Chapter XXXVIII: Pit Stop

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"Come on, love." I heard as I kept my eyes closed. I was in a deep sleep when I heard Klaus trying to get me up. "You can sleep in the car." He mumbled. I shook my head, hugging the pillow to me tightly.

"I think we should just carry her." I heard in front of me. I didn't even realize I was hugging Kol and not a pillow until his chest rumbled with a laugh. With that I felt my body being pulled closer to the pillow like chest and my legs wrapped around him tightly as my head moved into his neck. "Sleep, darlin'. I've got you." With that I let sleep pull me back into a deep dreamy state.


Have you ever had a really good dream that seemed to effect you in the real world? Like extremely lucid. Well I was. My mind buzzing with the images of Kol and Klaus claiming me. Ever since it had been placed into my mind- I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Feeling their fangs piercing my skin- thats not even the only thing I can't stop thinking about.

When a claim is done right- willingly. It's very intimate. Warmth spreads through your body. Making you feel like you are floating, like a high feeling. A fire going through your body. All warm and tingly. The only thing to relieve the heat running through your body was to be given a release that would surely cause you to black out.

"Sadie?" A hand rubbing up and down on my arm carefully. I slowly opened my eyes, feeling the heal buzzing through my body. My eyes moved to look right up at Kol to see him staring at my with darkened eyes. I could feel the heat coming off of him. "What-um-" Kol seemed to be at a loss for words.

"Interesting dream, love?" Klaus spoke up, causing me to snap my eyes to him. He had apparently pulled over at a gas station, his eyes darkened, but not like Kol's. My body was buzzing as I recalled my dream. The feeling of being touched. Being claimed. The heat spreading through me.


"Don't be shy now. You're eyes say it all." Klaus smirked before frowning as Kol opened the car door. "Kol will help you." Klaus muttered, obviously they had discussed this before even thinking to wake me up. Kol waited before I went to slide out of the car, letting him grab my hand. We stopped at the perfect gas station apparently too. The bathrooms were outdoor ones. Usually I would never stop at these, just because the bathrooms were creepy. But as Kol led me into a single person bathroom, I realized it was relatively clean. The light did flicker though in a creepy way. But I didn't mind as Kol pulled me in and locked the door behind us.

"I can almost feel your hunger, darlin'." He breathed as he turned to me and started to come towards me like I was prey. I took a step back before hitting the wall. The bathroom was really small. The toilet was in the corner and I was standing near the sink. Kol stepped towards me until he was right in front of me, his breathing coming out ragged and harshly. Eyes so dark they were like black holes with hints of red. I could feel the heat spreading in my core as I stared at him, taking in his scent.

His hands came up next to my head on the wall, leaning on it as he dipped his face near my neck. Inhaling deeply.

"You smell divine. I want a taste-" He shook his head at his own thought process, leaning in and pressing an open mouth kiss to the base of my neck, just above where my shoulder meets.

"Kol-" I breathed out. My own breathing was coming out in slight pants. The feeling of need and want mixing together and becoming inseparable. I couldn't distinguish between the two anymore. If he bit me, I wouldn't stop him. I don't think I wanted too.

"When I tasted your blood- when Klaus had offered it to me.." Kol started, letting his lips brush against my skin with each word causing shivers to run through me. I felt nothing but anxious. I needed me to touch me. I needed the friction. I needed- something, anything...everything. "It was the best thing I had ever tasted. Like it was made to touch my tastebuds..." His lips trailed up my neck to my ear. Lightly wrapping around my earlobe before speaking again. "I wonder what else would be made for my tastebuds." He breathed out. I let a whimper out as he finally brought his fingers to my midriff. Touching bare skin as he went under my shirt and danced along the waistband of my sleep shorts.

"Kol.. please-" I begged. I needed him to touch me. I hated being needy- but with this. I lived for it. Kol let out a groan at my words. Or maybe it was at the whine beneath them.

"Say my name like that again." He demanded, tickling my skin with his fingers as he pulled at my shorts. I swallowed harshly at his deep demand.

"Kol.." I whimpered out, coming out breathy and needy. Kol smirked as he pulled away from my ear, his face in my view now before he tilts his head slightly to connect our lips. It felt like the butterfly's in my stomach that were fluttering around had turned into lava, heating the pits of my stomach. Kol's fingers lightly pressed right above my clit before reaching further to pinch it gently. The moan that bubbled out of my throat was muffled by Kol's lips. Moving in since with my own in a heated passion. His fingers moved pass my clit to my folds, sliding through them before he pulled his hand back. His lips leaving mine as his fingers went straight to his mouth.

"Mmm." He groaned as he sucked his fingers. When he removed his fingers he leaned back in and kissed me. His hands pulling my shorts down before throwing them to the sink. His hands grabbed my thighs, lifting my up before moving to settle me on the sink, on top of my shorts. Kneeling in front of me before pressing kisses to my thighs as his hands pushed my legs apart. Pulling me closer to the edge of the sink so he could bring his lips up further up my legs.

A long quiet moan left my lips as Kol dragged his tongue up my leg and hovered over my core. His warm breath causing shivers to run up my back. Leaning my head back with a moan as his tongue dived between my folds. Kol growled as he pushed his tongue further into me. I leaned on one of my hands as I carded my fingers into his hair. His fingers digging into my upper thighs.

Kol flicked his tongue inside of me, groaning as he dived deeper. The moans leaving my lips were coming in waves. Like a hurricane hovering over the Pacific Ocean. But that wasn't the only thing that was hitting me in waves. The pleasure- the energy I was being fed. I tugged on his hair, trying to pull him closer as my walls shook. His tongue felt like it was pulsating inside of me.

My hold on his hair tightened as I let out a gasping moan. My walls flexing before collapsing around his tongue. Kol brought his thumb to rest on my clit, rolling it, causing my orgasm to intensify significantly. My hips trying to jerk forward as he sucked, trying to suck whatever of my orgasm out and into his mouth. As I felt my high lowering, Kol pulled his face away from my legs. Wiping his chin before I felt him entering me and causing my legs to wrap around his waist. Our lips connecting heatedly.

 Our lips connecting heatedly

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