Falling into Place

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It's been a few minutes since Isaac, Daisy, Malia and Theo left the boys alone and so far no one said a word. Scott is feeling, for the lack of a better word, like a fucking idiot. It was quite obvious Rose and Stiles had feelings for each other, and now that he thinks about it, their secret relationship probably had been going on for months.

- How long?

There's no anger in his words.

- Our first kiss was on New Year's Eve. - Stiles gulps. That was the last time Rose celebrated the new year with her family. - It was 10 minutes after the fireworks ended because I was too scared to do it at the right moment.

- Wow.

How could he not see this? It was so goddamn obvious, how both of them disappeared together and came back smiling, the way Melissa and Noah exchanged looks that night, and the jokes about being one big family that took place.  

- You were in love with her.

- I was. - Stiles can't help but think back to how it began.

Rose had always been Scott's sister, one of his closest friends, and the only person on the planet that didn't call him Stiles but rather Mischief. She said it was fitting and no one would ever deny it. Even now, 4 years later, he was never able to pinpoint the exact moment he fell in love with her. He just...did.

One day he looked at her and suddenly realized he didn't want to live without her, ever. And of course, being the shy kid he was, it took him months to confess his feelings at that party. But it was worth it because she felt the same. Rose and Stiles seemed to share the same brain, the same dumb ideas and jokes only the two of them found funny.

One of the worst parts of having to live with Daisy is how much she's nothing like Rose. She's bitter, sarcastic and extremely mistrusting. Of course, it's understandable considering what she went through, but it hurts regardless.

- Do you still love her? - Scott turns to his friend, a wave of dread washing over him.

- I think I'll always love her. - Stiles looks down, the clear scent of guilt taking over the living room. - But Daisy..it's not her. I accepted that a while ago.

Scott nods, as if he expected that answer. In any movie about memory loss, at this point the character would've remembered something, but it's not the case. It hurts, it probably means she'll never remember, and it just feels like they are losing Rose all over again.

By the time the rest of the group returns, the two guys are in Scott's room trying to decide on ties. The big night is tomorrow and everyone quickly gets immersed in the madness of prom.

Isaac asked Daisy in a really cheesy way last night, waiting for her with a shirt written "Prom?" with 2 boxes underneath that had "Yes" or "No" for her to mark. And of course she said yes. 

Daisy, Lydia, Malia and Kira join Allison at her place a little before 5pm the next day, all of them carrying bags of clothes and make-up supplies.

Lydia chose a pink dress that makes her fiery hair stand out, strapless with a slightly puffy bottom. Allison picked a long black piece with tiny golden squares to decorate the skirt. Malia was indecisive but ended up with a purple off shoulder dress that just makes her look like a badass with a good ass. Kira came on a last minute decision so she decided on a simple black t-shirt, black skirt and fishnet tights. Daisy chose a blue strapless dress from the pile of "Rejected" by Lydia and was approved by all of them.

At 7pm the boys arrive at the house, all casually drooling on their dates, thinking about how lucky they were to be together here. Kira seemed ready to rip off Malia's dress right in front of everyone but thankfully they kept it together. As Daisy took the stairs in the blue dress, Isaac felt like he could just drop dead and it would be ok, he'd die a happy man. 

At 8pm everyone goes off to prom, each in a separate vehicle since Derek was kind enough to land his to Isaac and Malia is taking Kira in her father's car.

- Are you nervous? - Isaac asks as he and Daisy struggle to find a place to park.

- That obvious? - She looks down, the bare shoulders making her feel extremely exposed.

- Not really, but I am. - He smiles, taking her hand in his for a moment.

- Me too.

After getting a spot they enter the decorated saloon. Kira and Malia quickly take over the dance floor and it's possible to see Liam and Theo making out in the corner. Scott's not the biggest fan of this relationship, but he knew about it long before his beta confessed to him. The two are really bad at keeping it low-key.

While everyone jumps around and makes faces on the dance floor, Isaac and Daisy sit on the far corner. They laugh, drink the crappy ponch and enjoy seeing their friends happy. It's been a while since things had been this good around the town. It's refreshing.

- Dance with me. - Isaac extends his hand as a much slower tune starts playing on the speakers.

- I don't know how to...

- Me neither.

She smiles at him, takes his hand and they join their friends on the dance floor. Malia and Kira snuck off at some point between arrival and the end of the first music, but the rest of the couples are also enjoying the slow dancing. Daisy hides her face in his neck to cover the redness, the amount of people being slightly overwhelming for her.

They dance three slow songs in a row before Theo interrupts them.

- May I? - He extends a hand to Daisy, grinning from ear to ear.

Isaac was shocked when after he and Daisy confessed their feelings for each other, Theo came with a little secret: he's gay.

- I'll wait at the table. - Isaac kisses her softly and moves to where Liam is, already attacking a bucket of chicken nuggets only God knows where he found.

- Hi. - He smiles, carefully holding her waist but keeping a solid distance.

- Hey. - She smiles back, her hands placed on each of his shoulders.

A loud sound makes them look over to their boyfriends, joking about something on Isaac's phone. Whatever it is, it's funny enough to make Liam throw his head back laughing like a kid.

- We actually made it, didn't we? - Daisy chuckles, turning her eyes back to her best friend. - We made it to happy.

- We did. - He nods, remembering the long nights they'd spent in their individual cells, talking about their planned future, so as to not think about the dreadful present. - When were you going to tell me about Boston?

- Oh... - Her smile drops, a crushing guilt overcoming her.

Isaac was accepted to Boston University and since his aunt has an apartment there, she agreed to let him live in it for the first year of college. His plan was to get a part time job so he could rent his own place after that and he invited Daisy to go with him, since she can get a job too. Melissa has been doing the paperwork for her to come back to the land of the not missing people. The reunion with the dad she can't remember a thing about is set up for two weeks from now.

- I haven't decided anything yet...

- Yes, you did. - He looks down, trying his best not to cry. - And you have my full support.

- Really?

- Or course. - He says it like it's the most obvious thing in the whole world. - Besides, it's only for a year until Liam graduates and we move there too. He wants to go to Suffolk and I'll go just about anywhere.

- Things really are falling into place. - Her voice has a hint of dread that doesn't go missed by him.

- It's a good thing, Daisy. - He sighs as the music comes to an end and she lets go of his shoulders. - We're gonna be ok.

She smiles and nods, guiding him to where Liam and Isaac are sitting. As everyone sits to eat something, a single thought is on Daisy's mind. There's no logical explanation, call it instinct, siphoner magic or plain paranoia, but she knows someone in this table is gonna die tonight.

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