Big Brother

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- Thought I might find you here. - Scott sits next to Daisy in the old wood swing.

This house used to belong to their grandmother, but no one came here in a while. It's been abandoned for years. The old cottage became even more haunted after Rose disappeared, memories filling the small garden. Melissa used to bring the twins here all the time after her mother passed away.

It's mostly falling apart, but the garden in the back with a big swing redeems it. Scott notices the inscriptions he and Rose made on the moldy wood.

Scott and Rose: born together, best friends forever.

- What is this place? - Daisy asks, looking at the wrecked house in front of them. - I don't know why I came here.

- It used to be our grandma's house. - Scott replies, smiling a little bit. - She died when we were 7 years old but mom kept bringing us to play in the garden. It was always a safe haven.

- Guess it makes sense.

- You're worried about Isaac?

- I'm terrified. - Her lips tremble. - Every minute that passes I get more scared I'll never see him again. I don't understand why he just...

- What? - He gives her a supporting look, patiently waiting for her to continue talking. On the inside, Scott's rejoicing at the first real conversation he's had with her since finding her.

- He left me.

The alpha exhales loudly, realizing the connection between his sister and Isaac is deeper than the sire bond.

- I'm sure he'll come back. 

- That's what Liam and Theo said. - She chuckles bitterly. - But if that's true, why is it taking so long?

- Maybe he just needs some time.

- Why? - Daisy looks at him, eyes filled with water. - He had to see his worst nightmare. What if what he saw made him realize this is not the life he wants?

- Daisy...

- I don't know what to think. - She wipes some tears that started rolling down her cheeks. - I just need him to be ok.

- I'll go look for him again. - Scott if decides, reaching for his pocket and grabbing the car keys. - Wanna come along?

- You'd do that? - Her brows raise in surprise. - Why?

- Because I'm your big brother. - He states, standing up from the swing. - I'm sorry I wasn't better at it until now.

- I thought we were twins.

- I'm 8 minutes older. - He shrugs. - Shall we?

Daisy basically jumps up and they walk back home. 10 minutes later they're driving across the surrounding districts, it's Scott trying to track Isaac's scent from a hoodie he left behind.

2 hours later they're ready to give up when Daisy feels a strong pull towards Riversides. It's the same city she was held captive for 4 years. Scott tried to talk her out of it but she's decided, and another 5 minutes later they pull over at the roadside cafe she met Braeden for the last time.

- Can you smell him? - Daisy asks expectantly, feeling a light tingle in her hands.

- Yes, he's close. - Scott nods, looking around at the empty parking lot. - Can I ask you something?

- Is now really the best time? - She counters, starting to walk around the place.

- There's no time like the present. - He counters, following her to the exit of the parking lot and onto the street.

- In that case, ask away.

- Why are you so worried about Isaac? - Scott stops to watch her reaction underneath a light pole, the redness spreading across her face serves more as an answer than words could. But the alpha isn't particularly good at reading body language.

- Can we just keep looking? - She deflects, pointing to the woods near the parking lot. - That way.

- I'm right behind you.

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