Chapter XVI: Fear of Losing✔️

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Turns out the Mikaelson's came over to not only introduce themselves and thank me for the gift I had apparently offered them. But they were wanting to discuss the plan of how I would be protected. I felt odd having them try and figure out a plan of action. I felt weak. Like I couldn't protect myself. Which I technically couldn't do that well. I knew some self defense. But not enough to go up against Travelers, or honestly any supernatural creature. If they could resist my 'Charm' as Sawyer had always put it, then they could do whatever they wanted.

The Dark Succubus is supposed to have special powers- something to make them stronger than the average Succubus. But I had yet to see any of those powers. Sawyer even had me go to Paris to train with others of our kind. Lot of help that did. Not.

After the confrontation between Klaus and I, everyone seemed to forget about it. Klaus kept quiet and distanced himself which made me feel guilty. But I had been in that position before. Being with someone, it's too complicated. I couldn't go through it again. And I knew it would be rough, being around him- hell even being around his brothers. I felt some kind of connection to them without even honestly knowing them. A pull, so to say. It was almost like they were incubus and luring me in. But that was impossible. The only other reason that I would feel a pull is if they had marked me- which they hadn't.

The marking of a Succubus was something I hated the thought of. To be claimed by someone. It doesn't even have to be a love thing. It'd be like playing Master and slave. They would be the only one who could heal me- fulfill my undeniable hunger. They could force me to do things- holding my needs over my head. It happened before to Succubus. It was uncommon, but a possibility.

And having a Dark Succubus in their hands- it would prove much more useful. They would be able to use me to negotiate their deals. They could literally get whatever they wanted- all they'd have to do is offer my blood to the being. It terrified me to even think of it.

My mother and father were a claiming love. They had claimed each other after a few months of being together. Making it so they could have children together. That was another thing- I couldn't get pregnant unless I was marked. Most saw that as a blessing. Since we feed often and the way we feed is how others procreate.

I sat on the sofa as I was lost in thought, letting the siblings argue over strategies and plans. Jeremy sat on one side of me, mostly keeping to himself and being my support. Kol was on the other side of me, his leg bouncing as a sign of excitement or anxiety- I wasn't sure which. But I did notice how he would let his leg brush against mine often, causing him to glance at me here and there.

The buzzing from being so close to him was trying its best to pull my attention. But I kept ignoring it the best I could. I was hungry. I knew it. But I didn't know if I could feed from one of them without Klaus being upset. And I felt Klaus was too attached- not that I could blame him. I felt this incredible pull coming from him. Like I needed to be with him again. But the fear stopped that thought in its process.

"Sadie?" I snapped my gaze up to look at Finn, blinking a few times to refocus my eyesight. "Are you alright?" He questioned, his hazel eyes holding concern. I nodded.

"Yea- um I'm fine. Just zoning out I guess." I told him honestly. His eyebrows relaxed into a look of humor, smiling at me. "You guys weren't talking to me- were you? I'm so sorry.. That was rude of me to not listen-"

"It's alright, Sadie." Elijah was the one to speak up this time. "We were just asking you when you last had someone try anything." He explained as I thought about it. The memory of my brother being there-

"You've got to go, Sades." Sawyer spoke to me as he untied me. He had snuck into the building they held me in. Chanting was heard outside the door. "I'll hold them off- you get to Mystic Falls. You should be safe there until I come to you." He explained as he grabbed my face, forcing my eyes to look at him. "Sadie, let me know you hear me."

"I-I- Sawyer, I can't le-leave you." I stammered out. The chanting got louder as they were right outside the door. They were preparing for the ultimate sacrifice. I could even think of what would happen if I died. I didn't reproduce- Would there be another Dark Succubus if I didn't procreate?

"You must." He told me as he pulled me up, causing me to stumble slightly. "Rester caché. Reste fort et n'abandonne jamais. Je te reviendrais." He spoke to me in French. It is our kinds native language. (Stay hidden. Stay Strong and Never give up. I will come back to you.) He shoved me towards a hidden exit, the way he had come to rescue me. "Run." He demanded as the door slammed open. "GO!"

"Sadie!" I snapped back, blinking as I realized I had some tears streaming down my face. My eyes jerked to who had spoken to me, noticing Kol and Jeremy had each grabbed my hands, squeezing them as Klaus was kneeling in front of me. Eyes holding nothing but concern. He scanned my eyes as he watched them come back into focus. "Maybe everyone should leave. Give you some quiet time." He spoke softly.

"I-" I tried but nodded. "Please." I mumbled. Klaus nodded, reaching out and wiping a tear that was about to roll down my cheek. Everyone had gotten up. No one spoke anything, like they had nothing to say- or they were uncomfortable. Kol stayed back as well as Jeremy. I looked over to him in confusion.

"I'm staying here to make sure nothing happens. Don't worry- I'll take the couch, Darlin'." He told me, offering me a gentle smile. I smiled back at him nodding.

"You know, I can protect her tonight-" Jeremy told Kol which made Kol scoff.

"How? How would a human protect Sadie from Travelers?" He asked him. Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"Fine- but You stay on that couch." He told Kol sternly, before grabbing my hand and dragging me to my room. Kol watched confused and a bit disappointed that Jeremy got to sleep next to Sadie and he didn't. But he didn't say anything, moving to plop onto the couch with a sigh.

I had sent Jeremy back out to give Kol a pillow and a few blankets, not wanting him to be uncomfortable. Before laying in bed. When he came back to my room he looked at me, concerned.

"Wanna talk about it?" He questioned. I shook my head at him, rolling onto my side, cuddling into my pillow. I heard him sigh before turning the light off and pulling the blanket over me. "I'm here, you know. Always." He whispered as he got into bed next to me. I let out a shaky breath in fear before rolling over and curling up to my best friend. His arms wrapped around me as I cried. The fear of never seeing my brother again haunting my mind.

 The fear of never seeing my brother again haunting my mind

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