Chapter VII: Alpha✔

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Klaus stepped into the hallway, looking around before his eyes moved to the living room, spotting the man on my couch. He looked back at me with a knowing smirk before walking in freely. 

"Hello there." Klaus spoke politely, shocking me a bit. I watched from the archway. Darrell looked between me and Klaus. 

"Klaus, this is Darrell, he's offering to clean up the exterior of the house for me." I told him. Klaus made an oh expression, probably expecting something completely different. He nodded before stepping towards him. Eye contact made.

"Darrell, you will do whatever Sadie needs done to the house, no exceptions." He compelled him. I cleared my throat. 

"I am more than capable of handling my business myself." I told him with a look directed towards him. Klaus shrugged with a smirk. "Also, I'm paying him." Klaus shook his head.

"I'll pay him, love." He told me with a wink before looking back at Darrell. "Now run along. Leave your business card in the mailbox and leave us." Klaus told the man. He nodded before standing up and leaving. Not saying a word. 

"That was not necessary, Klaus." He turned to me, walking towards me. His eyes screamed predator. But I held no fear, I knew what was happening. But I still stepped back slightly. 

"It was extremely necessary, love." He spoke with a slight growl under his tone. My back hit the wall of the hallway, running out of space to step back as Klaus smirked at me and stepped closer until he stood right in front of me. "Are you afraid of me?" He questioned.

"Of course not." I mumbled, rolling my eyes. He growled at me, his eyes flashing yellow and fangs popping out. As if trying to invoke fear in me. 

"Don't roll your eyes at me, Sadie." He said in a low growl. His tone was something you would think the Alpha of the pack would use. Trying to order people around. I raised my eyebrow at him. Testing his authority. 

"And if I do?" I pushed, lifting my hands to rest on his chest. The muscles under his shirt flexed under my touch as if yearning for me. I leaned towards him some, lowering my eyelids to hood them before looking up at him through my eyelashes. "What then, Alpha?" My words brought a deep growl from him before he pushed me against the wall, his hands running along my sides- face inches from mine.

"You are playing with a dangerous flame, love." He spoke in a low breathy whisper. My body was buzzing from how close he was to me. Legs turning to jelly and heart thumping hard against my chest. His breath fanned my face, spreading a heat through my body. The desire to be with him grew to unimaginable levels, that even I never felt. How did he make me feel like this? 

"I've always been one for Danger." I whispered before Klaus crushed his lips to mine. Fire erupted inside of me, our lips moving together as his hands squeezed my sides slightly before moving to my hips. Pulling my hips to collide with his as he pressed me against the wall. Pinning me with his body. A gasp left my lips, letting him push his tongue into my mouth. Exploring every corner and ridge with his tongue. A moan pushed out of me as I felt his hardened length pressing against my lower stomach. I could feel the energy entering my body, feeding the buzzing slightly. My hand moved to his cheek causing him to pull back slightly. Like I had burned him or shocked him.

"What is that?" He asked in between his pants. I smiled, lightly letting my fingers trace his cheek bone.

"It's what I feel. The buzzing.." His eyes closed, feeling my fingers move to trace his lip before I leaned up and kissed his lip. When I pulled back, his eyes opened. 

"You are making my dead heart pound. Does the buzzing usually do that?" He questioned. I stared up at his ocean-like eyes. The darkest depths of the ocean was what I felt like I was staring into. The desire darkened his eyes so much- I was curious if I would find Nemo in them.

"It does." I whispered with a smile. His forehead rested against mine. "I tend to make things come to life." I laughed. Klaus laughed with me, shaking his head slightly. 

"I believe that-" He pressed himself to me, proving a point. I smiled at him, leaning up and kissing him, the buzzing seemingly bouncing around from strong to almost unnoticeable. "Why did it do that?" He asked when he pulled back. I sighed, a mixture of happy and annoyed.

"It's the sign that I'm feeding-" I cringed slightly. "That came out weird." I muttered making him laugh with me. "Now are you going to continue to ask questions- or are you going to actually take me into my room and fuck me until I can't walk for a few hours?" I questioned him. Klaus growled at me, smirking.

"A few hours?" He repeated. "You won't walk for days after I'm finished with you."

"We'll see." I told him before he grabbed my thighs, lifting me up, causing me to squeal  before flashing to my room.

" I told him before he grabbed my thighs, lifting me up, causing me to squeal  before flashing to my room

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