Chapter XXXIII: An Interesting Car Ride

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We left the park after sitting there for a bit. My body was buzzing so much from the way Klaus had teased me- I knew he had done it on purpose. Why else did he have to put those images in my head?

The car ride was where my mind really started to explore. We had been sitting in silence for a bit. So it gave my brain endless opportunity to think of different circumstances of when Klaus and Kol would claim me. Why was I thinking about this so much? I didn't want to be claimed just a day ago. And now- they had somehow wormed their way in. Sure the pull was becoming stronger since I had been with them both. I had thought about them both biting me before as well- but I was never going to let it happen.

But today, my thoughts had changed. All I could think of was Kol standing in front of me, with Klaus behind me. Both having their fangs deep into each side of my neck. Klaus having his hands rubbing along my hips, bringing them forward just slightly as Kol was running his hands along my arms and chest. Sandwiching me between the brothers.

"What are you thinking about to make your eyes so bright, love?" I snapped out of my daze, blinking several times as I realized my eyes weren't the only give away. My breathing had quickened slightly. I swallowed hard as I adjusted how I was sitting, only to realize how wet my underwear had gotten. My eyes peaked over at Klaus to see a knowing smirk already spreading across his lips.

"Just thinking about Kol." I told him, knowing it would annoy him. I watched as Klaus' smirk fell and his eyes hardened. "He is such a gentle lover, you know? You should be really proud of him." I pushed further. I could see his hands tighten on the steering wheel slightly before he relaxed again. The smirk returning right after.

"That's why you are mated to us both- Kol is good for the slow-gentle love making." He agreed, before glancing at me with a bit of mischief in his eyes. "But me? I'm more for the kinky-rough fucking." I gasped audibly at his words as his hand moved to rest on my thigh. I looked away from him with a shit eating grin on my face, a rush of red lightly speckling my cheeks. "Am I wrong, love?" He spoke up again, squeezing my thigh. I shook my head quietly.

"I don't know." I told him, gaining the confidence I was always destined to have. "Sure- you can be rough. But I haven't seen any kind of kinkiness to it-" Klaus looked at me before back to the road.

"Are you challenging me, Sadie? I can pull over and fuck you on the side of the road if you'd like- maybe against the car so the world will know you belong to me?" My lips parted at the thought. It was something I could definitely see him doing and I was not against it as much as I should have been.

"Why do you have to pull over to prove something?" I questioned. My breath hitched as his hand moved up my thigh and that devious smirk made his eyes sparkle.

"If it's a challenge you are asking for, love, I accept happily." Klaus said as his fingers pressed into my thigh as it danced up to my shorts.

I wore flowy shorts that were easy for him to get past without removing them at all. His fingers slid up to my underwear, his fingers pushing my other thigh to get me to spread my legs some for himself. His fingers pressing against my clothed core, causing my breathing to stop. Swallowing hard as my eyes closed.

"Eyes open, love. Keep them on the road." Klaus ordered causing me to snap my glowing eyes open. Klaus pressed into me, pushing past my underwear as his bare fingers ran along my folds. "Remember to breath." He instructed as I gasped out a bit, moaning at the feeling of his fingers entering me slowly.

"Kl-Klaus." I breathed out, noticing he was driving a bit faster. His fingers sliding in me all the way before pulling back out. My hand went to the door where the hand was, gripping it tightly. I could feel the energy entering me as he kept moving before his fingers left me, moving to my clit. "Klausss." I hissed out, my eyes glancing towards him to see his eyes focused on the road as he sped up.

"I slow down- when you finish, love." He growled out. Chills running through me at his growl. His fingers pinching the small bundle of nerves causing me to gasp out and arch my back. Klaus sped up more as his fingers quickly re-entered me. Moving quicker, curling deep inside of me. My walls tightening at the speed he was going.

The way he was driving was just adding to the thrill. I moaned out as my body convulsed. My toes curling at the pleasure shooting through me. Klaus ran his thumb over my clit which took me over the edge completely. Moaning out as I flooded with my pleasure around Klaus' fingers.

"That's my girl." Klaus said in a low tone before removing his fingers with a simple smile. Slowing down the car as he pulled into a parking lot. His fingers going to his mouth as he seemed to be enjoying himself greatly. "Hungry, love?"

 "Hungry, love?"

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