Chapter XXIX: Bi✔️

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Kol ended up telling me to go pick out a movie for us to watch while we eat. After he showed me where to go since I had no idea what room was even mine. I ended up pulling up Netflix. Scrolling through movies and tv shows with no clue what to even put on. 

After scrolling through for a bit, Kol came in with the pizza and a bottle of white wine with two glasses. He smiled at me as he walked in and looked toward the tv.

"Haven't found anything yet?" He questioned as he handed me my plate and sat next to me. I shook my head with a sigh. Kol took the remote from me, giving me a glass of wine instead. I swirled the wine in my glass as I watched Kol flick through movies. "This shouldn't be so hard." Kol huffed as he looked through movies before it popped up asking him if he wanted a random movie. His eyes seemed to light up with excitement as he clicked it.

"You get excited easily." I giggled, causing Kol to gasp dramatically towards me.

"I do not!" He exclaimed, causing me to raise my eyebrow at him. Kol rolled his eyes at me before looking at the movie that started. "Oh! Look! Ryan Reynolds!"

"Oh, my god." I looked at him. "You have a man crush on him, don't you?" Kol looked at me like I was crazy. "It's okay if you do- Sawyer likes him too. It's like a global thing, all men love Ryan Reynolds." I explained to him. Kol snorted slightly as he took a bite of his pizza.

"Sawyer has a man crush?" I tilted my head at him.

"Sawyer is Bi." I told him, causing him to look at me slightly odd. "Relying on sex for healing and feeding makes you automatically Bisexual." I told him. Kol's eyes widened slightly, shocked.

"You've been with women?" I looked at him. Kol's eyes showed he was in thought. I wondered what he was thinking. If he was judging me for it or if he was just intrigued at the thought.

"Is that okay?" I asked him, clearly unsure where this would go. Kol blinked a few times before smiling at me.

"Of course, darlin'." He assured me. "I was just imagining you with a woman." I let out a loud laugh, smacking him. "What?! I bet my brother would do the same thing!" Kol exclaimed, his grin growing before he went to stand up. "Better yet- let's find out." My eyes widen as he takes his wine glass with him and leaves the room. Jumping up to run after him.

"Kol!" I shouted with a laugh as he started to yell for Klaus.

"NIKLAUS!!" Kol shouted loudly as he was stomping through the house. I reached out, grabbing his arm as I shushed him with a laugh.

"What the hell do you want, Kol?" I turned to see Klaus coming out of a room. His eyes looked up to see me and smiled. "Sadie- I hope you are enjoying the house." I smiled back at him, nodding.

"I really am-"

"Did you know our Sadie here is Bisexual?" Kol interrupted, causing Klaus to snap his eyes to him. "Meaning she has been with women." Kol added, widening his brown eyes and making me shake my head laughing. He was legit way too excited over this. Klaus raised his eyebrows before looking towards me.

"Oh really?" He questioned with a slight smirk. I sucked my lips into my mouth to try not to laugh, but the corners of my mouth were moving up.

"Do you know what this means, brother?" Kol asked him with a grin making Klaus shake his head.

"No." He said bluntly causing Kol to look at him confused and then huff out a big puff of air.

"It meaaaaaaaaans-" I looked at him, crossing my arms. Is he really going to mention it? Kol saw the look on my face, his excitement disappearing like a car having the brakes slammed on. "I-uh-um"

"Go on, Kol. What does it mean?" I asked him. Klaus had this shit eating grin on his face that made me have to bite the inside of my cheek to hold in the laugh I had. Kol looked away from me trying to piece words together before backtracking. "Come on, Kol."

"I-I just thought maybe we could..."

"Have a threesome?" I finished for him. Kol looked back at me, eyes wide before nodding. I let a smirk slide across my mouth as I glanced from Kol to Klaus and back. "Okay." Klaus snapped his gaze to me, his laugh fading as he was replaced with shock. Kol looked at me, eyes wide.


Kol and Klaus both said at the same time. I nodded, walking past them as they watched me leaving them. I stopped right at the hallway, turning my head to the side to see them slightly, frozen.

"I could have a threesome with you both together." I finished before leaving them. I could hear Kol gagging dramatically and Klaus roaring out a laugh at how I just played them.

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