A house

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As soon as they park, Daisy says she needs to 'look around', so Theo and Scott wait for her outside the McCall residence. They're leaning on Theo's car, waiting for Daisy to inspect the surroundings, and ignoring each other. Not even Daisy knows for sure what she's looking for. A trap. Wolfsbane. Guns. Anything that could tell her this is not the cute little house it seems.

She doesn't feel anything for the place. No connection. It's just a house like all the others around it. Nothing special. Daisy didn't grow up here. She didn't learn how to ride a bike in these streets. That was Rose.

- Look, I know you hate me right now, but there's one more thing you should know. - Theo breaks the silence. - Before we go in.

- And what's that?

Scott doesn't try to hide the anger in his voice. The events of the past 12 hours are finally starting to get to him. From Lydia's vision to the dead wolves and the discovery of the Rose-Daisy situation, this week has been way too long.

- Do not let your mother touch her. - Theo runs a hand through his hair. The injuries from being electrocuted haven't fully healed. - Daisy doesn't like that. She might hurt Melissa even if she doesn't mean to.

- What? - Scott angrily turns to him. - That's ridiculous. You touch her all of the time, it's sickening.

- That's different.

- Really? Why?

- Because I'm her best friend and she trusts me. - Theo points out, his tone raising a bit. Right now, this jealousy is something they have no time for. - That didn't happen overnight, it took years for her to trust me enough to hold her hand. I'm telling you, no surprise hugs. You haven't seen what she's capable of.

The sound of footsteps makes Scott drop the subject a second before Daisy approaches them. For the first time he notices the marks on his sister's neck, two identical cuts on her collarbone, partially covered by the shirt. Her clothes are long, so he couldn't see them properly before.

- Let's go. - Daisy joins them and they walk to the house.

The black car parking outside 5 minutes ago didn't make Melissa drop her book, she was well immersed in the story. It's not until there's a knock on the door that she looks up. They agreed Scott would go in first to explain the situation while Daisy and Theo wait on the porch, out of sight.

- Hey, honey. - Melissa opens the door with a small smile until she notices Scott's red eyes. - What's wrong? I thought everything was ok.

- Mom... - He takes a deep breath. - I need you to stay calm. I don't know the whole story, but freaking out won't make things any better.

- Scott, you're scaring me. - She looks around and notices the car in front of the house. - What's going on?

- Do you remember Theo?

- Obviously. - Melissa scoffs, her disdain evident. - Why?

- He has an old friend that doesn't have any memories. - Scott decides to start from the beginning. - Nothing except for the past 4 years. But she has powers, so he brought her to help us at the station. She's the reason we made it out unscarred.

- Ok...

- It's Rose, mom. The friend is Rose.

Melissa stares back at her son, unable to process what he told her. Scott goes on to explain that she doesn't remember him or anyone else and that Melissa isn't supposed to touch her, but the nurse is not listening anymore. Rose is alive? She's here?

- Are... Are you sure? - Melissa's voice cracks. - Is it really her?

Scott makes a signal and Theo enters the porch, with Daisy right behind him. She's holding onto his arm like it's a life vest. Melissa gets pale and loses balance but Scott doesn't let her fall, gripping her arm at the last second. The nurse looks back and forth between the three teenagers, panic and confusion all over her face.

Her gaze drops to Daisy and Theo's entangled hands, stomach sinking at the thought this boy could be hurting her daughter this whole time. To make it worse, Daisy's wearing a black leather jacket that's clearly too big for her and it looks a lot like the ones Theo wears.

- Mom, can we come in? - Scott tries to move things along.

Melissa looks at Daisy, who on the other hand keeps her eyes on everything except the woman they say is her mother. The witch can feel all the negative feelings towards Theo, so she's not comfortable.

Scott tries to stop her, but Melissa takes a step towards them. Daisy steps back, clearly scared, but she positions herself in front of Theo. At the thought they might be attacked, she protected him.

- It's ok. - Theo assures her, his voice soft like never before. There's an ounce of brotherly protection to it. - I'm right here, everything will be fine. No one's gonna hurt you.

- I don't wanna be here. - Daisy whispers. Melissa doesn't hear her, but thanks to the enhanced wolf hearing, Scott does.

- Just give them a chance. - Theo tries to reason. - They're your family, Daisy.

- Daisy? - Melissa repeats, nauseated. - Why is he calling you that? What have you done to my daughter?

Scott has to physically hold his mother to stop her from getting too close. The scene is so silent you can hear a pin drop, but instead, they hear another car parking in front of the house. The Stilinskis hop out of the Jeep a moment later. A quick reading of the situation tells them the best thing to do is put everyone inside.

- Alright, let's go. - Noah orders, holding Melissa's shoulders and guiding her through the door.

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