Chapter VIII: In the HEAT of the Moment✔

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Klaus held me up as he flashed to my bedroom, my face moving to his neck, kissing and biting at his skin and holding back the slight giggle from the speed he moved. Klaus sat down on the edge of my bed, holding me over him so I could straddle his lap. My mouth left his neck to press to his lips as his hands left my thighs to the buttons on my sweater. I let out a laugh as he got annoyed and just yanked the sweater open, buttons flying all over the room.

"I really liked that sweater." I mumbled against his lips, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. 

"I'll buy you a new one." He offered, before I bit his lips, pulling on it. "Hell, I'll buy you a whole wardrobe." He added, leaving my lips and pressing open mouth kisses along my jawline. I let out a sigh.

"This isn't us being together. You know that right?" I asked him, causing Klaus to pull back from my neck and look at me. "I'm not someone that can be tied down to one person." I explained when I saw him thinking. 

"I know that." He agreed, before moving to go back to my neck. I sighed at him, causing him to pull back and look at me again. "I do. I understand, love. Now let me ravish you." He breathed, recapturing my lips as his hands explored my bare torso. Moving upwards over my breasts before pushing my sweater off my shoulders slowly. I smiled against his lips, sliding my tongue into his mouth and trying to overpower his tongue. Moving my hips against him slowly before pulling my tongue from his mouth, his following mine into my mouth. Smirking, I wrapped my lips around his tongue, sucking on it gently causing him to groan.

Klaus pulled back, looking at me with his dark ocean eyes before lowering his lips to my collarbone. Kissing along the top of my breast before grabbing my hips and moving me to grind against him. A moan bubbling in my throat before I felt a breeze as Klaus flipped us around, lowering me down onto the bed and hovering over me. His lips never left my skin as he kissed along my chest. When his tongue swirled around my nipple, my back arched. Everywhere his lips or tongue touched, felt like it was igniting a fire in his trail.

My skin was buzzing and I'm sure he was feeling it too since his eyes kept flashing between the ocean blue to the yellow eyes of his hybrid side. My body fed off of his touch. His desire. Energy flooded through me as I felt his fingers pulling at my jean shorts, pulling the button undone and sliding them down. Not once did he remove his eyes from mine. Not when he removed my shorts. Not when he removed my underwear. And not when his tongue laid flat against my folds and dragged upwards. 

The extreme eye contact would have been weird coming from anyone else, but from Klaus, it was sexy. Like he didn't want to miss a single reaction from me. Like I was the greatest piece of art in the museum.

"Oh-" I moaned as my head fell back against the mattress. Klaus smirked against me, his tongue flicking against my clit before spearing passed my fold and into me. My lips parted as my stomach seemed to tighten at the pleasure buildup. My eyes closed for a second before I looked back down at Klaus. His thumb rolled over my clit as he moved his tongue inside of my core. Heat spreads throughout me. 

His tongue left me, causing me to whimper before his finger slid into me. His lips wrapping around my clit, sucking on it and flicking his tongue over it. One finger turned into two before a third was inserted. My moans leaving my lips were uncontrollable before I felt a snapping feeling. My walls pulsing around his fingers as I leaned back, eyes rolling back and toes curling as my orgasm flooded around his fingers as he kept pumping them in and out of me. As my high came to a close, Klaus removed his fingers, sucking on them for a moment before his eyes matched mine. 

"Your eyes are glowing." He breathed as he licked his lips. I blinked a few times as I breathed to try and calm my heart down. 

"They usually- glow during and about a-an hour after." I panted as he smirked at me, standing up and sliding his jeans and briefs off. Before moving to hover over me. 

"Does it burn? They look like fire." He asked, head tilted to the side somewhat. It was an honest question. The times I've been asked. With humans, I would use my power of persuasion to make them not notice my eyes. 

"No, they're not actually on fire." I told him with a smile and a raised eyebrow. Klaus shook his head and rolled his eyes at me. "It's a way to show that I'm feeding or my emotions. Extreme anger, sadness, stress..."

"Are you saying I'm making you extremely horny, love?" Klaus asked me. His length pressed against me, begging to enter.

"Or I'm becoming extremely annoyed that you are teasing me right now." I told him with a stern look. Klaus let out a laugh before slamming himself into me. A loud, drawn out moan left my lips only for his lips to muffle it. I lost count how many times he brought me over the edge. But I knew that he was definitely right. I wouldn't be walking for days. At least- I wouldn't be if I wasn't a Succubus who could heal through intimate exchanges.

 At least- I wouldn't be if I wasn't a Succubus who could heal through intimate exchanges

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