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- And then you fell asleep? - Stiles repeats his father's words back to him, trying to make sense of the story being told.

In his defense, the whole ordeal is completely insane, and Noah can't exactly be a reliable witness since he was unconscious. So they don't actually know what went down in that parking lot.

When news got out that two young werewolves who used to be part of Satomi's pack were arrested for killing a hunter, Scott gathered everyone in the station to discuss the situation. Allison, Lydia, Malia, Derek, Liam, Mason, Stiles, Corey, and Scott are spread across the couches in the sheriff's office, hearing the bizarre tale of how Theo escaped prison.

- Yes. - Noah sighs, obviously frustrated. - Just like that.

Tierney and Jiang told to Scott that Theo is not involved about an hour ago, and his arrest has been called off, but the way he escaped is weird to say the least.

- Are you sure you didn't hit your head? - Malia asks, as blunt as one can be. It's her style. - Because that doesn't make any sense.

- I'm aware, Malia. But it's what happened.

- I could talk to Theo. - Liam suggests, secretly hoping they'll listen to him just this once. - He might explain what happened. We already know he didn't kill the hunter.

- I'm not sure I believe that. - Allison voices. - No offense Scott, but they confessed too quickly. How many times has Jiang said to not arrest Theo? Why was he so concerned about that specific part? Maybe he threatened them.

- They were telling the truth. - Scott guarantees. - Maybe for the wrong reasons, but it was the truth.

- I can talk to them. - Derek inputs, speaking for the first time since he arrived with Malia 15 minutes ago.

- Are you sure? - Noah asks. He wants someone who can understand these kids to talk to them, but it's a lot to ask, especially from Derek.

- It's worth the shot. Just give me a few minutes.

- We already answered your questions. - Tierney pouts as the door opens. She's lying on the cell bench but sits up when she realizes Derek is the person who walked in. He sits in a chair outside the tiny cell, watching them from between bars. The others are seeing and hearing everything from security cameras in the office.

- We killed him, just us. - Jiang repeats, probably for the 10th time since he got here. - Theo had nothing to do with this.

- How did Theo put the sheriff to sleep? - Derek asks, staring at the boy intensely. Jiang is the weakest link in this duo and the older wolf is fully aware of that.

- It wasn't him. - Tierney stares back. She's protective of him. - It was that weird friend of his.

- What friend?

- The bitch didn't give us a name. - Tierney's voice is carried with mockery, but it doesn't hide her fear as much as she thinks it does. - But she made Jiang confess using magic. Her eyes were glowing, I couldn't attack her. Before driving off she said we had to tell the truth when we had the chance.

- And we did. Because she told us to. - Jiang completes and they look at Derek, waiting for his reaction. They have no clue why, but even now, over an hour later, they still feel compelled to do what that mysterious girl told them to do.

It's been a long time since Derek had to deal with a magic practitioner, but not enough to forget how they act. He stands up and takes a look at the eyes of the prisoners. The glaze is mostly gone, compulsion doesn't last very long on supernatural creatures and any remaining effect will wear off in the next hour.

- Thank you. - Derek nods and walks out, joining the others in the sheriff's office. - Well, this just got messy.

The pack stares at him, waiting for an explanation as he searches his phone and texts Deaton. If he's right, which he most likely is, it requires higher knowledge.

- Do you know who she is? - Allison asks, a hint of accusation in her tone. Scott hates that they still can't get along after all this time, but now is not the time nor the place to argue that.

- No, but I know what she is.

- Well, what is she? - Stiles demands, eager.

- A witch. And by the looks of it... - Derek pauses, noticing the light blue spark in the sheriff's eyes. - A powerful one.

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