Chapter XIV: Mikaelson Siblings ✔

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I stared at all of them. The men were staring intently at me, bringing a buzzing up inside of me that I pushed aside. Klaus was smirking at me with a flirty look that he seemed to always want to offer me. The woman was staring at me with interest, mostly out of curiosity. Her eyes narrowed.

"This is her?" She asked before Klaus could speak up. 

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I questioned, shaking my head in confusion. She seemed to know who I was, actually they all did. 

"I'm Rebekah Mikaelson. This idiot's sister." She introduced herself with a smile. "And I have means to thank you." She continued as her face scrunched back up as Jeremy, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie stepped up behind me. "Oh you have got to be kidding me." Rebekah muttered. Her attitude seemed to fall as her eyes narrowed in on Elena. 

"Why are they here?" Elena questioned. Her voice seemed to be dripping with a mixture of fear and disgust. I turned to look back at her, confused.

"What is this?" I asked, gesturing between Elena and them. "Are you not on good terms?" 

"Well this dopplewhore stabbed me in the back- literally." Rebekah snarled at Elena. Her eyes narrowed and it seemed that sparks were flying around her. Like literal sparks. 

"Rebekah, control your emotions." The one in a suit murmured to his sister. His eyes did not want to leave me. With the eyes of the men on me, I should be uncomfortable. But if anything I felt safe. Warm even.

But it was extremely odd. Klaus and one of his brothers had the same pull to them. Creating buzzing throughout my body. Like I had to be near them, like now. 

But the two older looking ones were different. I felt safe. Like how I did when Sawyer was around. Like nothing could touch me as long as they were nearby. I had never felt this before, other than my brother.

"You can't be serious." Elena huffed. "Klaus killed me and Aunt Jenna- had a car hit Jeremy-" I snapped my gaze to Klaus, eyebrow raised as Elena explained. "Tried to kill Bonnie more than once. Rebekah has tried to kill me repeatedly." I turned towards her. Klaus was smirking, like he did nothing wrong and Elena was simply speaking of how amazing he was.

"And the other three? Have they hurt you in anyway?" I asked her, seeming to care. My eyes darted to Bonnie and Jeremy. Both seemed fine although Bonnie was a bit uneasy. Probably the witch genes making her not like Vampires. But even I can sense they are different now. Two of the men were warlocks and then Rebekah also seemed to be a witch. 

"No- but I wouldn't put it past them. I wouldn't invite them in, Sadie." Elena told me. Trying to get me to do so without actually telling me what to do. I just moved out of the way as Rebekah stepped inside. 

"You must not have gotten the memo." Rebekah spoke with such confidence. Her head tilted in a sassy way that even made me giggle slightly. Rebekah looked at me for a second, smiling before turning her glare back onto Elena. "I don't need an invite any longer." 

"How-What did you do!?" Elena turned her screech towards me. This causes the younger looking man and Klaus to step in as well, blocking me from the screeching banshee of a girl. "Them too!? You allowed Klaus in!?" I pushed the guys to the side, not fearing the girl.

"You will not yell at me in my own house, Elena. If you do not like my friends then you may leave." I told her sternly. "Besides. Only two of them are still Vampires. Rebekah is a witch now, along with two of her brothers." I turned to see the suited one still outside on the porch, his jaw clenched as he glared at Elena. I brought my attention back to see Elena throw her hand up in anger before moving to leave. Her head turned to look at Jeremy, Caroline and Bonnie.

"Are you not coming??" She asked, as if not expecting her friends to stay. 

"I'll take you home-" Caroline muttered, offering a smile towards the Originals and then me before leaving with Elena. Jeremy and Bonnie are still standing in the house. 

"So- how is this possible?" Bonnie asked as she looked from me to the others. Jeremy had a sly grin on his face since he knew. His eyes showed amusement and wonder. Like an excited kid going to Disneyworld for the first time. 

"My blood lifts the curse of Vampirism. Not completely, but enough." I told her before I got grabbed in a hug. The younger brother had his arms around me in a tight- not too tight- but secure hold. 

"You have changed my life and I don't even know you!" He breathed excitedly into my hair. I wrapped my arms around him in return. Feeling warm and safe in his arms, no matter how odd the situation was.

"Um- You're welcome?" I questioned. I didn't even know this man's name and he was hugging me like I was family. Or something more. The buzzing in my body was becoming stronger as he held onto me. A pull similar to Klaus's.  I wondered if he was feeling it too, but I couldn't tell for sure. He pulled back, a huge grin that looked nearly painful. Though his eyes seemed reluctant to let me go. The cold air brings a chill to my spine.

"I'm- Sorry. I'm Kol Mikaelson. The younger and better looking Mikaelson." He flirted with a wink. I laughed, nodding. 

"Nice to meet you Kol. Um- I'm Sadie." I introduced myself back. 

"Oh we know who you are, darlin'. Our hero. Our Héroïne." He spoke fluently. I raised my brow at him.

"You speak French?" Kol nodded with a smirk. 

"Only a little, but enough to sweep you off your feet before my brothers do." He said smoothly. I turned towards the others as they growled lowly, almost not audible. 

"And I'm sorry- I don't know your names either." I said looking towards the suit man and the one silent older looking man.

"Elijah Mikaelson." The one outside spoke up. His voice seemed sophisticated and regal. Like he spoke with purpose and always spoke in a proper manner.

"Um- You may come in, Elijah." I told him quickly. Guilty that I didn't invite him in sooner. He wasted no time stepping in with a smile.

"And I am Finn Mikaelson." The oldest one spoke up. His eyes read my expression intensely. His voice sent shivers through my spine. 

"Hello." I smiled at him. I looked between the four Mikaelson Brothers. All of them were looking at me. And that was when I knew. 

They were going to mean a lot more to me than just a group of people here to protect me. But I had no idea why or how.

 But I had no idea why or how

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