Chapter XXVII: On the Run✔️

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The thing with being the last Dark Succubus is that my life is not my own. It never has been. When I was born- I was forced to absorb my mothers magic. That is what had killed her. Not giving birth to me. Father always told me it was the choice she made. The moment they found out I was due on the 13th on a Friday.. Mother knew. She sacrificed her life to make me what I am.

Father never looked at me the way he did Sawyer. I was the reason his wife was gone- so I couldn't blame him. I would hate me too. Hell, I kind of did. Sawyer used to tell me how I reminded him of our mother. The way I look, the way I speak. Mom was an average Succubus, but she did what she could to be as strong as possible. Sawyer even told me about how Mom and Dad had met. How Dad fell in love with how strong she was.

It wasn't common for an Incubus to fall in love with a Succubus. We usually procreate with werewolves or vampires. Something about how they were easier to live with. Probably the aspect of how we could feed and not murder them. When an Incubus is with a Succubus, it's harder for them to be full. Continually taking from one another. Like a seesaw. Never truly full.

But Sawyer said this is what made me so strong. I don't know why everyone always says how strong I am. Sure, I have some fancy magic blood. But other than that- I had nothing special to me except for what other Succubus had.

When Father left, I felt it was all my fault. And my special relationship with Sawyer changed. He was never around, mostly there to make sure I was safe. Always doing rounds, checking for a magic line. That is when someone not connected to nature, like travelers, uses magic. It's like a telltale of them being near. He was trained to look for it. But I was sixteen. My brother was twenty. I felt like that day I lost my father- I also lost Sawyer.

The pain of not having anyone to turn to was awful. I hated it. That was when my friendship with Jeremy turned into one like a sibling. He was there for me, even though he was so much younger. He was only twelve but he acted as if he understood. Not to mention we had been friends since I was eight and he was four. He was this adorable little toddler and I was obsessed with him. I treated him like my younger brother.

Our friendship was something I always loved. He listened, pretended to know what was happening and would try to make me smile afterwards.

This is why I was so upset about leaving him. I couldn't have him leave his sister. She was his real family. No matter how terrible she was. So, now here I am running. Running from something I had no clue on how to stop. Leaving my best friend behind. Leaving my brother behind. Leaving my freedom behind.

Kol reached over and pulled me to lean into his side. We were in the backseat of the suv. Klaus was driving us. Rebekah had joined Elijah and Finn in the car behind us. I had no idea where we were going.

"Can we stop at a gas station?" I spoke up. I need something to drink, not to mention I haven't had breakfast yet. Klaus looked back at me in the rear view mirror, his eyes looking at me with some concern.

"We'll stop at the next exit." I nodded at him, tearing my gaze from his and looking out the window. I heard Klaus speaking into his phone, probably letting the others know we were stopping for a bit. I watched as the trees flashed past us as we drove until finally I saw us turning down the exit ramp. It didn't take long before we pulled up to a SevenEleven. I moved quickly to get my seatbelt off before pushing the door open and sliding out of the car,

"Use the restroom and get something to eat, love." Klaus said as he walked around the car to me. I looked up at him as he pulled out his credit card. My eyebrow raised at him. He sighed out in annoyance. "I know, you can take care of yourself. But please. Just-" I took the card from him and hugged him.

"Thank you." I whispered. Klaus sighed again, wrapping his arms around me.

"We won't run forever, Sadie. We'll figure something out and then you can have your freedom." He assured me. I looked up at him nodding. "Now go, we need to go further before we stop." I nodded before walking away. As I opened the door to the gas station, the clerk greeted me in a monotone voice, probably not wanting to be here as much as I don't. I went to the bathroom first, not really needing to go. But I knew if I didn't try then I would regret it later. Not knowing when we'll be stopping again. I grabbed a bottle of Mello Yello. It was something I didn't drink often and I rather enjoyed.

"Get some water too." I heard someone behind me. My head moved to the side to see Finn. His eyes were hard as he walked with me. I rolled my eyes at him before grabbing a few water bottles.

"I didn't need a bodyguard to get snacks." I mumbled. Finn let out an odd noise at my proclamation. Obviously, disagreeing. I moved on to the hot food section, needing something fresh other than just chips or something simple. I made myself some nachos and grabbed a slice of pizza before grabbing a chicken tornado for Klaus and Kol. Finn raised his eyebrow at me before taking some of the food from me to help.

I grabbed the purple bag of skittles and some necco wafers. I thought it was so funny that most people hated them, I loved them though. With that I walked over to pay for it all. Finn ended up taking all the food and bags in his hands as we walked back to the car. Klaus had just finished filling the car up when I got into the car. Kol grinned at me as I handed him the tornado and a water bottle. Doing the same for Klaus as he got into the car.

"What is this?" Klaus questioned as he looked at the toasted burrito thing.

"Food." I mumbled as I took a bite of my pizza. Kol snorted at my bluntness as he took a bite of his. "It's just chicken and cheese in a tortilla that's been fried. Enjoy it." I told him with a small playful smile. Klaus glared at me playfully before moving on to eat his.

"Thank you, love." Klaus said as Kol did as well. And with that- we were off.

 And with that- we were off

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