Chapter XXV: Simple Passion✔️

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Kol held me in his arms as he kissed me. Our lips moved fervently against one another. My hands in his brown mess of hair as I felt the pain leaving me. Numbing as the healing was beginning. I pulled away slightly as Kol placed me down to remove my shorts, doing the same with his jeans.

"I hate that this has to be rushed." He muttered. I grabbed his face making him look at me. My eyes are glowing brightly.

"Don't rush." I told him softly, lifting his face so he would stand straight back up, pressing our lips together. Kol moved his hand up my thigh landing right on my hip only to give it a squeeze. I let out a slight moan causing my lips to part, giving him access to my mouth as his tongue dived in quickly. Swiping over my own tongue to encourage a dance. Humming into his mouth I leaned against him, only for Kol to drag his hands back down to my thigh and lift me up. I let out a soft grunt of pain as his strong torso pressed against the hole in my stomach. Kol pulled back some, concerned.

"No rush." Kol breathed out. Adjusting me so that he was pushing at my entrance. "Slow." He added as he slowly pressed into me. My lips parted at the feeling. A small gasp left me as he pushed his way into me. My heart was pounding at the agonizing slow speed he was going. Kol looked at me as he was buried deep into me. He leaned his forehead against mine as he let out a breath. My hands went behind his neck, pulling him to connect our lips. Kol let out a groan as he used his hands to lift me off of him slowly, moving his lips with mine as he did so. My fingers pulling at the brown locks of hair near his neck.

I moaned into his mouth as he pushed slowly back into me. The feeling of my skin threading itself back together was so far in my subconscious as he hit the beginning of my uterus. My hands pulled at his hair as the pleasure filled me. It was like a shock through my body each time he slowly tapped against my uterus. Like a cold current pulsing through me, causing my heart to beat quicker and my body to fill with adrenaline.

Kol moved his lips from mine, trailing along my jawline in open mouth kisses. Slow but certain. Filled with so much emotion that I didn't realize he had as he made it to my neck. My head tilted to the side to allow him better access. I could feel him trying to leave his mark without biting me. Sucking and kissing along my skin. A growl left his throat as he pulled back to see it healing in seconds.

"That's not fair, darlin'." He mumbled in between pants as he pulled out slightly and shoved himself a bit faster into me causing me to let out a shaky moan. "Suppose I'll just have to make sure you remember this another way." He breathed as he recaptured my lips. I whimpered against his lips from the force. He pulled out slowly only to slam into me fast causing me to let out a muffled scream against his lips. I felt the cold wall pressing behind me as Kol leaned me against it and started to move faster in and out of me. My hands pull at his hair as my moans and screams are muffled against his lips as his tongue slips into my mouth.

I felt the wall disappear as Kol moved me away from it, only to feel the softness of the bed under me as he laid us down. My back arching as his hands left my thighs and started to explore the rest of my body. His thumbs pressed into my skin as he ran them up my body. Over my stomach. Ribs. Right below my breast and that was when his hands followed the curves of them. A shaky breath leaving his lips as he pulled away from my lips.

His heated gaze staring into my steel eyes as he panted, rolling his hips against me. I could feel the coil inside of me tightening. Like when you take a spring and pull it apart. Right before it sprung back together- my walls shaking around him, pulsing and squeezing him tightly. That was when the spring was released, snapping back into place. I let out a loud moan as I could feel the heat flooding out of me. Enveloping Kol as he kept moving, his head tilting back as his face contorted into a look of pleasure. His hips jolted forward once more before I felt his release spreading throughout me. A groan left his lips as he jerked and jolted.

I laid my head back, panting. My heart is beating erratically. Kol snapped his gaze to me as he smiled down at me. His forehead met mine as he leaned down and kissed me gently. A knock on the bedroom door caused Kol to grab the throw blanket and pull it over us.

"Can you two speed it up in there. We have a traveler to deal with." I heard Klaus' voice from behind the door. I could hear the annoyance. Whether it was because he wasn't here and he felt bad or because I just had sex with his brother. I'm sure I'll find out soon- after I deal with the problem at hand. My brother.

 My brother

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