Chapter XXVIII: Kansas Baby✔️

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We've been driving for a while now. I keep falling asleep on and off while leaning against Kol. We only stopped two more times in between. I opened my eyes slowly as I felt someone brushing through my hair. Looking up I saw I was now laying on Kol's lap and he was smiling down at me.

"Well good morning, mon chéri." His eyes sparkling with excitement as always. "We have arrived at our new home for the time being." I sat up slowly at his words, looking out the window.

It was a gorgeous house. But it would never be home. I looked as Finn pulled in on the other side of us. Rebekah wasted no time in getting out of the car and stretching her legs.

"That drive was a bit excessive don't you think? We probably could have stopped hours ago!" She complained as I got out of the car.

"Where are we?" I asked as Klaus and Kol got out and walked over to grab the one suitcase I had brought with me.

"Wichita, Kansas." Klaus spoke up as he walked over to stand by me. "This was one of the homes I stayed in when searching for-" His eyes widened as a thought came to him. "I need to make a few calls." He mumbled before flashing away. I stared at where he once stood as Elijah excused himself and followed after Klaus. Obviously they had the same idea. I looked over to Kol and Finn as they both stood by me. Finn took my suitcase as Kol grabbed my hand. I smiled at them both and we walked into the house.

It was huge. Like really huge. High ceilings. Floor to ceiling windows. There was a lake or something outside.

"This all seems like a bit much." I breathed out as Kol pulled on my hand to lead me away. Finn took my suitcase to a room. I don't know what room, but I guess I'll find out later. We ended up in the kitchen, which was huge. Way bigger than I had thought we would need.

"Klaus likes extreme." Kol muttered, rolling his eyes at the size of the kitchen. "I was thinking you would be hungry after the drive?" He questioned as he turned to look at me. I smiled, nodding.

"I could eat- maybe sleep after though?"

"You slept the whole way here according to Klaus." I heard Rebekah enter the kitchen. Her voice is full of attitude towards the name of her brother. "He was bloody annoying. Complaining about Kol over the phone when you slept." I snorted as Kol huffed.

"Sleep in the car isn't as....restful." I told her in which she nodded in understanding. Rebekah opened the fridge, grabbing an apple. I watched her with a raised brow which made her hold the apple up with a sassy smirk.

"Something to sink my teeth into." Rebekah laughed, causing me to laugh with her. "You two get a room if this becomes an... intimate lunch, yeah?" She told us before walking away. I burst out laughing at what she had said before I felt Kol come up behind me, his hands on my sides before his fingers wiggled over my sides. Giggles left my lips before he turned me around.

"Why is that so funny to you?" Kol asked as he lifted me up to sit on the counter top.

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

"You laughed about us making this an intimate lunch." Kol clarified as he went to open the freezer, pulling out a frozen pizza.

"Kol-" I started and thought about it before I went on. Watching him preheat the oven. "I don't even know what this all is." I admitted. Kol looked back at me as I leaned my hands against the counter top, my head tilted down in thought.

"What this all is?" Kol repeated. I nodded, looking up.

"I don't know what this is. Between you. Between Klaus. There's something there and the more I fight it-" I paused as I saw his eyes glisten, as if he was anticipating what I would say. "The more I realize how much I like it." Kol took two steps towards me with a grin.

"You do? You like-whatever this is?" I nodded my head slowly. He smiled before leaning over and pressing his lips to mine. I smiled happily against his lips before leaning closer to him. I moved my lips against his as he moved to stand in between my legs. It wasn't an intense kiss. Just one that was full of possibility. Something I didn't think I would want. But it seemed that I did now. With both Kol and Klaus. Kol was the one to pull away when the timer beeped for the oven being preheated. He stared into my eyes with his heated gaze. He seemed extremely happy before letting out a huff of air. "But did it have to be with Klaus as well? You couldn't have chosen someone else?"

 "But did it have to be with Klaus as well? You couldn't have chosen someone else?"

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