Chapter II: Familiar Face✔

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After my drink, I had decided on heading to my home. The home I missed so dearly. As I walked up to the small house, the field of poppies bloomed brightly like they were waiting for me. Like a smile was shining at me. The house was looking dull, the blue paint chipping away from the panels. The white paint on the wrap around porch was peeling in strips. Even some of the shutters were hanging on for dear life. 

"Seems I have some work to do." I muttered, followed by a sigh. My lips pursed as I looked to the overgrown trees. The only thing that was magical about the house was the fact that the grass seemed to never grow, staying at the same height with the poppies. The moonlight makes the house seem to reflect some kind of glow to it. A breeze floated by as I inhaled. A smile breaking my lips apart as I smelled the floral scent. "Home sweet home." 


Waking up to a knocking noise, I let out a breath of annoyance. My old room was just how I had left it. The orange stripes are a bit of a grudge color now though with the layers of dust. The hardwood floors needed a good mopping, and the furniture needed to be dusted. 

I sat up as the knocking continued, standing up and grabbing my satin robe I had brought with me. Walking towards the front door to see a familiar face standing outside. The glass panel makes him blurry, but recognizable either way. Yanking the door open, I wasted no time in launching at him in a hug. His arms wrapped around me tightly, as a breath of shock left his lips.

"Sadie..You really are back." He breathed out as I pulled away from him. His brown hair was short and peaked at the front. His stature was buffer, more grown up. He reminded me a lot of Sawyer in his physique now. His brown eyes staring at me, taking me in like I was doing to him. 

"Jer-bear! You are no longer a kid!" I laughed as he puckered out his lip into a pout and rolled his eyes.

"It's been four years, Sadie. You left without saying anything." I looked around behind him before grabbing his hand and pulling him inside. "Sadie!" He exclaimed as he steadied himself. He was clearly not prepared to be dragged inside so aggressively by his petite friend. She didn’t show any muscle, kind of reminding him of his sister in some ways. But she was clearly not weak.

"Jeremy, I need to tell you something." I told him with a serious expression. His eyebrows shot up, curious but his brown eyes glanced down at me, pointedly. 

"Maybe you should get some clothes on, first." He laughed, shaking his head at me. I rolled my eyes at his way of hiding how flustered he was. My supernatural beauty worked on everyone, although Jeremy never acted on anything which is why I was so happy being his friend. He never treated me differently. But he got flustered easily. And I always loved teasing him about it.

"I hate clothes." I told him with a wink, causing his cheeks to redden more as he realized that I had nothing underneath my robe. I let out a laugh. "Chill, Jeremy. You're redder than a tomato." I told him, reaching out to pinch his cheek only for him to swat my hand away. 

"Am not." He muttered before moving to go to the kitchen. I followed him before turning into my room to pull on some shorts and a button up I had in my suitcase. Walking back out of my room just in time to see Jeremy closing the fridge.

"You literally have no food or drinks." He complained, looking up at me. 

"Probably because I just got in last night." I told him, opening a cabinet and grabbing a glass. My eyes scan it for any dust. Surprisingly it was still clean. I turned on the tap and filled the glass before passing it to Jeremy. 

"What about Sawyer? Is he coming back too?" I shrugged at his question as he drank from the glass. "What happened to you?" He questioned as he lowered the glass. His brown eyes are trying to see through me. Like he was trying to read me like a book. But that's the thing, I was unreadable. Something I practiced. Never show too much of your past. Anyone can be an enemy. But not Jeremy. He will always be my best friend, no matter how long we were apart. 

"Jeremy- do you believe in the supernatural?" I asked him. His eyes widen as his shoulders stiffen. The tell tale signs that he does believe in it. I didn't know why he did, but I knew that it probably had something to do with Damon, the vampire from the bar. "You do." He nodded.

"You're not going to tell me that you're a Vampire or something...are you?" He questions, his hand rubbing over his face as if preparing himself for the inevitable.

"Not a vampire. I'm better than them." I told him with a smirk. "Jeremy, I'm a Succubus."


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