Chapter XXXIX: Stabby Stab

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"All better then?" Klaus asked as Kol and I got into the car. I blushed bright red which caused Kol and Klaus to laugh. I looked away from them, causing them to laugh more. "So should we stop and get some food then?" Klaus asked as he turned the car on. Apparently Finn, Elijah and Rebekah drove straight on through. Not wanting to stop with us.

"No, I believe I am full." I commented with a slight smile, my eyes looking over to Kol who grinned in response. Klaus shook his head laughing before Kol smirked. His eyes glistening with Mischief.

"What about some KFC? I heard their chicken is finger licking good." Kol commented. I looked at him as he lifted his fingers to his mouth, popping them from his mouth to make a point. My cheeks flushed more.

"KFC it is."


After eating KFC and taking another nap, we finally pulled up to the house. The field of poppies blowing with the wind as we got out. Klaus was staring at the flowers in admiration. Ever since hearing how they were the flower of my life, he had apparently gotten a new appreciation for them. I ran down the driveway to the front door before throwing it open. Too excited to be home for my own good clearly.

But can you blame me? I was getting my brother back. I missed him so much- and I was willing to run with him if I had too. I just didn't want to leave him behind ever again. Twice now. Twice I had to run from him- leave him in the danger. First with leaving him in the old shack of a barn with all of the travelers. Then with the traveler in his body. I hated this.

When I entered the house, I heard a loud thud before Sawyer's bedroom door opened. He came out in just his boxers looking completely frazzled.

"Sadie?" He questioned as Kol and Klaus walked in behind me. I looked at him about to speak when Caroline came out of the bedroom wrapped in one of Sawyer's shirts. I stared at them with wide eyes as Kol let out a low whistle before laughing.

"Um-" I went to speak but had no idea what to even say. Caroline flushed in embarrassment before she grinned and ran up to me, hugging me tightly.

"Sadie! You're back! Does Jeremy know you were coming home?? He didn't mention-"

"It was supposed to be kept from Sawyer-" I looked at my brother with a raised eyebrow. "But I supposed you were a bit distracted?" I questioned. Caroline pulled away from me laughing.

"Yeah- we have a lot to talk about." Care informed me. I smiled.

"You can join Jer and I for Disney movies tonight." I invited her. "Call it a girls night- with Jeremy." I laughed. Caroline laughed and nodded.

"Sounds like a plan! Maybe we can invite Bonnie and Elena?" She asked. I sighed, not enjoying the idea of Elena being in the house again, but I nodded.

"Sure. But for now-" I looked over to Sawyer. My steel eyes meeting his crystal blues.

"Why are you home?? This isn't safe- why are you looking at me like that?" He asked as he looked from me to Klaus who was walking over.

"Don't worry. I have a way to remove your little unwanted pest." Klaus told him, pulling the dagger from somewhere. It was like it came out of nowhere. Sawyer looked at the dagger, his eyes wide but confused.

"You're stabbing me?" His voice small as Caroline moved to stand next to him, her hand going to his back and rubbing it reassuringly.

"Oh no, if anyone is stabbing you. It's me." I volunteered. His eyes snapped back to me alarmed.

"Don't worry- it'll only kill the passenger inside of you. You can heal, remember?" Kol muttered, his brown eyes looking from Sawyer to Caroline. "And by the looks of it- you have someone to help you in that department." He teased causing Caroline to blush a bit again. I snorted at him.

"Wait- where's the other siblings? Wasn't there like five of you?" Sawyer questioned when he realized there were less people.

"We can discuss bygones later- for now.." I stepped in front of him, my eyes flashing orange at him. "vystoupit." I spoke in Czech. Sawyer's eyes turned black as the passenger came forth. His eyes going back to the crystal blue as he seemed dazed. Then his hand reached out, wrapping around my throat quickly. Caroline went to rip him off of me but he muttered something that sent not only her but Kol and Klaus flying away from us.

"You are quite brave to believe I would go so quietly." The passenger spoke as he squeezed my throat. I let out a slight laugh, causing him to furrow his eyebrows. "Why do you laugh? You're not even bounded to the mutt or vampire." His accent was coming through thick, which was weird since Sawyer didn't really have an accent- well not one I could hear. "Such an insignificant pest." He seethed.

"Are you done?" I choked out before lifting my hand to show the dagger, before thrusting it forward into his stomach. The passenger let out a gasp, shocked- or maybe from the stabbing, who knows. Who cares. His hand released me, causing me to fall on my butt as he stumbled back. My eyes glanced back to see that he had actually snapped the necks of my mates and Caroline. No wonder they didn't get back up immediately. I raised my hand to rub my throat- soothing the bruising skin that was tightening already from the blood clotting underneath.

"Sadie?" I snapped my eyes up to meet crystal blue eyes that held concern and confusion. Sawyer had his hand over his stomach where the blood was pooling.

"Welcome back to the living, brother."


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