Chapter XLII: Powers and Soulmates

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"Wait- Daddy?" Kol repeated looking at me from where he was pushed. My lips were parted as I stared at the man in front of me.

"Please don't call me that- Sadie can- but you.. I'm not quite into that. Percival Emersyn. You can call me Mr. Emersyn of course." He instructed as he marched his way into the house. I stared at him, dumbfounded. I heard Sawyer moving around before he came out of his room with Caroline.

"Dad!" He said before running over to him and giving him a weird hug. Like they hadn't been separated for years. My mouth had run dry. I don't even know what I was feeling right now as my brain processed what my eyes were seeing. I was sure my eyes were flashing between orange and steel- unsure what I was feeling was strong enough to mess with my emotions. Klaus came to my side, looking me over as Sawyer and dad exchanged greetings.

Did Sawyer have contact with our father this whole time? He said something about making a call a weeks ago and now- now he was here. Like he hadn't left us all those years ago. Betrayal- that was definitely an emotion I was feeling. Maybe a hint of anger- nope. Thats a lot of anger. My body was buzzing with it as my breathing quickened.

"You never did leave us- did you?" I questioned as I pulled Klaus' hands off of my face and stared passed him to my father. He looked up at me, seeing my eyes glowing brightly.

"Sadie-" I let out a laugh, stopping his try at talking.

"You left us. Abandoned us. Made me think that it was all my fault. You made me think- Is there any truth in this family?" I asked, not wanting an actual answer as I snapped my eyes to Sawyer. "And you! You had contact with him this whole time?? Were you ever actually possessed by the traveler? Was that a lie as well?" Kol grabbed my hand, trying to calm me down. Which it worked a little, but my eyes went back to my father.

"Sadie- I had to leave. I kept my eyes on you this whole time. I had to protect you."

"Protect? Protect!?" I let out an unattractive snort. "Where were you then?? When Sawyer and I left Mystic Falls? When I was in Paris- were you there as well? Protecting me? From Trent? From the Travelers?" I didn't notice the tears freely flowing out of my eyes now as I stared at him. His eyes flashed red before showing guilt.

"I was there. I was always there." He admitted. He stepped forward only for me to step back. "I-I wanted nothing more than to help you. To kill that Mutt that thought he deserved you. To kill the Travelers- but-"

"But. There it is! Always a but! A reason to stay out of it. So what? Protection entails what exactly? Watching from a far- wishing you could help but never actually doing shit about it?!" I exclaimed. Sawyer stared at me shocked. He didn't completely understand what was happening. I didn't blame him though. He had no idea about Trent. He just knew about the travelers. Kol still held my hand as Klaus placed his hand on my lower back. They were trying their best to calm me. "I was stuck- stuck for weeks- months. I couldn't leave. And what? You just watched from afar."

"What are you talking about?" Sawyer spoke up, confused about the situation I was talking about. I snapped my eyes to him, my lips a tight line.

"Ask father. He can tell you." I said as my jaw jutted out, trying to hold in the sob that was threatening to break free. Sawyer looked from me to Father.

"There was a werewolf in Paris that claimed Sadie." Percival spoke up. Sawyer's face fell quickly into a look of anger.

"Forcibly." I added. "Go on, Daddy. Tell him how I was forcibly bitten. Claimed without any will to it. How I was stuck with the man for months. Not to mention how I had to kill him- stab a silver dagger into him and carve out his heart. You're precious little girl- nothing short of a murder." I gritted out. Sawyer looked at me like he wanted to rush over to me and hug me. But I shook my head at him. I was too angry. But I could feel the squeeze of my hand Kol offered me or how Klaus rubbed his thumb along the curve of my back.

"You had to learn to protect yourself. Your powers were supposed to present themselves in your time of need." I raised my eyebrow at him.

"My powers? You were trying to make my powers show themselves?! Well guess what! I am just like any other Succubus. No powers. Nothing special here." Percival shook his head at me.

"No, I was wrong. But you are too. You are different. Special. Your powers won't show from being in need of them-" He started as he moved towards me slightly. Klaus stepped in front of me though, blocking him. "I won't hurt her. She is my daughter." He said to Klaus quickly. "I was wrong, Sadie." He told me, his eyes looking at me, wide and calculating.

"You need to be a bit more specific." I muttered. Feeling a bit calmer at the feel of my mates near me.

"I had been looking in all the wrong books- Dark Succubus, they aren't like the average ones. Like your mother, or even like Sawyer and I. We received them when we needed to defend ourselves." He told me calmly. I crinkled my brows at him. Not understanding. I had never actually seen Sawyer use any sort of powers. But Percival did push Kol and Klaus back with some kind of force.

"Powers?" I questioned.

"Your mother received her power from the Blue Harebell flower- the power of True Love. Remember how Incubus and Succubus don't normally end up together.." I thought about it, nodding slowly. "She could dream up of love so easily. She saw this- she always told me how our children would be so loved, but never elaborated. Now I see it."

"And you? The Marigold?"

"The strength of the sun. Power and Strength. Cursed to live with Despaired Love. Broken hearted from the loss of my soulmate." He said with sadness. I averted my eyes to the floor, thinking about it. I had read something about this before- but I didn't think we had received powers from our flower.

"I have the rose.. Loyalty-" Sawyer started.

"Like a knight. Thats why you are so perfect at protecting your sister. It was your destiny." Percival agreed. He looked up at me again. "And the Orange Poppy. Health and Regeneration." He told me calmly. "You will always bring life to wherever you go." I stared at him before relaxing further into my mates touch. "Sadie- I know how to get the travelers away from you. You need to activate your powers." I looked at my father in confusion again.

"How? I've been in need of them for a while-" He shook his head.

"A Dark Succubus gets her powers when she is claimed by her Soulmates. Both of them."


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