Chapter XLV: Just Give me a Reason

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It started off as prickle. Like being poked with a needle for a vaccination. Feeling a burning sensation start where the needle was injected at- spreading under your three layers of skin and into your bloodstream- your nervous system. It starts as tingling warmth that is rushing over your ice cold skin- moving along your neck to your chest. It's fast. But yet slow. Like you are there for days on end- but in reality it's only been a second.

Heat rushing into your chest and making your heart expand at the feeling of love and passion. Swelling with desire and want- need and hunger. The feeling of needing to be held tighter. The heat spreading into each chamber of your heart before taking the Pulmonary Valve out of there and into your lungs. A ringing in your ears- not like when you get hit. But like when you first know what love feels like. Hearing your own heart beat in sync with theirs.

Your hands go numb, your legs like jello.

I could feel the blood being pulled from my veins and into their mouths. I could feel the absence of it- and yet I didn't feel empty. I had never felt so full. So warm.

I start to question if this is what death would be like. One final Hooray into the unknown. But I am very much alive. And I have never felt so alive in my life. Free even.

I felt like I was drinking something warm as it heated my whole body. Like when you chug your soup to feel better. And I never wanted it to end. Their hands holding me up, but exploring all the same. My eyes rolled back into their sockets from the pleasure. Feeling a weight leave my shoulders.

And then- it ended.

Kol and Klaus pulled away from my neck slowly. I couldn't see Kol, but I felt him. Klaus was in my line of sight. His lips bloody and a small stream of blood was dripping from the corner of his lips. He looked delicious. Hot. I didn't even realize I was panting. Nor did I realize that Kol was holding me up.

"Love?" Klaus spoke up. A smile on his face. My body was buzzing so much it was hard to even hear him. I tilted my head at him just slightly before my eyes rolled back and I felt myself falling safely into Kol's arms.


I opened my eyes slowly as I heard arguing in the other room. My body was still buzzing but I felt so light. I felt like I could do anything. Sitting up, I grabbed my robe from the side of the bed and went to the door. Peeking out to hear the conversation.

"You really think this was the time to do this??" Sawyer snapped. Kol and Klaus were sitting in the chairs as he paced. "She wasn't ready for this! Our father was JUST here stirring trouble. She hasn't fed or spoke about the whole situation since. Why would you think it would be a smart decision to just claim her in the midst of it?!"

"Calm down. Sadie knew what she wanted." Klaus snipped. He was annoyed at being spoken like this. I could tell.

"She wouldn't have asked us too if she wasn't positive." Kol added. Sawyer threw his hands up.

"She wasn't even in her right mind!! And now she has past out! That's not normal!"

"How do you know? You only have one mate." Kol snapped, also getting annoyed. "When you were claimed, you were filled with desire. Maybe two mates is a lot to handle. Don't you think?" Klaus nodded in agreement.

"You don't-" Sawyer stopped as he saw me standing in the doorway of my room. "Sadie." He spoke, causing Klaus and Kol to turn their heads to me before jumping up and flashing to my side.

"Are you okay?"
"How are you feeling??"

Kol and Klaus questioned at the same time. I nodded.

"I'm fine. But this was my decision, Sawyer. Respect it. I did this not just for us. But for you as well." I told him as I looked at him. Sawyer looked confused at me. "You are free now. I don't need a protector. I don't need you to waste your life on me- you can be with Caroline freely now." I smiled. Sawyer frowned.

"Is that why you decided to do this? For me?" He walked over to me, Klaus and Kol moving out of his way. "Sadie, my life is not your responsibility." He told me sternly. I frowned.

"And my life is yours?" I countered. This cause Sawyer to smile.

"Of course it is. I'm your older brother. I'm supposed to take care of you. Not the other way around." I smiled at him in return.

"Well now- we can be normal." I told him happily. Sawyer laughed.

"I don't think we will ever be, normal."


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