I love you.

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The week following Isaac's return to Beacon Hills is weirdly calm, many things are happening but they're mundane.

Lydia, Malia and Allison are choosing their prom dresses, with Stiles and Scott doing what they can to help. Isaac and Theo put their differences aside to cram for finals. Aside from Malia, they need the highest grades. Daisy has been working with Deaton on a nearly daily basis, trying to figure out the exact source of her powers.

The vet had an epiphany a few days ago that the tingle in her hand might mean something. So far no luck in discovering what that would be, but they realized she has a big repertoire of spells siphoned from the dead witch. Against his best judgment, Derek called his uncle to ask for help, seeing as Peter has the most experience with witches among the adults of Beacon Hills.

As everyone waits for his response, Daisy helps her best friend study, occasionally assisting Malia with outfit conflicts. The girls connected once they were 'forced' to spend time together one afternoon Lydia and Allison had a last minute obligation. Both had part of their teenage years in unusual circumstances, so they have a lot in common.

- I have one. - Malia announces, plopping down next to Daisy and Theo on the couch. - If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, real or fictional, who would it be and why?

This game started last night, both trying to find cliche magazine questions they can answer, considering lack of memories and years spent in coyote form.

- Matthew Donavan. - Theo replies confidently, not looking up from the book he was reading.

- Why would you want to have lunch with our catechist? - Scott frowns, remembering that greasy old man with empty eyes.

- Because unlike when I was a child, now I can do this. - He flashes his yellow eyes playfully. - And convince him that I'm the devil or some shit.

- So basically you wanna give him a heart attack? - Stiles asks, barely able to hold the laughter.

- Yes.

- You're wicked, trouble. - Daisy rolls her eyes, giggling a bit.

Scott and Stiles exchange a look at her reaction. Both of them noticed the change in her mood over the past few days. Stiles has his suspicions about the reason, but no one knows for sure since she and Isaac agreed to keep it quiet until they figure it out themselves.

- Ok, what's your answer? - Theo challenges. - Because if it is who I'm thinking you're worse than me.

- There's no way you know my answer.

- Yes, I do. - He nods confidently. - I'm your best friend, I know everything about you.

- No fucking way.

- Just say it. - Malia shouts, the playful bickering making her even more curious.

- Sebastian.

- Sebastian.

Both of them reply at the same time, falling into a long fit of laughter afterwards. Just when it seemed like they were about to calm down, Daisy noticed the confusion in everyone's face and the cackling mess started again. It takes several minutes before any of them stops laughing long enough to explain what is going on.

- It's the guy who killed the Doctors. - Theo says, breathless from all the laughing. - The beast, y'all remember him. He killed the other Doctors at some point and set Daisy free. 

- Really? - Stiles doesn't seem convinced.

- I mean, he didn't 'set me free'. - The girl shrugs. - Honestly, I'm not even sure he saw me. But I overheard him talk to the Doctors and then none of them appeared anymore for hours, so I was able to escape.

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