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O soft embalmer of the still midnight,
Shutting, with careful fingers and benign,
Our gloom-pleas'd eyes, embower'd from the light,
Enshaded in forgetfulness divine:
O soothest Sleep! if so it please thee, close
In midst of this thine hymn my willing eyes,
Or wait the "Amen," ere thy poppy throws
Around my bed it's lulling charities...
-John Keats

April 13th, 1990

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April 13th, 1990. In a field of orange poppy's under the Waning Gibbous moon, which happened to be shining the brightest that year. The glow of the moon illuminates the scene below. A beautiful baby was born with a tuft of blonde curl on her head and the strangest shade of steel blue eyes. Born under special circumstances.

Sadie Sienna Emeryson 

The sounds of the mother whining in pain fading. Her heartbeat dwindled to a low thudding that seemed to echo in her ears before. The shine in her eyes dulled. A man stood with a young boy, about four years of age. The grown man takes the baby from his wife's arms, as her eyes shine the brightest of red before going dark, her heartbeat stopping with the loss of glow. As he looked down to the baby in his arms, her eyes ignited a bright orange before fading back to the blue that would cause the world to tremble. 

"Sawyer, meet your baby sister. Sadie." The man said, kneeling beside his toddler, letting him coo at the little baby in his father's arms. Bringing the attention away from the woman who had just passed seconds ago. The poppy's around her folding in, almost enveloping her in what seemed to be a hug. 

"What about momma?" Sawyer questioned his father, his bright blue eyes, which seemed nearly transparent, holding curiosity. 

"Momma is always here, son. In the wind that carries the scent of nature to your nose. In the sun that warms your skin in the cold. In the sparkle of the stars that remind you of home. She will always be." The man touches his son's chest right where his heart was beating fast. "In your heart." He whispered. Sawyer nodded, smiling as he moved his gaze to his little sister. His father’s words embed themselves into his mind.

"She's in Sadie as well. Right?" He asked, his eyes sparkling down at his young sibling as he reached out and touched Sadie’s small fisted hand. The man's heart clenched at his son's words. 

"She is." He nodded. "Let's go inside." He whispered, glancing back at the spot his wife once laid. Nothing but Poppy's, untouched and standing tall where she once was. A single stem of purple Harebells in the midst of the poppy's. Turning back to his son, he guided him inside the small house.

 Turning back to his son, he guided him inside the small house

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As the years went by, Sadie grew up average. Her beauty called to all, like a siren calling for her love. But she ignored them. Never pursuing anyone. Her brother was always there to protect her from the ones that couldn't take no for an answer. 

Befriending a young boy, Jeremy Gilbert. He was four years younger than her, but the two got along well when she turned eight and he was four. Sadie always gave him the attention he needed when his parents were focused on Elena Gilbert, his older sister.

When Sadie turned sixteen, her father disappeared. Her older brother, Sawyer had just turned twenty and took custody of her. Staying in the same house that they grew up in. 

When Sadie turned eighteen is when things began to change. Sawyer and Sadie Emersyn left Mystic Falls. Leaving behind nothing but an empty house that was littered in poppy's. People in town thought it was strange. The father disappeared and now the two children he had, gone. No one understood it. 

Not to mention the hurt that Jeremy Gilbert felt when his best friend up and left. His heart shattered as he had to endure his loneliness on his own. His older sister taking all the attention. That was until the Gilbert's parents died, driving off of Old Wickery Bridge. Elena and Jeremy being left to their Aunt Jenna. Their lives never being the same.

4 Years Later-

A woman stood at the sign of Mystic Falls in the middle of the night. The moon being the only light to shine over her blonde curls. Eyes circled by the blackest eyeliner and lips painted an orange-red color, making them pop out under the moon glow. Her blue eyes floating around the scenery, taking in what used to be her hometown. 

"Lucy, I'm hooome." She drew out into the empty air. A smirk stretching along her painted lips as her heels clicked along the black tar of the road. Echoing into the silence of the night.

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