Chapter XX: Best Friend to the Rescue ✔️

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I stayed in my room for an hour before someone entered my room. I stayed facing away from the door. I knew I was acting childish. I knew it. But I had my freedom taken from me. I don't want to lose it anymore, I can't. I want to enjoy any time I have before the Travelers come for me. Besides, it's not like I want them to get me. I plan to fight. Protect myself for a change. I'm strong. Tough.

I felt the bed dip slightly behind me before it seemed like someone laid down behind me. I could tell it was Jeremy. He stayed silent for a bit. Before I could hear his lips part.

"Sawyer's home." He spoke simply. I took in a sharp breath.

"Yeah.." I breathed out in reply.

"Wanna talk about what happened there?" He asked. I sighed, rolling over onto my back and staring up at the ceiling.

"Sawyer wants to leave." I muttered.

"Okay? And why is that bad? He just got here-"

"With me. He wants Us to leave." I interrupted him, correcting what I had said. Jeremy's head snapped to the side to look at me. His eyes widened slightly.

"He-He wants-" He stopped, taking a breath as I looked over at him, rolling onto my side to face him better. "Are you going?" I shook my head as he rolled over onto his side to face me.

"No. I'm tired of running." I told him as his brown eyes softened and stared at my steel hard eyes.

"There's more than that to this- What happened, Sadie?" Jeremy stared at me. That was the thing with him- he could read me so easily. I could never get away with anything with him nearby. When I was 14 and he was 10, he knew when I had a huge crush on this guy in school- or when I was 9 and he was 5, he knew when I had shoplifted and felt the guilt of it. Jeremy was like my human lie detector. That's what made him such an amazing friend, I never had to tell him I was upset or hopeless. He just...knew.

"I just- I want my freedom." I watched as Jeremy furrowed his brow, thinking over what I had mumbled out. I sighed as he tried so hard to figure out the hidden meaning behind my words. "When a Succubus is bitten- its a way to mark..claim them. Like an object." I told him as he stared at me, nodding like he understood. I let out a shaky breath. "Once claimed.. they can only feed-heal from that one person." I watched as Jeremy sat up, his eyes hard.

"When did this happen?" His lips were squeezed together into a line. Jaw set. He was holding back the anger he was feeling. I could tell by the way his breathing was a bit shaky.

"Shortly after I left here, Sawyer sent me to Paris to learn from an actual Succubus." I told him. Jeremy twisted his face towards me.

"So some snobby croissant bit you?!" He snapped. I let out a slight snort at what he had called Trent before nodding. "Was it- Did he-" Jeremy paused, unsure how to ask his question without insulting me.

"He did it against my knowledge." I clarified for him. Jeremy pulled me to him, his arms wrapping around my shoulders in a way to comfort me. Although, I had a feeling he was comforting himself as well.

"Does Sawyer know?" He asked as he pulled away from me. I shook my head at him. "Wait- You said you wouldn't be able to feed or heal from anyone except from the person who marked you..?" I nodded slowly. "But- you have fed.."

"I have. Look- Jeremy, I- I had a moment of weakness. But I took care of it on my own. I protected myself." I told him as he looked at me. "I got my freedom back. I got my life back on my own. I can't keep running and hiding. It'd be like being marked again. The control I wouldn't have..."

"Do you think you could take the Travelers though?" He questioned. I shrugged.

"There's got to be a way." I told him as I flopped back onto the bed. "Dark Succubus are supposed to have some kind of defensive powers- but I have yet to see them."

"How did you get rid of the croissant?" Jeremy asked. He looked back at me before flopping down next to me. "I assume you killed him- unless you found a way out of it." I shook my head.

"I drained him. His name was Trent. He was a werewolf." I told him, thinking back to Trent staring up at me with his yellow eyes. "I drained him the best I could before handing him a bottle of Wolfsbane water. He- he thought I was just being spunky that day and accepted the water to hydrate.." I looked over at Jeremy who had grimaced a bit at the idea of what Trent was hydrating for.

"So you can drain people? Completely?" I nodded.

"It's harder with the supernatural. That's why I had to sneak the Wolfsbane into his water. I had weakened him enough. When he drank it- I had to stab him with a silver dagger that I had gotten." I told him. "I'm not exactly strong enough to rip a heart out or cut a head off." I added quickly.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, Sadie." I nodded at his sympathy.

"Why don't we watch some movies or something? Maybe have a movie marathon together?" He offered. I smiled at him, nodding.

"Sure." He sat up excitedly.

"I'll get the snacks. You get the movies set up."


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