pain. - He runs a hand through his hair, obviously stressed. - A part of her is trying to heal them by taking some of it for herself.

- But there's no one else here. - Malia gestures at the empty room.

- Not on this floor.

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