Chapter VI: Buzzing✔

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Walking back to the table, Jeremy looked up at me, confused. His eyes darted behind me to see Klaus walking out of the bathroom areas as well and going to the bar.

"Sorry, some mosquito was buzzing around me." I mumbled, earning a look from Klaus before he left. Jeremy looked at me as I started to eat my food that was a bit cold from how long I had taken.

"Are you going to tell me what that was, or am I going to have to ask?" Jeremy questioned, his tone thick with sarcasm as he finished off his food. I hadn't thought I was gone that long but clearly time passed when I was talking to Klaus.

"We were just discussing the deal." I told him as I scrambled my fried eggs and layered them onto my toast before eating them. Jeremy leaned back, watching me with a raised eyebrow.

"Deal? I watched you shut him down just a half hour or so ago. What happened? What changed?" I looked at him as I chewed my food.

"He cornered me. So I let him talk." I told him simply as I sliced my ham up and started to eat that. I had an unquenchable hunger and I had Klaus to blame for that. My body felt tingly and like it was buzzing. My eyes looked past Jeremy to see the vampire was still there, staring at me as he was before. "He- he offered to protect me that's all." I told him as I brought my eyes back to him.

"You and I both know that's not all. What did he want in return? Why did you change your mind?"

"Jeremy- it's nothing. He just wants a bit of blood in return." Jeremy shook his head at me.

"But you said-"

"I know what I said." I interrupted him. Between Jeremy questioning me and the buzzing, my anger was not something I could control. I looked up at him to see his look of shock, before I sighed. "Everything is alright. He wants a bit to offer his siblings as a bribe essentially and then that's it." I told him, taking a few deep breaths to try and calm the buzzing that was running through my nerves.

"Did he do anything to you? You seem on edge." Jeremy mumbled as I finished off my food. I snapped my gaze to him, glaring. "Don't shoot me with your laser eyes, Cyclops." He said, raising his hands up in defense. I rolled my eyes at his X-Men reference.

"We both know I'm more of a Rogue or Storm."


After breakfast, I ended up leaving the grill on foot, while Jeremy was running late for school. He was in his final year and was already slacking off all because of me. Thankfully, my house wasn't that far from the bar. I got home just in time to find some guy on my porch.

"Oh, Hello! My name is Darell. I noticed someone had come back to this house and was looking to offer my business to you." He spoke confidently. I tilted my head at him, my eyebrow raised.

"You do..?" I questioned, trailing off so he could fill it in.

"Oh, sorry! I do a mixture of lawn care and construction. I have a team that could fix this beauty up to the way she should be." He spoke with a nice smile. I stepped up to stand in front of him, rather closely, even though it didn't seem like he minded. My hand made contact with his hand, shaking it since he had offered it.

"My name is Sadie. I'd love to talk about business." I said with a flirty smile. I had to get this buzzing to go away. Not to mention this man wasn't bad looking. His dark skin seemed to glow under the blaring sun, brown eyes holding the smile he was offering. Strong hands, lean build. He was a very good looking man. My only concern was how human he seemed. I had control, sure, but it was always possible to kill humans with my draining. "Would you care to chat inside?" I asked, not inviting him in verbally but insinuating it. Darell nodded with the smile still intact.

Moving ahead and unlocking the door, I held it open for him. This was my way of seeing if he was a vampire. I couldn't sense anything about him, but witches have proven to be able to hide the aura of a supernatural being. I followed him in as he made his way into the home. "This way." I said, showing him to the living room.

"You have a beautiful home, Ms. Sadie." He said politely. I shook my head.

"Please, just Sadie is fine. And no need to lie. The house is a mess. I just got to town last night and haven't had a chance to do any cleaning yet." I explained as I felt the slight embarrassment of the messy interior of the home. The door being knocked on interrupted our chat. "Um- hold on just a moment." I told him before standing and going to the door. Opening the door, I can't say I was surprised who was standing there. Eyes dark in desire.

"I didn't think you would have company." Klaus spoke as he could probably smell the human in my living room. I raised my eyebrow at him, trying to pretend to be shocked he was on my porch. "Don't look so shocked, love. Now are you going to invite me in?"

"Can I trust you?" I asked. Even with making a deal, there was no guarantee he wouldn't kill me. Klaus showed a slightly insulted expression.

"I believe in order to protect you, you need to trust me." He told me calmly, his voice though a bit lower and raspier than it was before. That was the thing with Succubus. The desire to be with one is strong and once you are within the pull of it, you can't deny it. No matter what. It was only a matter of time before Klaus ended up in front of me. I stared at him, his blue-green eyes dark and his jaw clenched.

"Please, come in, Klaus." I breathed.

" I breathed

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