Chapter XXX: Difference between Bonds✔️

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I ended up in bed alone tonight. Kol telling me he was going to go feed. He didn't have to feed as often with having my blood in his system, but he still did it at least once to twice a week- or at least that was his plan. Klaus had even decided to go with him for company. Since he actually did need to feed.

This left me alone in the house with Finn and Elijah. Rebekah had decided to hit the shops late- although Klaus joked she probably only wanted to meet someone.

So that's where it left me. Laying in my bed, trying to sleep but failing miserably. I kept thinking about whether my brother would be alright on his own. Or Jeremy. He had promised to keep an eye on Sawyer for me. But I hadn't heard from either of them. I let out a huff of air as I sat up. There was no way I was getting any sleep right now, no matter how tired I am.

Getting out of bed and grabbing my robe, I go out into the kitchen to make something to eat. The lights were all out except for the study light which was dimmed. I grabbed two eggs out of the fridge and grabbed a solo cup so I didn't add to the dishes I had to clean before cracking them into the cup.

"What are you doing awake?" I snapped my head up to see Elijah standing in the archway of the kitchen. He was still in his fancy button up shirt and slacks- probably was relaxing in the study with a book when I disturbed him.

"I-uh I couldn't sleep." I told him as I sprinkled some salt into the eggs before whisking them with a fork. "I didn't mean to disturb you-"

"You didn't." He stopped me as his eyes watched what I was doing. "What are you making?" He questioned as I grabbed a small frying pan and threw a few cubes of butter into it, heating it up on medium low heat.

"Um a French Omelette." I felt awkward- mostly because I didn't understand what it was about him and his oldest brother. "It's stupid but um- It helps me sleep sometimes." Elijah smiled slightly, shaking his head.

"It's not stupid. Food is calming." He accepted as I kept whisking the egg even in the pan.

"Would you like one? I can-" I shook my head as I removed the pan from the heat and moved to grab two more eggs without him agreeing. Finishing the whisking of the egg in the pan before rolling it up and flipping it before sliding it onto a plate. Elijah walked over to the fridge grabbing some chives and walking over to me.

"I don't think I've ever had a French omelette." He admitted as he sprinkled some chopped chives on top of it. I raised my eyebrow at him and watched him as I started on my own omelette. Elijah took a bite of his omelette, humming in satisfaction.

"Elijah?" I asked, causing him to look up at me. "Do you- um." I paused, unsure how to ask him about this feeling without it being weird.

"Feel the bond between us?" Elijah finished for me, causing me to snap my eyes up to look at him. Nodding shyly. "No need to be shy. I didn't think Succubus could get shy."

"Well, I'm special." I told him with a slight laugh. Elijah shook his head with a slight chuckle.

"I suppose you are." He agreed. "And to answer your question- yes, I feel it." I nodded as I finished my omelette and leaned against the counter while I ate it.

"What do you make of it? It's not like what I have with your brothers- Kol and Klaus.. Which even with them- I have no clue.." I trailed off. Elijah nodded in agreement.

"I believe it's different from them." Elijah clarified as he took his plate to the sink and began to clean it before grabbing the frying pan. I tilted my head slightly. He glanced back at me before sighing. Probably seeing my confusion. "I want to protect you. Keep you safe like I do the rest of my family. But not just because you have a deal with the majority of them."

"You didn't take my blood." I pointed out making him nod.

"No I didn't." He agreed before turning towards me. "And yet, I wish to make sure you stay safe."

"So you see me like a sister?" Elijah nodded.

"Essentially." I smiled at him, feeling slightly relieved that I wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings. "No need to look so relieved." Elijah teased with a smirk. I laughed at him before sighing.

"I already don't know what to do with Kol and Klaus- I'm just relieved that you understand the protector bond we have between us. Does Finn understand as well, you think?" I asked him.

"He does." I snapped my gaze to see Finn sauntering in with a slight smile before opening the fridge for some chocolate milk. "Took me some time, but I figured it out."

"Perfect." I breathed.

"Now what's going on between you and our baby brothers?" Finn questioned as he drank from his glass. I looked at him shaking my head and laughing. He just sounded like a lady in a book club wanting the tea. Elijah raised his eyebrow at me, as if he too wanted to know.

"Well- I have no idea."


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