Chapter XIV: Freedom✔️

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Sawyer and Rebekah sat in the living room with me. Sawyer sat next to me closely as his eyes kept snapping over to Rebekah- curiously. I could tell he was confused why I had a vampire turned witch in our home. But Rebekah was also staring at Sawyer- but in her defense all the girls stare at him. His blonde hair, blue eyes, muscles for days and the incubus pull. It was hard for anyone to resist him. But I only saw the protective older brother with a sick humor.

"So.." Sawyer drawled out, glancing from me to Rebekah in question.

"Oh- This is Rebekah Mikaelson. My latest babysitter-" Rebekah scoffed at me.

"I am not your babysitter." She hummed, tearing her eyes from Sawyer to narrow her eyes at me. "I am here to protect your sister. She made a deal with my family that ended up with our loyalty to her." Rebekah explained for me. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Makes you all sound like a pack of Doberman." I taunted causing her to glare at me.

"I am not a dog." She huffed, looking away from me. I rolled my eyes at her, giving her a little bark as a taunt. I was in a sassy mood. Having my brother home brought out the sassiness. Probably because, naturally, we repel each other. Our parents were a rare occurrence. Typically, Succubus repels other Succubus or Incubus. Like trying to force two magnets charged with positive energy to each other.

"You're the one who said you were loyal and basically a guard dog." I teased before looking at Sawyer. "You haven't told me how you got away- where have you been? It's been a few weeks... You didn't even let me know you were okay.." I trailed off, feeling a bit of hurt that he thought it wasn't necessary.

"How would he let you know? You repel technology. Klaus had been trying to make you have a phone for a week!" Rebekah laughed dryly. All the Mikaelson's have actually been trying to push me to use a cell phone. Or even get a landline. But I refused. I hate the thought of relying on a piece of technology to reach out to someone.

"We have a special way of letting the other know that we are safe." I told her simply. "Sawyer used to send a simple white rose- a way of saying he's safe and will be back in my life in no time." Rebekah widens her eyes.

"That's- actually really nice." I smiled at her compliment.

"I don't know what happened." Sawyer spoke up once he saw Rebekah would ask no more questions. I snap my eyes to him, tilting my head and furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "The travelers didn't want me." He said in confusion. "I remember chanting, a lot of chanting. But then everything went dark. They basically threw me aside and disappeared." He explained. My brows lacing together.

"Why would they-" I trailed off, trying to place my thoughts together. I tried to create a theory, but I had nothing. "It just doesn't make any sense."

"I had a few cuts- maybe they took some of my blood to track you?" Sawyer questioned. I nodded. "We should find a new location- they could be on their way here already." He urged. I shook my head.

"I'm not leaving." I told him bluntly. I was tired of running. I had been running since I was eighteen and now I was twenty-two and wanted to live. Freely.

"You can't be serious." Sawyer spoke like he was bewildered. Like he couldn't believe it. "You cannot give up. You are the last Dark Succubus. The only one born under the moon- Nous n'abandonnons pas." He spoke in French at the end, his eyes trying to show the urgency. (We don't give up.)

"I'm not giving up." I told him sternly, my eyes glowing towards him in anger. "Don't you go throwing the pressure of being the last on me. I'm not giving up. I'm tired. I don't want to run and hide anymore." I told him. Rebekah stayed silent, watching as Sawyer's eyes flashed blue at me. His emotions were stirring like mine were. "I didn't ask for this life." I added in frustration. All I wanted was my freedom. Freedom to live how I wished and not run every time I found a home.

"You don't want to run and hide anymore?! Then what the hell is the plan?? To hide behind some Vampires and Witches? That's still hiding, sis." He snapped. I couldn't believe how angry he was getting with me. It wasn't like us to fight. But I knew he felt the pressure of making sure I live. Father made him promise to protect me no matter what. "Father wouldn't be happy with this stupid plan of yours." He snarled at me. I stood up, throwing my hands up.

"Oh I'm sorry. Father wouldn't be happy with my plan? The father that hasn't been around in years? Left a kid to protect a kid." I rolled my eyes at him. "Quel genre de père laisse ses enfants ? Laisser une telle responsabilité à un si jeune enfant ? Vous a-t-il donné une idée de combien de temps cela durerait ? Vous rendez-vous compte que c'est un travail sans fin ? Un travail pour protéger quelqu'un qui veut juste vivre pleinement sa vie et profiter de son temps avec ses amis, sa famille." (What kind of father leaves his children? Leaving such responsibility on such a young child? Did he give you any idea how long this would go on for? Do you realize this is a never ending job? A job to protect someone who just wants to live her life to the fullest and enjoy her time with her friends- her family..) I snapped my eyes at Sawyer. "I just want to live freely. I want to feel freedom for a short period of time instead of running and hiding. That isn't living- that isn't freedom. C'est la prison. Pour quelque chose que je n'ai même pas signé." (It's Prison. For something I did not even sign up for.)

Sawyer stared at me, his eyes flashing from his glowing blue to his normal blue eyes. My jaw clenched and eyes set in a stern stare at the floor. I brought my eyes up to him, letting out a sigh.

"I'm going to bed."

"It's only six in the evening.." Rebekah spoke up finally. She seemed extremely uncomfortable, probably from the language jumping I had done. When I get super upset, I tend to forget what language I'm even speaking and will jump between them. I shrugged at her.

"I'm tired." I mumbled before walking away and letting the bedroom door slam shut behind me.

" I mumbled before walking away and letting the bedroom door slam shut behind me

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