Chapter XXXV: Planning for the Future

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Klaus and I ate our food, joking and teasing each other here and there. After eating, Klaus paid the bill and we were gone.

"So you made a deal with a 500 year old vampire for a dagger that will kill the traveler in my brother?" I repeated what Klaus was telling me. He had wanted to speak in the car so that there would be no prying ears. My eyes on Klaus as he drove. I had ditched the sunglasses finally, having calmed down quite a bit.

"Essentially." Klaus nodded with a stoic expression. He didn't seem too pleased with the bargain he had to make.

"What did you have to offer in exchange?" Klaus glanced over at me, sighing.

"Just that I wouldn't kill her, or make her run anymore." Klaus said calmly. I raised my brow at him, confused.

"Why would you be chasing her? Was she an ex girlfriend?" Klaus glanced over at me again, trying to see if it would affect me at all. But once he noticed how calm I was, he sighed.

"In a way. I tricked her. I had a curse placed over me and the only way to break it was to have a sacrificial ritual." I looked at him like he was absolutely crazy.

"I'm sorry- you had to kill someone to break a curse??" I repeated, flabbergasted. He nodded. Glancing over to me again, gauging my reaction.

"But she ran. It had to be a Doppleganger. A copy of another person, popping over throughout time from the same bloodline." He explained. I nodded, staring at a him in shock. "She ended up killing herself to become a vampire, making her useless to me. I was angry. So I kept trying to track her down."

"A woman from- what the 1400s evaded you for 500 years? Were you even trying?" I questioned. Klaus glared at me as he pulled over at a field. Probably so he could actually look at me as he spoke. "What? It seems like you didn't."

"I had other things to worry about." He told me as he turned to face me. "Like running from my father."

"I heard about that!" I exclaimed, excited I knew something about the Original Family. I cleared my throat as Klaus gave me an odd look. "Sorry- Um I just- I had heard about that when I was in Paris." Klaus looked at me confused.

"You were in Paris? I mean- I heard you were- but why?" Klaus said, changing his wording a bit since he had listened in to most of my conversations apparently. "To see the Eiffel Tower perhaps? Maybe see the art?"

"I went there to train with others of my kind- well, more average Succubus." I told him with a smile.

"There are Succubus in Paris?" I nodded.

"And Pixies, Sirens, Wolves, Vampires- the list goes on." Klaus stared at me a bit shocked.

"Pixies?" I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah- pesky little creatures. Not as bad as Sirens- but still annoying." I told him. Klaus continued to stare at me confused.

"They exist? I had never seen one before." I shrugged.

"They don't really care to be seen. Have their own communities hidden from mankind. Paris they roam a bit more freely- they feed off of arrogance and such. Paris is full of Arrogance." Klaus chuckled, shaking his head.

"You've seen so much for being young still." I shook my head at him this time. Disagreeing with him.

"I haven't seen anything. I haven't lived. I was trapped in either my home or studying under the watchful eyes of the Elders. Then coming home- I ran. That's not living. That's not seeing." I explained. "I want to experience life." Klaus stared at me. He seemed to understand what I had been saying, completely. He reached out and grabbed my hand.

"Maybe when we get rid of these Travelers.. I can show you the world. We can travel and take our time to embrace everything." I stared at him with a smile as he rolled his eyes. "Kol can come too, I suppose." I smiled at his annoyance at including his brother in our lives.

"And with the dagger- we'll be able to travel a lot sooner." I told him with a smile. Klaus turned his frown up right.

"We will-" I stopped his thought process as I leaned in and kissed him. It was a short kiss before I pulled back. "What happened to the woman who was afraid of being with someone?" Klaus questioned with a small smile. I shrugged my shoulders at him before smirking.

"Oh no- we're not together." I said playfully before leaning in and kissing him again. "Maybe we should get home now?"

 "Maybe we should get home now?"

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