Chapter XXXVII: 500 Year Old Filler

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A few days had gone by. Kol had been keeping me all to himself mostly since Klaus was always on the phone. I had no idea what was going on, but I had an inkling that it had something to do with the 500 year old vampire. Although he would join in on the sleeping next to me. It was so strange. I was used to sleeping next to Jeremy, being best friends. But now I had Kol on one side and Klaus on the other.

It was such a strange feeling. I felt warm and safe.

I was currently in the kitchen when I heard the door being knocked on. Placing the mixing bowl down, I walked over to the door. When I opened it, a woman stood. Brown curly hair and brown eyes that were full of attitude. She looked at me before I spoke up.

"Can I help you?" She narrowed her eyes at me, as if trying to see if she knew me perhaps.

"So you're the Succubus? Thought you'd be prettier." The woman hummed. I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Oh right, you must be the 500 year old Vampire." I pointed out, scanning her features. "Thought you were turned when you were like 17? " I tsked at her, frowning. "5 century's were not nice to you, were they?" The woman stared at me for a moment until a smirk stretched across her face.

"I like you." She admitted. "I'm Katherine Pierce. Is Klaus here?" I hummed in response to her, nodding.

"Klaus!" I shouted, crossing my arms as I stayed where I stood. Katherine raised her brow at me, pursing her lips.

"Well I could have done that." She huffed. "Aren't you going to invite me in?" She questioned before Klaus popped up next to me.

"Definitely not." Klaus said in a low stern voice. Katherine pouted at him.

"You're the one who called me, though. Don't you want the dagger?"

"Don't you want your freedom?" He snapped back. Katherine huffed, pulling the dagger out her bag, swinging it around.

"Fine. Here is your stupid dagger." Klaus stepped forward to take it, but Katherine stepped back.

"When I give you this, I am free. You will let me live in peace. No more chasing or trying to kill me." She demanded. Klaus glared at her, annoyed.

"Yeah. You have my word- now give it to me." He growled. Katherine handed it to him, before looking to me.

"Have fun with the Originals. I hope to never see any of you again." She said before dashing off. I looked over to Klaus. My arms still crossed and my eyebrow raised.

"Ready to go home, love?" Klaus asked me with a smirk, holding the dagger up to me. I smiled before walking to stand in front of him. His blue eyes looking down at me. I kept my smile before leaning up and capturing his lips. Klaus responded immediately, moving his lips with mine.

"Did I hear we were going home?" Kol asked, interrupting us. Klaus growled as I pulled away, smiling at Kol.

"Yeah! I can't wait to see my brother again- and Jeremy!" I exclaimed, excited. "Klaus, can I use your phone to call Jer?" I asked, biting my bottom lip slightly. Klaus stared at my lips before nodding, pulling his phone from his pocket and handing it me. As I walked away I heard Klaus smacking Kol on his head.

"Ow! What was that for!?" Kol exclaimed.

"For interrupting." Klaus growled. I laughed as I closed my door. Dialing Jeremy's number quickly.

"Please tell me this is my best friend and not the Hybrid who sacrificed my sister." Jeremy said as he answered. I snorted at his greeting.

"It's more than your best friend. It's your only friend." I teased causing Jeremy to gasp.

"That was so rude." He whined. "And I have other friends." I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh? Who?"

"Tyler Lockwood." He tried. I laughed though.

"The guy you got into fights with and the guy who took Vicki from you?"

"Umm Matt Donovan?" He tried again.

"The guy who used you to get to Elena?" I threw back.

"Hey! He gave me a job at the Mystic Grill- and he didn't use me." Jeremy corrected.

"If you say so." I laughed.

"What about you? I'm your only friend." I scrunched my eyebrows together at his words.

"Um.. Caroline, Bonnie, Rebekah-"

"I get it. And you can't be friends with Rebekah already- you barely know her!" I rolled my eyes.

"We've hung out quite a bit. But thats not why I called- We're coming home. Don't tell Sawyer though." I warned. I was afraid if we told Sawyer, the traveler in him would try to run.

"Really??" Jeremy asked, excited.

"Yes!! So you better get those Disney movies ready. I'm feeling a Disney movie marathon when I get back."


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