Chapter XXI: Movie Marathon✔️

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Jeremy ended up bringing in so many snacks. Ranging from popcorn to chips and salsa. He laughed at me as I opened a drawer in the dresser and pulled out a bottle of bourbon along with two short glasses.

"I think you're an alcoholic, Sadie." Jeremy mumbled as he watched me pour us both a glass, which he accepted happily.

"I can't get drunk, Jeremy." I told him pointedly. He huffed at me, making me snort as I showed him the movie I had started. Captain America: The First Avenger.

"You just want to eyeball Chris Evans." He laughed as I got situated on the bed.

"No I don't! I mean, yeah- he's hot. But I'm more for Ironman. Or even Shang Chi." I told him, making him laugh.

"So an old man and basically a ninja." I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Tony Stark is younger than Steve Rogers." I pointed out causing him to shake his head at me. "And Shang is not a ninja. He's the son of a man who pushed him to his wits end, forced him into a life he didn't want." I explained to him. Jeremy raised his eyebrow at me.

"So it's more of a spiritual connection?"

"And he's hot." I added as we watched the movie. Jeremy was more of a DC fan. Claiming that Marvel stole the hero thing from them. Just because DC Comics came out first doesn't mean Marvel stole the idea. Superheroes aren't an uncommon idea.

"I'm just saying- Wonder Woman is like the same thing as Captain America." Jeremy spoke up as the movie was at the point when Steve saves Bucky and the team from Hydra. I looked over at him.

"Wonder Woman was introduced the same year as Captain America. So they weren't copied." I told him, causing him to grin at me. "But Wonder Woman also didn't get her own actual comic explanation until 1942. a year after Captain America had his first comic." I added, causing Jeremy to frown. "Also, Steve Rogers was an average guy. Starting out as a scrawny short man with many health problems. Diana was a warrior from the beginning."

"I don't get where you even put this information." He muttered. I laughed and stole the chip from his hand before plopping it into my mouth. He frowned at me more. "It's not fair that you get to be hot and super smart. And you were so shocked that I wasn't surprised you were Supernatural."

"My inner nerd knows all." I taunted causing him to raise his eyebrow. "And did you just call me hot?" I questioned, causing him to blush a bit.

"You know you are." Jeremy muttered before grinning. "Wanna see if you actually know it all?" I laughed, nodding.

"Go on then." I watched as Jeremy sat up, pulling out his smart phone to look for some trivia.

"What was Wonder Woman's original name?"

"Suprema." I said as I took a sip of my drink, pausing the movie so I could hear him better. Jeremy raised his eyebrow at me.

"I didn't even know she had another name before." He laughed. "Where does Peggy want to meet Steve before he plunges into the ice?" I snort at him.

"The Stork Club. Marvel trivia will be too easy, Jer." I told him. He narrowed his eyes.

"Who did Loki kill in the first Avengers movie?"

"Trick question." Jeremy furrowed his eyebrows. "He thought he had killed Coulson. Phil Coulson. But he in fact only died for like twelve minutes or something before they were able to bring him back."

"Wait- he's not in the other movies." I shook my head.

"No. He didn't want to ruin the moment that the Avengers had. His death is what brought them together. He ended up running a secret organization that recruits hero's that are civilians. It's a whole tv series.." I trailed off as Jeremy stared at me confused.

"Are you kidding me?? I cried when that guy died!" He whined. I laughed at him.

"I know- more like sobbed. You acted like he was your uncle or something." I laughed, causing him to throw a pillow at me. I stopped and looked at him shocked before I went to smack him back but there was a knock on the door. I sighed, getting up to open the door. Kol standing in front of me.

"Uh- Rebekah went home.. It's my turn to stay now. I just wanted to let you know." I raised my eyebrow at him. He seemed nervous. I wonder why. The pull was there still. Especially since I still hadn't fed. The kiss we shared had been like an appetizer.

"You know, my brother is home now- you don't have to stay here.." Jeremy got up and shoved me out of the way.

"Join us, Kol. We're debating whether or not Sadie is a giant nerd." He grinned. Kol glanced from Jeremy to me, seeing me nod my head- he smiled.

"Sure." He responded before Jeremy moved to let him in. "So Sadie is a nerd?"

"I am not!"
"She is!"

Jeremy and I both said at the same time before laughing together. I grabbed a third glass from my dresser, pouring Kol a glass of bourbon and handing it to him.

"Help yourself to the snacks too. We're actually watching Captain America." I told him with a smile. Kol accepted the drink and climbed onto the bed. I was situated in the middle and Jeremy got on the other side as I played the movie.

"Wait- That's Captain America??" Kol questioned as Steve was leading the team home. I looked over at him nodding. "I thought he was old?"

 "I thought he was old?"

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