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- It's been 48 hours since Kyle Thompson was defeated by the McCall pack. - Deaton choses to begin the service with a little remember moment, unknowingly making the bond between all the teens closer together with the realization. Their collective efforts were enough to defeat a great evil and that is something to be celebrated. - Unfortunately, he took the life of three of our own. Corey Bryant, a boy with a big heart that always tried to do the right thing. Hayden Romero, a very strong willed young woman that was equally capable of holding a grudge and forgiving those who deserve it. And Theo Raeken, a wickedly intelligent guy that reminded us all that some people deserve a second chance.

Tears escape Daisy's eyes as she takes the front, placing the nearly full diary and the old leather jacket in his thumb. Liam put in a ring that Theo had given him earlier this year. Scott is the last one, approaching the stone and drawing the pack symbol in it, just like he did with the other 2 next to it.

 Scott is the last one, approaching the stone and drawing the pack symbol in it, just like he did with the other 2 next to it

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The back of Derek's old house has a whole new importance, a memorial to all those who are gone but will never be forgotten. Everyone says their goodbyes, some in somber silence like Liam and Daisy while Mason cries loudly. There's no right or wrong, they're all teenagers trying to cope with something horrid.

- Would you like to say something? - Deaton asks them, having run out of things to say.

But they don't have anything to say. When someone dies so suddenly, sometimes there are no words to express how much it hurts. As John Green once said: "That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt". Right now, all they can do is feel it. Use this as a way to keep them alive, as toxic as that might be.

Eventually they decide to go back to Scott's house, needing to stay together but not necessarily in the woods. Daisy stays behind, telling Isaac and Scott to go and that she just needs a moment. Half an hour later, Malia decides to check on her.

- Hey. - The werecoyote sits next to her in one of the garden benches that somehow survived the fire. - How are you holding up?

- I miss him. - Tears well up her eyes. - I remember my life now and I just... wish I could tell him about it. I'm moving to Boston with the love of my life, things are working out for me but...

- You wished he was here. - Malia nods, knowing all too well how it feels like to lose someone you expected to be with for the rest of your life. - It gets better.

- Really? - The witch doesn't sound convinced.

- At first it hurts.. a lot. It hurts to do anything without him. Then it's gonna come a day, maybe a month or two from now, you'll get distracted. Doing something automatic, like driving or something along those lines. - Malia reaches out and gives her a side hug. - When you remember it'll be like hell. But time will pass, you'll remember the good times. And then one day, when you remember him it's gonna hurt just a little bit.

- Thank you. - Daisy wipes her face, leaning her head on her friend's shoulder. - I'm really glad I met you.

- Me too. - She smiles. - Very glad. 

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