Chapter XLIII: Family

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I was sitting on the sofa in the living room. My head in my hands as I tried to process what my father had just told me.

"I thought that finding your soulmate was rare-" I tried to process. Percival nodded from where he was sitting in a chair.

"It is.. Thats why Dark Succubus were always easy to kill. But there was always a chance they could have found them. And now you have.." I ran my hands over my face before lifting my head to look at my father. Klaus and Kol were seated next to me with Sawyer in a different chair with Caroline in his lap.

"And I need to be claimed by them- but how will that protect me? My powers can't be that great." I muttered, trying to figure out how he was seeing things.

"When a soulmate is bonded together- their life forces intertwine. Thats why our kind is normally mated or claimed by other supernatural beings instead of humans." I looked at him confused as Klaus decided to speak up.

"Intertwine? Does that make Sadie become a Hybrid too?" He questioned Percival.

"Not exactly. Just your life force becomes one- not your abilities or lifestyle. Niklaus, isn't it? How durable would you say you are? If a witch came at you or say another vampire?"

"They wouldn't stand a chance." Klaus said simply, like it was obvious.

"Exactly! Because of how strong you are- how able you are at staying alive- it passes to Sadie as well. She will become as durable as an Original." My father explained. My brain felt like it was going to explode.

"But the travelers could still come for me- they don't care how durable I am. They just want me dead." Kol placed his hand on my knee, trying to keep me calm. I glanced at him, offering a small smile in thanks.

"No, they won't come find you. Once you are mated- your Succubus aura dissipates. You will seem like a Vampire or Wolf. The only way they would know who you actually are is if you told them or fed from them- which you wouldn't be able to anyway since you would be claimed." I stared at him, dumbfounded.

"So if I let Kol and Klaus bite me- I just disappear from their trackers? Like I don't even exist? Why didn't we just look for my mates then? Why did I spend my whole life running and hiding- risking everyone's life around me."

"It wasn't that easy, Sades. You said it yourself- Soulmates are rare. You were lucky. Sawyer was lucky. I, I was lucky." Percival admitted. I nodded. "This is great news though- You get your life back. I can come home, we can be a family again-"

"No." I interrupted him. He looked at me, confused and hurt. My eyes narrowed in on him, showing the pain I had felt my whole life- the anger. "We are not family. Sawyer, is my family. Kol and Klaus, they are my family. Finn and Elijah- they are my family. Jeremy and Caroline, Bonnie and Rebekah- They are my family. But you? No." I shook my head as I felt my jaw tighten with the emotional build up. "They never left me. They never let me be in danger or feel unwanted. Sawyer never once made me feel like it was my fault that mom died." Percival's jaw tightened as his eyes flashed red. Pain in his eyes.

"Your mother died so you could live-"

"My mother died so I could run. So I would hide in the shadows and pray for some kind of change." I spoke up. "But why did you leave? So Sawyer would have to grow up quickly? So I would be parentless- so Sawyer could be? So you wouldn't be burdened with seeing me grow up and become someone when your soulmate couldn't? Face it, Percival, you left because you blamed me." My father flinched when his name left my mouth. It came out harsh and rude. Caroline moved to sit in front of me, grabbing my hand as Sawyer stood up.

"I think it would be best if you left." He said, his blue eyes looking at his father. Father looked at him, flabbergasted. "You did what you needed too- you told her how to live. Now I think you have used up your hospitality."

"You invited me here!" Percival exclaimed, obviously angered and trying to make it so he could stay.

"That was until I knew you let my sister be claimed forcibly. Before I knew what she went through as you watched from the bushes." Klaus stood up, his eyes yellow.

"I think Sawyer and Sadie have spoken. You should leave before you make me do something I'll regret." He growled as Percival stood up.

"This is ridiculous. This is MY house. I lived here for century's!! You can't just think I'll leave." I stood up this time, my eyes narrowed.

"This Was your house. Now it's mine. And you will leave now." The air ran thick as I had a stare off with my father. Red meeting Orange. My jaw ticking in place as I held my ground. Seconds went by before Percival let out a harsh sigh.

"Fine. I'll go. But don't think I'll come back if you end up needing me." Kol snorted.

"I doubt they will need you." He muttered as Percival made his leave. Slamming the door behind him harshly. I took in a sharp breath as my eyes returned to normal. Eyes snapping to me in an instant.

"You okay, love?" Klaus questioned as he stepped in front of me. Sawyer went to lock our door. I nodded slowly.

"As okay as I could ever be, I guess."


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