Chapter III: Succubus✔

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"Okay." Jeremy's face stayed stoic, maybe a bit too calm even. I furrowed my eyebrows at him in confusion. Did I not just tell him that I was a Succubus? Did I hallucinate? 

"Okay?" I repeated. My eyes staring at him, trying to see through his calm exterior. Jeremy nodded. "Did you not hear me?" I asked him as I leaned towards him, examining his eyes a bit. Seeing if he was still with me and not about to faint or something that most humans would do after hearing something so absurd.  

"Heard you, Sadie. You're a Succubus." He told me, his eyebrows raised like it was the most simplest of things as he leaned away from me with a slight chuckle. "It's not that hard to believe, Sadie. You always did have an unnatural beauty. But I honestly had my bets on a Siren or a pixie. Maybe even a fairy." He explained as he took a drink of his water. "Also, a lot has changed since you left. Vampires and werewolves, not to mention witches." I let out a sigh, nodding, trying my best not to add in a ‘Oh my.’ To his phrase. Wanting to quote out my favorite part of Wizard of Oz.

"Definitely not a Siren. They eat their victims. Sharp teeth and snake-like eyes.. Evil little shits." I muttered as I thought back to my training. 

"Wait, you know a siren?" Jeremy questioned before lowering his glass to look at me. Eyes wide with disbelief. 

"Oh, not excited to know what I am, but hear about some scaly slut and you get curious." I rolled my eyes, running my hand through my blonde hair. Jeremy snorted at my jealousy. 

"I've known you my whole life, Sadie. I'm not shocked that you aren't human." He told me, offering me a smile. "So what does being a Succubus entail? Do you really feast on the victims of men and women, sucking out their life source?" He questioned as he lifted himself onto the counter, getting comfy. 

"I do not suck." I told him sternly, causing him to laugh at my word choice. My eyes narrowed at him. "And I don't feast on my victims. Again, not a Siren." I told him as I leaned against the counter with my arms crossed. 

"Alright, then what do you do?" He asked. I let out a sigh.

"Succubus only have victims when hungry. Similar to vampires. We need to feed like twice a week at least." Jeremy raised his brows at me.

"Feed? From what? Blood?" I shook my head. My eyes averted from my friend since I knew he would make fun of me for the answer.

"Intimacy." I muttered. Jeremy snorted while he was mid-drink.

"You're joking." I stared at him as his face contorted into a shocked expression before he snorted again. "Oh, my god. Really? You feed off of sex? Thats- that's definitely not what I had expected." He laughed. I glared at him. 

"Don't laugh at me. I didn't sign up for this." I muttered, a bit annoyed. “Can’t believe you of all people wouldn’t know about Succubus, and yet you know about Sirens and Pixies..A bit insulting, Jer.” Jeremy shook his head laughing at my jealousy once more.

"Wait- why did you leave then? What does that have to do with leaving all of a sudden?" 

"Remember how my father left?" Jeremy nodded, listening intently. "He left because of me. To protect me." I explained slowly, looking at the floor that was covered in dust and grim. "Once every thousand years a Succubus is born on the thirteenth of the month, on a Friday. Under the moonlight."

"So that story your brother used to tell us, about how you were born under the glow of the moon was true?" He questioned. I nodded.

"I'm known as the Dark Succubus. Apparently the strongest of my kind." Jeremy held his hands up, stopping my explanation.

"Wait wait. How are you the strongest? You feed off of sexual activity's. What makes you strong?" I laughed and rolled my eyes at him.

"I do more than just feed, you twit." He huffed at me with narrowed eyes. "I can persuade people to do whatever I want, as long as I'm well fed at least." 

"Like how a vampire compels?" I nodded.

"Similar. But I have to make skin contact, not eye contact. Like a flirting type thing." Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"You were always good at flirting and getting what you wanted. Remember when you and Vicki got drinks when you were fifteen?" I laughed with him, nodding. 

"But that's not what makes me 'special'." I said while making quotations with my hands. "My blood is like a golden cure to the supernatural."

"A cure? Can it cure vampirism or make you human?" I shook my head.

"Not that simple. My blood makes the curse that nature has placed on them turning it into a gift." I told him, walking over to him and taking his half glass of water and drinking some of it. "I basically can make life easier for them. Vampires wouldn't feel such bloodlust, be able to reproduce and wouldn't have to live in fear of the sun." 

"Really?? So you turn them into average immortals." I nodded.

"Basically. Werewolves could change at will, without the pain of their bones breaking. Witches would be freed from the ancestors who control their magic." I explained before taking another sip of the water. My mouth is running dry from talking so much.

"How does your blood do all of that? How is that possible?" 

"I'm not made from nature. Succubus have been around longer than Vampires or Werewolves. Even witches. We are natural." Jeremy nodded, his brows still furrowed.

“So you’re the Eco-friendly Supernatural being?” Jeremy joked, causing me to glare at him slightly but nod.

“But that’s also why I’m always being tracked. Supernatural wants my blood. They want to be released from the curse they were forced into.” I told him as I stared down at the glass, that was now empty.

"So you are being tracked by the supernatural for your blood?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Not necessarily just that. I'm being tracked by people called Travelers." My mind went to how I had faced a group not long before coming here. How they tried to trap me. Thankfully, Sawyer was able to help me before I was told to run. He is holding them back for now until I can find a way to stop them. "They are against what my blood can do. They are not nature's magic either and despise the vampires and wolves. Nature's witches are their enemy. They believe if they kill me, then they can rid the world of the other supernaturals." 

"So you are being tracked like a deer from a hunter?" I nodded. "Well- I'm sure we can find a way to hide you. Mystic Falls isn't short on Supernatural."  


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