Chapter XL: Disney Movie Night

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When Kol and Klaus came back, gasping, they were quick to try and attack Sawyer. Of course I had stopped them. Their anger was heightened when they saw the blue-yellow bruises forming around my throat. Showing the small amount of damage he had caused. Sawyer had been pulled into his room with Caroline, leaving me alone with Kol and Klaus.

"I'm fine! It'll be gone in a few days-" I exclaimed before being interrupted by Klaus.

"Or...." Klaus stepped towards me with a smirk on his face. I raised my brow at him as he grabbed my hips gently. "I think a bit of healing could make it go away right now." He offered. Kol snorted before turning to go into the living room, leaving Klaus with me. It was starting to seem like they had a routine of switching between them with me. Which was fine, but I wondered how that conversation had even went.

"If you wanted to kiss me, Klaus- all you had to do was ask." I teased him as I leaned closer to him.

"Just a kiss? Why don't we recreate some of your creative daydreams?" He offered causing my eyes to slightly widen. "How did that one go you were telling me about at Cheddars?" His hand slid up my chest, fingers gliding around the base of my throat- he was being so gentle that I didn't even feel him.

But then he backed me into a wall, applying slight pressure with his fingers. He wasn't choking me- more like showing dominance and I was loving it. Especially since we were in the hallway, where anyone could come through at any moment. Klaus stared down at me with a sly smirk on his face.

"Did it go something like this, love?" He questioned. I swallowed hard, nodding a bit. "Mmm, you like having your control taken from you? You want me to take what I want?" His face lowered to my throat, inhaling my scent as he pressed kisses along my skin. Probably kissing the bruises, but it didn't matter- it felt so good. Wherever he touched left a flicker of a flame. Like he was drawing a line of gasoline and a fire was following it.

I moaned softly as my head moved a bit to the side, letting him do as he pleased. Klaus chuckled lowly, enjoying how I reacted to his touch.

"Perhaps I'll just claim you now. Have you all to myself for all of eternity." He growled out, nipping at my neck with his dull teeth. A shiver running through my spine before I felt my hips jerk forward and press against him. Like a magnet begging to be with another. Klaus brought his face to mine, staring at my lips as they parted and a moan flowed out with my exhale. Not wasting another second, he leaned down- claiming my lips with his own.


It was late, Klaus and Kol both decided to stay the night tonight, taking the couch since Caroline and Jeremy came over for the night. Caroline had invited Elena and Bonnie, but Elena shut it down immediately and claimed that Bonnie was staying the night at her place. Though, I know that Elena will probably never willingly hang out with me again since I was friends with her enemies.

"So what movie are we starting with?" Jeremy asked as he flopped onto my bed. Caroline had gone to receive the Chinese takeout we had delivered as I pulled up Disney Plus on my tv. I shrugged at him as I flicked through the movies.

"Should we go classics, cartoon, live action or musical?" I asked him. Jeremy looked at me before looking at the tv.

"Classics like for us or for the new generation?" He questioned. I pursed my lips in thought before deciding.

"Classic classic." I clarified. He nodded.

"Let's go with that then." I agreed as I went to the category for Disney originals.

"What about the original Freaky Friday? Made in the 70s I think." Jeremy raised his brow at me.

"70s? Wait- I thought the Lindsey Lohan was the original." I shook my head at him.

"Jodie Foster was the first for that one. Or we could watch the original Parent Trap with Haley Mills?" Jeremy just continued to stare at me. Apparently people don't realize Disney was more than Snow White before the Nineties. "Freaky Friday has a child speed racing.." I offered causing Jeremy to nod.

"That one! That sounds so cool." He agreed as Caroline came into the room with food and drinks.

"Your boy toys are complaining about being secluded from movie night." Caroline laughed as she fell back into the bed. "So what are we watching??" She asked as she watched me put the movie on. "Ooo I love Jodie Foster!!" Jeremy just looked at her, shocked and a bit confused that she knew who that was when he didn't. That was how the night went, followed by gossip of Mates and bonding. Which BTW, that means By the Way, Caroline had claimed Sawyer!

 Which BTW, that means By the Way, Caroline had claimed Sawyer!

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