XIII: Redecorating✔️

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It took a few days for us to work on the house. Caroline and Bonnie took over the ordering of furniture, ending in my house being completely renovated with the help of my persuasion and Bonnie's magic. The kitchen was done first, in which Jeremy and Elena took the job of filling the cabinets and fridge with fresh food. Jeremy mostly takes care of the junk food like chips, popcorn, soda and ice cream. While Elena made sure I had actual food as she called it. Meat and produce.

I believe it turned out extremely nice

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I believe it turned out extremely nice. The black and gold was Caroline's idea. Making it modern with a touch of natural. Thankfully I didn't need to replace much. Already having an island, although we did replace the counter top and added a sink to it. I ended up showing Jeremy my stash- well my father's stash of alcohol since it was something I wanted to keep. The underside of the island was a hidden bar. Vintage bottles of rum, vodka, tequila- and a ton of wine and champagne. We ended up popping open one of my mothers favorite wines for the girls while Jeremy and I were drinking a bit of my whiskey I had hidden there.

Next to be done was the living room. Elena helped me pick out the furniture in this room. She won the vote with comfort being the main theme. While Caroline wanted it to match the kitchen. But comfort definitely won. The couch might have been a bit too big, but soooo comfortable. And Elena pointed out that people could sleep on it if I had too many people over. Although, I don't plan on having people over that wouldn't just crash in bed with me. Jeremy has slept in my bed before, platonically. And others usually were my special guests.

Next was my bedroom

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Next was my bedroom. I told them we were going to leave Sawyer's room and my fathers room alone. Not wanting to disturb anything in there in case they ever came back. Which I hoped they both would. My room was made to be my sanctuary. Greenery placed all over to make it feel close to nature as an Irony. Since I was disconnected from nature. Jeremy had chosen the moon mirrors, saying I had a connection to the moon being born under it. And I had to admit, the bed was sooo comfy. I couldn't wait to sleep in it tonight after sleeping on the couch with Jeremy for the past few nights. The girls had headed home to recuperate.

The last room we tackled was the main bathroom

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The last room we tackled was the main bathroom. The only other bathroom was connected to my father's room. This bathroom was small, but we made sure to re-tile and paint. Making the shower much nicer than the small dingy white tub we had before. I adored the new look. Caroline even had the guy who helped install a second shower head, one I could move around. Something about it being a godsend when I had no guests over. This made everyone laugh and Jeremy rolled his eyes with a blush.

After we had finished the main bits of the house, Jeremy and I fell onto the couch, sharing one spot with the ottoman

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After we had finished the main bits of the house, Jeremy and I fell onto the couch, sharing one spot with the ottoman. Bonnie shared the other one with Elena while Caroline laid long ways in the middle. I laughed as we all sighed at the same time.

"I don't think I'm going to clean for a few weeks." Elena huffed. I laughed at her.

"More like a few months." Bonnie muttered.

"Same. It's a good thing I already ordered pizza." I muttered, turning my head to them. "If you all want to stay the night tonight- you can. I actually have a closet full of blankets and pillows." I offered.

"My mom wants me home tonight." Caroline sighed, clearly not happy. "But I will definitely be staying the night one night. Maybe a sleepover this weekend?"

"That sounds nice." I agreed. I moved my eyes to Bonnie and Elena. I already knew Jeremy would stay tonight. He had declared it this morning.

"I can't- I have to see my dad tonight." Bonnie sighed. She didn't seem nearly as annoyed as Caroline but was up there.

"And I have a thing with Stefan." I furrowed my brows at Elena. "Oh you haven't met Stefan and Damon yet, have you?" She questioned.

"I met Damon the night I arrived." I told her, earning a brow raise. She was probably thinking I had been with him on that one day of meeting him. Since I had explained to them what I was, but not in depth. "Not like that. I was a bit harsh towards him at the bar. Had Matt cut him off." I laughed, making the others laugh as well.

"You didn't!" Caroline lost it. Her laugh was contagious too. The doorbell was what caused me to stop, getting up and letting Jeremy fall over slightly.

"Hey!" Jeremy laughed. I snorted at him before walking to the front door. And I had to admit, I did NOT expect the people who were standing in my doorway. Klaus Mikaelson stood in the front with four others behind him.

"Hello, love. Hope we're not interrupting anything." Klaus said with a grin. Eyes burning through me. My blue eyes moved from him to the others. The pull to Klaus is not the only thing filling my body. My eyes looked to one of the men, who was already staring me down. The same pull, pulling at me. I stared at him curiously before glancing back at Klaus.

"Klaus.. what can I do for you?"

 what can I do for you?"

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